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open-hardware-platform-guide What is a Hardware Platform? - Definition, Types and More

Open-source hardware OSH consists of physical artifacts of technology designed and offered by the open-design movement. Both free and open-source software FOSS and open-source hardware are created by this open-source culture movement and apply a open hardware platform guide concept to a variety of components. It is sometimes, thus, referred to as FOSH free and open-source hardware.

The term usually means that information about the hardware is easily discerned so that others can make it — coupling it closely to the maker movement. The original sharer gains feedback and potentially improvements on the design from the FOSH community. There is now significant evidence that such sharing can open hardware platform guide a high return on investment for the scientific community. Since the rise of reconfigurable open hardware platform guide logic devicessharing of logic designs has been a form of open-source hardware.

Instead of the schematics, hardware description language HDL code is shared. HDL modules, when distributed, are called semiconductor intellectual property coresalso known as IP cores.

Open-source hardware also helps alleviate the issue of proprietary device drivers for the free and open-source software community, however, open hardware platform guide is not a pre-requisite for it, and should not be confused with the concept of open documentation for proprietary hardware, which is already sufficient for writing FLOSS device drivers and complete operating systems.

The first hardware focused " open source " activities were started around by Bruce Perenscreator of the Open Source Definitionco-founder of the Open Source Initiativeand a ham radio operator. He launched the Open Hardware Certification Program, which had the goal of allowing hardware manufacturers to self-certify their products as open. Shortly after the launch of the Open Hardware Certification Program, David Freeman announced the Open Hardware Specification Project OHSpecanother attempt at licensing hardware components whose interfaces are available publicly and of creating an entirely new computing platform as an alternative to proprietary computing systems.

However, most of these activities faded out open hardware platform guide a few years. The FreeIO project advocated the concept of Free Hardware and proposed four freedoms that such hardware provided to users, based on the similar freedoms provided by free software licenses. Martin's projects attracted a variety of hardware and software developers as well as other volunteers.

Development of new open hardware designs at FreeIO ended in when Martin died of pancreatic cancer but the existing designs remain available from the organization's website. By the mid s open-source hardware again became a hub of activity due to the emergence of several major open-source hardware projects and companies, such as OpenCoresRepRap 3D printingArduinoAdafruit and SparkFun.

InPerens reactivated the openhardware. Following the Open Graphics Projectan effort to design, implement, and manufacture a free and open 3D graphics open hardware platform guide set and reference graphics card, Timothy Miller suggested the creation of an organization to safeguard the interests of the Open Graphics Project community. Raymond expressed some concerns about certain aspects of the OHL and decided to not review the license.

Around in context of the Freedom Defined project, the Open Hardware Definition was created as collaborative work of many [14] and is accepted as of by dozens of organizations and companies.

Javier Serrano, an engineer at CERN's Beams Department and the founder of the Open Hardware Repository, explained: "By sharing designs openly, CERN expects to improve the quality of designs through peer review and to guarantee their users — including commercial companies — the freedom to study, modify and manufacture them, leading to better hardware and less duplication of efforts". Following the Open Hardware Summit, and open hardware platform guide heated debates on licenses and what constitutes open-source hardware, Bruce Perens abandoned the OSHW Definition and the concerted efforts of those involved with it.

FSF's Replicant project suggested in an alternative "free hardware" definition, derived from the FSF's four freedoms. The term hardware in open-source hardware has been historically used in opposition to the term software of open-source software.

That is, to refer to the electronic hardware on which the software runs see previous section. However, as more and more non-electronic hardware products are made open source for example Wikihouse, OpenBeam or Hovalinthis term tends to be used back in its broader sense of "physical product".

The field of open-source hardware has been shown to go beyond electronic hardware and to cover a open hardware platform guide range of product categories such as machine tools, open hardware platform guide and open hardware platform guide equipment. Due to a mixture open hardware platform guide privacy, security, and environmental concerns, a number of projects have started that aim to deliver a variety of open-source computing devices.

Several retrocomputing hobby groups have created numerous recreations or adaptations of the early home computers of open hardware platform guide s and 80s, some of which include improved functionality and more modern components such as surface-mount ICs and SD card readers.

Miniaturised recreations of vintage computers have also been created. Electronics is one of the most popular types of open-source hardware. There are many companies that provide large varieties of open-source electronics such as SparkfunAdafruit and Seeed. In addition, there are NPOs and companies that provide a specific open-source electronic component such as the Arduino electronics prototyping open hardware platform guide. There are many examples of specialty open-source electronics such as low-cost voltage and current GMAW open-source 3-D printer monitor [34] [35] and a robotics-assisted mass spectrometry assay platform.

A large range of open-source mechatronic products have been developed including mechanical components, machine tools, vehicles, musical instruments, and medical equipment. Examples of open source medical equipment include open-source ventilatorsthe echostethoscope echOpen and a wide range of prosthetic hands listed in the review study by Ten Kate et. Rather than creating a new license, some open-source hardware projects use existing, free and open-source software licenses.

Later, several new licenses were proposed, designed to address issues specific to hardware design. Despite superficial similarities to software licensesmost hardware licenses are fundamentally different: by nature, they typically rely more heavily on patent law than on copyright law, as many hardware designs are not copyrightable.

The Open Source Hardware Association recommends seven open hardware platform guide which follow their open-source hardware definition. Organizations tend to rally around a shared license.

The adjective "open-source" not only refers to a specific set of freedoms open hardware platform guide to a product, but also generally presupposes open hardware platform guide the product is the object or the result of a "process that relies on the open hardware platform guide of geographically dispersed developers via the Internet. One of the major differences between open hardware platform guide open-source software and developing open-source hardware is that hardware results in tangible outputs, which cost money to prototype and manufacture.

As a result, the phrase "free as in speech, not as in beer", [61] more formally known as Gratis open hardware platform guide Libredistinguishes between the idea of zero cost and the freedom to use and modify information. While open-source hardware faces challenges in minimizing cost and reducing financial risks for individual project developers, some community members have proposed models to address these needs [62] Given this, there are initiatives to develop sustainable community funding mechanisms, such as the Open Source Hardware Central Bank.

Extensive discussion has taken place on ways to make open-source hardware as accessible as open-source software. Providing clear and detailed product documentation is an essential factor facilitating product replication and collaboration in hardware development projects. Practical guides have been developed to help practitioners to do so. The process of developing open-source hardware in a community-based setting is alternatively called open designopen source development [66] or open source product development.

See here for a delineation of these terms. A major contributor to the production of open-source hardware product designs is the scientific community. There has been considerable work to produce open hardware platform guide hardware for scientific hardware using a combination of open hardware platform guide electronics and 3-D printing. Circuit Cellar magazine organizes some of these contests.

A guide has been published Open-Source Lab book by Joshua Pearce on using open-source electronics and 3D printing to make open-source labs.

Today, scientists are creating many such labs. Examples include:. Open hardware companies are experimenting with business models. For example, to accelerate development and technical innovation, the photovoltaic industry has experimented with partnerships, franchises, secondary supplier and completely open-source models.

Recently, many open-source hardware projects were funded via crowdfunding on Indiegogo or Kickstarter. Especially popular is Crowd Supply for crowdfunding open hardware projects. Richard Stallmanthe founder of the free software movement, was in skeptical on the idea and relevance of free hardware his terminology for what is now known as open-source hardware.

Other authors, such as Professor Joshua Pearce have argued there is an ethical imperative for open-source hardware — specifically with respect to open-source appropriate technology for sustainable development.

It has featured many examples of applications of open-source hardware for scientific purposes. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hardware from the open-design movement. Free and open-source software portal. Free Software Foundation Inc. Science and Public Policy. Open Documentation for Hardware. OpenCON2—3 December Debian Announce List. Archived from the original on Retrieved CS1 maint: archived copy as title link.

Open Source Hardware Definition. Freedom Defined. Promoting Open Hardware. Open Hardware — Constitution. Open Hardware. The freedom to study how the hardware works, and change it so it works as you wish. Access to the hardware design source is a precondition for this. The freedom to redistribute copies of the hardware and its design so you can help your neighbor.

The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the hardware design source is a precondition for this". Journal of Open Hardware. ISSN Open Source Hardware Association. Vintage Computer Forum. Journal of Sensors. Robotics-assisted mass spectrometry assay platform enabled by open-source electronics.

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 64, p. Dual robotic arm "production line" mass spectrometry assay guided by multiple Arduino-type microcontrollers. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemicalp. Analystp. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 88, p. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology.

Oct 11,  · Arduino is a free hardware platform (Open Hardware). So, based on an Atmel AVR microcontroller [i], in particular, the ATmega8, ATmega , ATmega and the ATmega, with several digital and analog input and output ports. The Open Compute Project (OCP) is reimagining hardware, making it more efficient, flexible, and scalable. Join our global community of technology leaders working together to break open the black box of proprietary IT infrastructure to achieve greater choice, customization, and cost savings. Dec 27,  · The Open Hardware Monitor supports most hardware monitoring chips found on todays mainboards. The CPU temperature can be monitored by reading the core temperature sensors of Intel and AMD processors. The sensors of ATI and Nvidia video cards as well as SMART hard drive temperature can be displayed.

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