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Open Hardware Fast High Resolution Laser Manual,Mortise And Tenon Jig For Drill Press File,Fein Turbo 1 Vacuum 07,16mm Indexable Lathe Tools Kit - Videos Download

open-hardware-fast-high-resolution-laser-manual Third party open hardware fast high resolution laser manual integration The GitHub repo contains libraries for integrating Helios support in your software. The rest would be very similar and easy to implement for a skilled observer, see TNO's description or Hull's description. The solution was to pass the beam through two rotating [octagonal] germanium prisms, one horizontal and one vertical, see Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics, A. Other options are laser scanning fluorence microscopy, Raman microscope and in vivo resoluion with HiLO microscopy. Often the government throws away the result if unsuccessful, if it was open source one could at least learn something. I think the process is too slow due to insufficient laser power for large scale production.

Third party software integration The GitHub repo contains libraries for integrating Helios support in your software. NET libraries are also coming soon. The driver depends on libusb. You can use the included binaries, or you can build your own. You can find the libusb source for that on their website, linked earlier in this paragraph. Hardware and firmware modification The hardware and firmware source are also found in the GitHub repository linked above.

The PCB is drawn in Kicad. Note that the hardware is under a non-commercial license. I created an open-hardware project and got part of my inspiration while working for the Dutch State TNO. The core idea is that a laser bundle is moved by rotating a prism. The Dutch state got a patent for a plurality of laser bundles but not for a single laser bundle. For the printed circuit board application, it founded LDI Systems in This failed and they wasted multiple million tax dollars.

I only spent 10K dollars on a working system and paid taxes. I thought they would leave it there. I have contacted NWO in this regard as I don't see how the original issues can be solved. I also wonder how much "own" money is brought in company is largely owned by the Dutch State. A company is not subject to tender law but the government is.

As such the company might be use to circumvent it. I am also not aware of employees in this company and know they contacted an optical consultancy. But I think is strange the state is still sponsoring this project.

Hackaday gave me 3K and the Dutch states gives a chosen business developer 45K to explore their failed project. That's not really fair and in that sense the state it is sponsoring "closed hardware". Often the government throws away the result if unsuccessful, if it was open source one could at least learn something.

Anyhow, I filed an official complaint and have talked to NWO. Links are no longer online, you can still find it in Google Cache. NWO stated it updated its website. Although, I do not plan to participate in the Hackaday Prize It is inspiring to look for sustainable applications of laser technology.

In , the United Nations set up a campaign for sustainable fashion. Most of the clothes are manufactured in Asia. This process requires a lot of water and produces toxic waste. Luckily, Dr. Laura Morgan , looked for ways to dye textile with lasers, see her extensive PhD thesis.

In her laser experiments, Dr. Morgan uses 2 Joules per square centimeter. Results are improved with multiple passes, e. A carbon dioxide laser is used in her experiments. She also shows other applications; fading linen, increasing the absorption of wool and applying 3D texture via heat distortion. I think textile coloring could be a nice angle for the Hexastorm.

If I have the time, I will do some experiments with a nm laser at 10W. This is much safer than a carbon dioxide laser as infrared light is invisible. The process still requires a washing step but the chemicals involved are a lot less dangerous than the chemicals used for PCBs. The application I see is adding patterns to existing products. I think the process is too slow due to insufficient laser power for large scale production.

Which brings me to an update of my current progress. I have made a new board as I made a mistake in the previous board. I also wrote new software, this has so far only been tested virtually. I placed the ICE40 chip on the board with drag soldering.

The other components you can hand solder except for the oscillator which requires hot air used AYOUE and paste. In the next iteration, I plan to use mainly hot air it is much faster. Used TS as a soldering iron, the Loctice GC10 for paste, flux and some desoldering wire to get the solder on the TQ component right. Biggest headache is that I didn't realize I had to send a wake up packet to the flash ram. I tried the python script ice zero prog to flash the memory but it didn' t work; turns out the wake up packet is implemented in icezprog but not in the old python script OMG!

Also found out the board has too many caps and resistors, icezero uses less see schema. View all 68 project logs. Create an account to leave a comment.

Would this work? Are you sure? No it wouldn't work.. I am not shipping out prism at the moment as they r not balanced yet working on this. I am also working on a FPGA toolchain, will post an update on my progress here soon. Can you recommend a specific polygon motor module on alibaba? I don't know if there are any differences and I'd like to order one. It uses the NBC chip. I had problems with other motors. Make sure you buy at least 2, although they are quite hard to break.

Dude, this is some pretty awesome work. I'd love to help refine some of the manufacturing and board designs, let me know how I can best help. There are two other people who have shown interest. I need at least 10 people to do a run as I have to buy the prisms in bulk. Turn around time would be significant. Producing the prism takes at least a month. I am fixing the low hanging fruits at the moment. It is hard to help with these as you Open Hardware Fast High Resolution Laser Size don't have a laser head.

I am building a new one but there is still only one in the world Things you could look in to;. This task seems rather complicated but I guess this knowledge could be really help full. The statemachine now runs on pru of the beaglebone and is limited at around 2 MHz. You could also try to figure this out with a regular polygon motor. Add an imbalance and try to analyze this. Remove this problem, optimize the code. In the mean time, I am cleaning up the code, building a second head and still have to do more experiments.

I am also waiting for news on the hackaday prize. That's also why I have been quiet on the blog. I'm wondering if there isn't a BLDC motor that could be substituted for the polygon motor, hopefully something that is more available.

And then I'd need an encoder. I'll take a look at this, although I suspect going greater than 20k rpm requries air bearings and a custom design. The rectangular prism does seem to be a challenge. I'll let you worry about that. Out of curiosity, do you know how much it'd cost for a custom order? An FPGA should be able to handle the state machine.

It might be overkill though. The ICE40 may be better and cheaper. I might be in the minority in that I'm not sure this is a huge priority, as your electronics are pretty cheap. It's probably a pretty significant time sync to rewrite the assembly for the PRUs into a state machine. I suspect someone else might be better suited for that.

At work, we have specifications for balancing motors for EVs. The most relevant standard is ISO Let me know if that's useful for you. Usually a balancing machine is used to detect vibrations while the part is rotated. They're pretty rare and fairly expensive though. They do make some simple ones for balancing quadcopter props you could look into. Usually you have to add or remove material in a specific spot to make it work.

I already have some of the parts you've used. Perhaps it won't be as hard to duplicate some version of this as I expect. Rotating polygon mirrors are produced in the tens of thousands. Motors can handle up to RPM. This is more than what is needed at the moment, RPM, as the beaglebone can't go faster. A mems mirror can also be slow and does not have constant speed. The mirror has to slow down at the end of sweep and revert direction.

All the players both in the photo-polymer and the PCB market with laser direct imaging use either galvo scanner or rotating mirrors, e. Formlabs, Envisiontec, Orbotech and Manz. Rotating mirror can go very fast. I have even seen high speed camera with mirrors rotating at 1.

It was more like kpps. Galvos that push k points have only become available in the last years. Good point! The system is indeed discretized in one direction. Still it requires as a scan lens, e. All players in both the photopolymer and the pcb laser direct imaging market use either galvo scanners or rotating mirrors for example; orbotech, manz, envisiontec and formlabs. Formlabs ditched the xy galvo scanner for a galvo raster scanner in the form 3.

I have seen polygon scanners reach speeds of 1. For instance the Cordin Model HD reaches a speed of revolutions per second and is used as a high speed camera. That would be a disgrace. Otherwise i see no upside to rotating prisms relative to rotating mirrors, just downsides such as higher weight, chromaticity, absorption,….

Interesting points. Disadvantages are indeed that light of different colors refracts differently and the reflection of light when it goes from one medium to the other. Quartz does absorb light but this is irrelevant here.

The main losses are due to reflection. This can be minimized by coating the glass.

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