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jet-planes-normally-fly-in-the-lower-part-of-the-file Afterwards you could expand your notes into full sentences. Northrop offered the P Cobra, which was similar to the YF Bibcode : aga. B They were devjasitaited. Complete their two fashion rules. Practise using 'fillers' to give yourself time to think. It was as if I was seeing the young people inside them.

Write a word short story. Answer the questio n s with a partner. To do what? The press national newspapers local papers sports papers. How often? What was the last book you read? Why did you choose to read it? What are you reading at the moment? Do you have a favourite author or authors? What's the best book you've read recently? When did you stop? Did you have a favourite children's book? Do you ever Graded Readers.

It seemed a silly waste of effort to eat only one thing at a time. H er husband's surprise turned to delight. Yo u've always hated guns. Susan had been more angry than scared when she was ro bbed that night. H e hadn't hurt her much, just a light knock on the head with his gun before he took her purse. It was only a little injury added to the greater insult. She was so angry about it! Fifty hard-earned dollars gone, just gone!

I have to work hours to earn that much money, and he comes along and takes it just like that! That was a bit of an exaggeration. True, she did have a jo b as a receptionist in a sales office, but she didn't exactly work hard for her money. Oh, she was at work for eight ho urs every day, and she smiled at all the customers, and her bosses liked her, most people liked her.

But there was more work that didn't get done than did. As she was always saying to her friends, ' Oh, well, you know me Now listen to Part 2. Then answer the questions with a partner. It had been one of the Superman films and Susan felt inspired. Stan would not have approved of her going to the movies alone, especially not back to the place where she was robbed. But he was away and she'd taken all those self-defense lessons.

Now she knew a thing or two. A group of dark bushes were between her and her car. She walked confidently straight through them, then she stopped. She bent down slightly, and turned to look carefully behind her. She saw the man before he saw her. Everything she'd learned in her classes went through her mind: she looked at his walk, the look on his shadowed face, the object in his hands.

Her breathing got quicker. She thought of the hours she'd worked to earn those fifty dollars, and of the so-and-so who had stolen it from her so easily. She took from her pocket the little gun that Stan had taught her to use.

T hen, just as the man walked past the bushes, she jumped behind him so he couldn't see her. How does Susan feel about shooting? According to the instructor, who is the typical victim of a mugging? What kind of person does the mugger avoid? How does the instructor recommend they should walk in order to look tough and confident? How does the instructor say they can recognize a mugger? What did he teach them in the previous two classes? What surprises Jet Planes Normally Fly In The Lower Part Of The Dash Up Stan about Susan? What effect did watching Superman have on Susan?

What does she mean by 'the scene of the crime' in paragraph two? What did she think about when she saw the man? Look at the highlighted words and phrases and try to work out their meaning from the context. In pairs, discuss what you think happened, and what Susan is going to do in the future.

Do you like the way the story ended? Did it end the way you expected? Remember that the more you read, the more vocabulary you learn, and the better your English will become. Julia Eccleshare is a well-known British journalist and writer on the subject of children's books. She has been children's book editor for t he Guardian newspaper since She regularly appears as a judge or Chair of judges on some of the major children's book prizes, and is particularly interested in how to encourage children and young people to read.

Julia was awarded the Eleanor Farjeon Prize in in recognition of her outstanding contribution to children's books. She has four children and lives in London. W hy does she m ention these four books? Say why the F sentences are false. Glossary a teen anthem a song which young people strongly ident ify with.

Here Julia uses the expression to describe a novel. I think, there's a lot of, of talk about how children learn to read and all of this but , and what strategy might be best, but actually what makes a reader.. Everybody is going to read both. I know you can do both, but most people don't.. I loved because it just offered a really detailed other world, to just into.. Practise using 'fillers' to give yourself time to think.

Why did you like it so much? When and where? W hat do you think it means? Then do the questionnaire and add up your score. Explain why you do or don't do these things. See wh at your score means. D o you agree with it? I turned on the shower, intending to get straight in even though the water takes a while to warm up. But then I decided to brush my teeth, and suddenly the water had been running for over two minut es. By the time I got in, I was drowning in eco-guilt! I had wasted water..

I have a reusable shopping bag made of recyclable materials, which I always use when I'm shopping. They can be recycled, can't they?

I use a towel for several days before I put it in the washing machine. I'm allergic to cold water, so I have to leave the shower to run for a while b efore I get in. I need a hot bath every day to relax. I never leave the water running when I brush my teeth, nor before getting into the shower.

I never buy fruit and vegetables at supermarkets. I buy organic fruit and vegetables in markets or small shops. I sometimes recycle glass b ottles, especially after a part y! But t hat's probably all. I wal k, use public transport or cycle because I can't afford to buy a car. So how guilty should you feel? Below 0: You should feel very guilty.

Read some predictions that have been made about the next 20 years. Which ones do you think. Learn more about the future perfect and the continuous, and practise them. At home Most people will have installed solar panels or wind turbines on their houses or blocks of flats to generate their electricity. Cars that use a lot of petrol e. Low-cost airlines wi ll have disappeared and flights will be much more expensive.

The weather Temperatures worldwide will have risen even further. Many ski resorts will have closed because of a lack of winter snow and some beaches and holiday resorts will have disappeared completely. We will be having even more extreme weather, and heatwaves, hurricanes, floods, etc. Paper books will no longer be produced to save trees from being cut down, and all books will be electronic. Fresh water wi ll be runn in g out in many parts of the world and we wi ll be getting much of our water from the sea through desalination plants.

We often use definitely, probably, and likely I unlikely when talking about the future, especially when we are making predictions. I think. W hat does it say about British weather? Would it be true about your country? I t is commonly observed,' wrote Dr Johnson in , 'that w hen two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather; they are in haste to tell each other, what each must already know, that it is hot or cold, bright or cloudy, windy or calm.

A survey published earlier this year found that the average British person mentions t he weather at least once every six hours, and that 70 per cent of us check the weather forecast every day, even when nothing unusual is happening.

On television and in the newspapers, experts argued earnestly over what such extreme weather meant, and if t here was even a term for it. While many called it an Indian summer, the 15 Met Office ruled that it couldn't be properly called an Indian summer, which only occurs 'as a warm spell in autumn, especially in October and November'. The BBC's main weatherman also agreed t hat the heat had arrived a bit too early to be described as an Indian summer. At wh at time of year was the article written?

W h at is an Indian summer? Underline the sentence or part of the article that gives you the answer. Indian summer has different names across the globe. Other countries have their own names - in Russia it's an 'Old Ladies' summer'; in Bulgaria a 'Gipsy summer'; and in China a 'Tiger autumn'. But the big difference between the British and other nationalit ies is that they talk about Indian summers much more.

People use weather-talk to facilitate social interaction. Talking to our next-door neighbours over the fence, we, as a nation, are reluctant to make such uncomfortable confessions as ' I can't stand your children', or 'I'm passionately in love with your wife'.

It's far easier to say, ' I think we'll be having rain over the weekend'. W ith a partner, say what you thin k they mean. D o you have an expression for Indian summer in your language?

D o people in your country often talk about the weather? Glossary Dr Johnson a very influential 18th century wr iter and editor the Met Office the UK's national weather service. Spelling and pronunciation Most vowels, or combinations of vowels, can be pronounced in more than one way. If you are unsure what the vowel sound is in a new word, check with your dictionary.

Listen once. Which speaker D got quite stressed because of the weather D really enjoyed themselves in spite of the bad weather. Does the weather affect your mood? What do you like doing when the weather is bad? In what ways has climate change affected the weather in your country?

Modifiers with strong adjectives When you are talking about extreme situations, e. It was incredibly cold, extremely hot, unbelievably windy, etc. It's boiling here - 40 degrees, It's freezing today, etc. It was absolutely freezing. The midday heat was absolutely scorching. It's a bit too hot. It's rather chilly today. Where were you and what were you doing?

What did you do to protect yourself from the weather? Did you ever feel scared or in danger? What sort of dream would it be for you? Have you ever done any dangerous sports or activities? Did you enjoy them? Would you do them again? How many of the speakers consider themselves risk takers?

What examples of risks do the speakers say they would take, or have taken? What things wouldn't they do? Do you identify with any of the speakers? A interview B with the questions in the red circles. For each circle, write R if you think that in that area B is prepared to take risks. Then B interview A with the blue circles. In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. Look at what you have written in the circles.

Which of you is the bigger risk taker? Have you ever done something dramatically different to " your appearance, e. How did you feel immediately afterwards? Do you have any habits that you know are not good for your health?

Have you ever tried to give up the habits? Do you worry about them? Do you walk by yourself late at night or get ',, Do you drive a car or ride a motorbike? Do you ever go really fast and break the speed limit? Do you normally take out insurance when you travel? If you are travelling somewhere, do you normally get to the station or airport with plenty of time or at the last minute? Would you go on holiday abroad on your own? If my dad fin s oun I've been hitchhiking, When you're crossing the road in the UK, As soon as ['ve passed my driving test, If it's still raining this afternoon, W hen I've ooked the flights, If you don't ask her to pay you back, If[ 'm not feeling better tomorrow, If you carry on with the diet,.

A you'fl have lost ten kilos by C hristmas. B he'll be furious. C I'm going to buy a car. D make sure you look righ t and then left. E she'llnave forgotten she borrowed it.

F we can start looking for hotels. G we're calling off the match. H I won't be going to work. In first conditional sentences and future time clauses, wh at form s or tenses can you use a after if, when, etc. D o the m ain clauses refer to a som ething which m ight be a con sequence of the if-clause, or b som ething which is always a consequence of the if-clause? If people drive when they are tired, they often have accidents. If roads are wet or icy, the number of accidents goes up.

Do you think you would go out with? Learn more ab out conditionals and future time clauses, and practise them. Have you ever cheated in an exam? Were you worried about getting caught? Would you ever cheat in a very important exam? Do you normally start revising for an exam in good time, or do you leave it until the last minute? Don't let children play near a swimm ing pool unless.. Never leave a dog locked up in a car if. Keep a first aid kit in your house in case Children shouldn't be left alone in the house until.

Always unplug electrical appliances e. Always keep medicines in a safe place in case.. Don't allow strangers into your house unless. If you are fr ying something and the oil catches fire, If we rent a house in the mountains, will you come skiing wit h us?

How much do you think it'll cost? I don't finish work until 7. B I'll wait for you until 7. D o you know how fast you were going? How did you feel? Can you explain the title? Read the article once and answer the question s. A the speeders are asked to explain why they were stopped and to give details of any accidents they 've had B so before leaving, each of them is given a metal key ring engraved with a cross -section of a head inside a helmet.

D although other people get injured and even die, 'It's not going to happen to me' E the class to write down their worst experience on the road, their potential risk areas, and what they need to remember to keep themselves alive.

W ith a partner, use your own words to say wh at they m ean. Not the drug, but a mixture that is just as powerful - an intoxicating combination of high-powered engines, test osterone and youth. It's the buzz you get when you go fast. But if you regularly drive at mph kph on a public road, sooner or later you're going to get caught, and today John is one of a dozen speeders attending a new programme designed to cure them of their need for speed. At the beginning of the course the participants are asked to introduce themselves and admit that they have a problem.

There are courses for both car drivers and motorcyclist s. Today's course, which is for motorcyclists, is led by Inspector Robin Derges, a police officer who is a senior investigator of road deaths and a keen biker himself. They range in age from 18 to mid-forties and most were caught doing at least 20mph 36kph over the speed limit. Oerges gets straight to the point.

Unless something changes, if we meet up here in a year's time, one of you will be dead. It's not about stopping people from enjoying riding, it 's about preventing deaths. Glossary speed noun the rate at which something moves or travels speed noun informal an illegal amphetam ine drug points on your licence in the UK and many other countr ies if you com mit a driving offence you may get penalty points on your licence.

If you get more than 12 points in th ree years , you ca n be ban ned from driving. Standing in the car park at the end of the course, the bikers seem to have taken everything they have heard very seriously.

John admits 'It's certainly made me more aware. I know I sometimes behave like. But that's not to say I won't forget all about it in a few weeks' time. It is t o rem ind them of a part of the course that explained what can happen to the brain in a collision. Adapted from The Sunday Times. Before you listen, choose which you think is the right option, a, b, or c. Compare with a partner and give reasons for your choice. What do the highlighted phrases with take mean?

Which one is a phrasal verb? It's sensation-seeking, it's taking risks Expressions with take 1 take care of 2 take advantage of 3 take part in 4 take place 5 take your time 6 take into account Phrasal verbs with take 7 take after 8 take off 9 take up c. Complete the questions with a phrasal verb or expression from b. Then ask and answer with a partner. Give examples to explain your answers. Giving examples We often use for example or for instance to give examples.

I take after my mother, for example I for instance we both have the same sense of humour. I just need another five minutes. Complete with the verb in the past tense. I need to lose some weight. There is one sentence you do not need. But the sport truly took off in Some wingsuit flyers attach cameras to their helmets For me, the crazy thing isn't continuing to do it With practice, some wingsuiters can stay in the air for more than three minutes E The acronym stands for the potential jump off points F But wingsuiters are not easily deterred A B C D.

Complete the sentences with one or two words. British weather is quite compared to other countries. The expression 'to weather the --'"-etbing. This primal urge has given rise to wingsuit fliers, thrillseekers who leap off cliffs or out of aeroplanes wearing winged jumpsuits.

Most are elite skydivers, also known as BASE jumpers. There have been many attempts at wingsuit flying throughout history, dating from the German engineer Otto Lilienthal, who in the late s designed winged gliders that allowed him to fly up to 1, feet without , when the French skydiver Patrick an engine. Wingsuit flying as a spectator sport derives much of its thrill from people putting their lives at risk, and at extremely high speeds. Both Otto Lilienthal and Patrick de Gayardon died trying to achieve flight with winged outfits, as did Eric Stephenson, Tanya Weiss's mentor and fiance.

Despite the death of the man she planned to marry, Ms Weiss, who recently led the successful effort to set a world record for the largest wingsuit skydive formation with 99 others in California, still pursues her dream of flying. The crazy thing would be to walk away from this thing that has brought me together with some of the most incredible people in the world.

If you would do something different, say what. Then match them to Read about what to do in three different emergency situations. Then take turns to say what you should and shouldn't do. Did you choose the right answers? In Air Force survival school, they try to teach you how to overcome this feeling. One of the things they ask new cadets, is 'How would you eat an elephant?

The key to survival is to slow down and divide the challenges into small, manageable tasks, one goal at a time, one decision at a time. When an avalanche buried the survivors of a plane crash in the Andes, the survivors whispered to each other 'Breathe. Breathe again. With every breath you are alive. This and much more is what survival expert Ben Sherwood tells us in his best-selling book The Survivors Club, which brings together stories of reallife survivors from all kinds of disasters.

He begins by explaining the principle. They are stunned and 'turn into statues' or are so bewildered by what is happening around them that they can't react.

Ten per cent lose control. These people scream and cry, and often make the situation worse. They don't panic and they assess the situation clearly and take decisions. These people have the best chance of survival in a crisis, and Sherwood explains how you can try to become more like them.

He also reminds us that, apart from staying calm and not despairing, knowing the right thing to do in a crisis is also vital, and that in most emergencies many more people survive than don't.

For example, most people think that you can't survive a plane crash, but American research has shown that the survival rate in all air crashes is historically Sherwood not only tries to show us how to behave rationally and calmly, he also gives us the information we need to join 'The Survivors Club'. Hi, Sue. What's the matter? B I've just been robbed! Please come quickly. I'm des! What don't you understand in the report? B I'm just completely be jwiljdered by so many facts and figures. How did your parents react when you told them you and Susan had separated?

B They were devjasitaited. Were you surprised to hear that the boss is leaving? B I was as jton jished. I really wasn't expecting it. How did you feel when you heard the news? B Iwas absolutely horlrijfied. It was such an awful accident.

So do you like the watch? B I love it. I'm completely olverlwhelmed - I don't know what to say! Practise the conversations, copying the intonation and stressing the right syllable in the adjectives.

Choose two adjectives from a and tell your partner about a time or a situation when you felt like that. How did this change? Four young men went into the jungle on the adventure of a lifetime. The Amazon rainforest is rough ly the size of Europe or Australia.

It is the home of more than half the plant and animal species known to man, many of which are lethal. In three friends went backpacking in a remote area of Bolivia: Yossi Ghinsberg, 22, and his two friends Kevin Wallace, 29, and Marcus Stamm, They hired an experienced guide, an Austrian called Karl, who promised that he could take them deep into the rainforest to an undiscovered Indian village.

Then they would raft nearly kilometres back down river. Karl said that the journey to the village would take them about seven days. Before they entered the jungle, the three friends made a promise that they would 'go in together and come out together'. After each part answer the questions with a partner. What would you have done if you had been in Yossi's situation?

If you h ad been Kevin, what would you h ave done now? The four men set off from the town of Apolo and soon they had left civilization far behind. But after walking for more than a week there was no sign of the village and tensions began to appear in the group. The three friends started to suspect that Karl, the guide, didn't really know where the Indian village was. Yossi and Kevin began to get fed up with their friend Marcus because he was complaining about everything, especially his feet, which had become infected and were hurting.

Eventually they decided to abandon the search for the village and just to hike back to Apolo instead of rafting the way they had come. But Kevin was furious because he thought that it was Marcus's fault that they had had to cut short their adventure.

So he decided that he would raft down the river, and he persuaded Yossi to join him, but he didn't want Marcus to come with them. Marcus and Karl decided to go back to Apolo on foot. The three friends agreed to meet in a hotel in the capital La Paz in a week's time. Early next morning the two pairs of travellers said goodbye and set off on their different journeys How did Kevin first try to get help? Why was it unsuccessful? Which two refer to a hypothetical situation in the past?

Which two refer to a hypothetical situation in the present or future? How was he? What was it? What do you think might have happened to Marcus and Karl? Would you have done anything differently? G structures after wish V expressing feelings with verbs or -ed I -ing adjectives P sentence rhythm and intonation. Tick vi' the things that annoy you, too. I wish my boyfriend wouldn't fall asleep every time I want to talk to him.

I agree with this one. It really annoys me when It's so annoying when It drives me mad when I wish my son wouldn't always leave the car with no petrol every time he borrows it.

Archived from the original on 27 November Retrieved 21 November Archived from the original on 6 May Both reports were sent to Ankara.

Archived from the original on 22 March HuffPost Greece. Archived from the original on 14 November Retrieved 13 November Vatan , 17 December Retrieved: 3 February Archived from the original on 5 May The New York Times. Archived from the original on 3 August Archived from the original on 29 March Retrieved 26 March ABC News. Archived from the original on 18 May Archived from the Jet Planes Normally Fly In The Lower Part Of The Ed original on 5 March Retrieved 28 November Retrieved 15 February Archived from the original on 2 December Retrieved 17 December Retrieved: 16 September Archived from the original on 25 March Retrieved 2 January Archived from the original on 7 October Archived from the original on 27 March Archived from the original on 4 April Anadolu Agency.

Archived from the original on 1 February Retrieved 28 March Archived from the original on 14 December Retrieved 14 July Flying Tigers. Retrieved: 6 September Retrieved: 27 August Archived from the original on 2 April Defense Industry Daily.

Archived from the original on 26 August Retrieved 14 November Washington, D. Archived from the original on 21 February Retrieved 11 October Retrieved: 9 September The Hindu. Archived from the original on 14 August Retrieved 6 August Archived from the original on 9 June Retrieved 21 June Archived from the original on 20 June Retrieved: 4 February Archived from the original on 18 December Archived from the original on 17 October Archived from the original on 23 September Archived from the original on 22 August Defense news.

Retrieved 7 May Archived from the original on 8 January Retrieved 8 January Taiwan News. Archived from the original on 7 June The Diplomat.

Archived from the original on 9 January Archived from the original on 20 July Retrieved 13 July Archived from the original on 13 July Retrieved 12 July Retrieved 17 January Retrieved 23 February Archived from the original on 7 April Retrieved 7 April ISSN Retrieved 19 August Archived from the original on 15 August Retrieved 7 October Archived from the original on 15 September Archived from the original on 1 January Archived from the original on 9 August Retrieved 25 January Archived from the original on 18 June Retrieved: 24 March Justia Law.

Archived from the original on 2 February Fay Observer. Retrieved 12 January Archived from the original on 3 November Archived from the original on 14 February Air Force Magazine. Retrieved 18 November Archived PDF from the original on 13 December The cause of the 20 February engine fire was due to the installation of obsolete forward fairings which were susceptible to failure.

Archived from the original on 10 August Archived from the original on 12 November Yahoo Autos. Archived from the original on 18 October Retrieved 16 October Archived from the original on 11 January Retrieved 30 November Archived from the original on 30 November Retrieved 9 December Archived from the original on 26 February Archived from the original on 2 January Retrieved 1 January Archived from the original on 24 February Retrieved 24 February Exhibition Archived from the original on 6 March Retrieved 27 August Archived from the original on 6 August Archived from the original on 7 August Retrieved 5 November Archived from the original on 11 December Retrieved 10 December Flight museum.

Retrieved 23 June Archived from the original on 14 September Archived from the original on 5 July Archived from the original on 10 October Retrieved 7 March Selfridge air museum. Retrieved 27 September Archived from the original on 16 July Archived from the original on 20 August Archived from the original on 1 September Hill Aerospace Museum. Archived from the original on 29 October USS Intrepid Museum.

Archived from the original on 19 December Air Force Armament Museum. Archived from the original on 12 October Museum of Aviation. Archived from the original on 22 November Archived from the original on 16 October Retrieved 10 October Stafford museum.

Retrieved 21 September Archived from the original on 10 November Retrieved 3 December Pacific coast air museum. Palm springs air museum. Archived from the original on 1 December National Naval Aviation Museum. Archived from the original on 26 March Retrieved 16 April Lockheed Martin. Retrieved 1 August Archived from the original on 11 June Retrieved 8 June Military Standard". Archived from the original on 19 October Retrieved 24 December Aleshire, Peter.

Old Saybrook, Connecticut : Globe Pequot , Aronstein, David C. Coram, Robert. New York : Little, Brown, and Co. Darling, Kev. F Fighting Falcon Combat Legend. London : Airlife, Eden, Paul, ed. July Cynthia and her Garchomp appeared in Diamond and Pearl Adventure! It was later seen battling Mitsumi and her Infernape. She first appeared in Dialga's Secret Keys. NA: Garchomp looks like a plane's engines mixed with a hammerhead shark. There's something about it that we just find so appealing - we have to get one!

Garchomp is capable of folding up its body and spreading its wings, letting it move at Mach speed! PAL: There's something about Garchomp that appeals to the kid in all of us.

It's basically a mach-speed flying dinosaur with spikes. What's not to love? When it folds up its body and extends its wings for flight, you might mistake it for a jet plane. And with a little Garchompite, it can Mega Evolve for extra firepower! Garchomp appears as a Spirit. Appearance-wise, Garchomp seems like a cross between a wyvern , various species of sharks including the hammerhead , and possibly a dromaeosaurid or other theropod dinosaur. In particular, considering Garchomp's saurian build with shark-like features, it may be a visual play on the Carcharodontosaurus , a theropod dinosaur whose name means "shark-toothed lizard".

Its design also strongly resembles a jet aircraft. Mega Garchomp's skull-like head and scythe arms are a stereotypical image of the Grim Reaper. Garchomp may be a combination and corruption of gore a projecting point , guard or Carcharodon the scientific name for sharks and chomp. Gar may also derive from garpike a species of fish somewhat similar in appearance , gargantuan relating to its size or gargoyle which occasionally bears a likeness to European dragons.

Views Article Discussion View source History tools what links here related changes print permalink info. Bulbapedia is now open for editing again! We're updating our policies! Please read the Message from the Editor for more. Jump to: navigation , search. For a specific instance of this species, see Garchomp disambiguation. Attack :. Defense :. Atk :. Def :. Speed :. For other sprites and images, please see Garchomp images on the Bulbagarden Archives. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in.

Please contact our advertising representatives at Playwire for ad rates, packages and general advertising information. This article is about the species. Mega Garchomp. Images on the Bulbagarden Archives. Type Dragon. Abilities Sand Veil Garchomp. Cacophony Mega Garchomp. Rough Skin Hidden Ability. Cacophony Hidden Ability. Sand Force Mega Garchomp. Gender ratio Unknown.

Catch rate 45 Breeding Egg Groups Monster and Dragon. Hatch time - steps. Height 6'03". Weight Mega Stone Garchompite. Base experience yield Gen. Leveling rate Slow. EV yield Total: 3. Base friendship When it folds up its body and spreads its wings, it can fly like a jet plane at the speed of sound. Generation IV. Diamond When it folds up its body and extends its wings, it looks like a jet plane. It flies at sonic speed.

It flies at speeds equal to a jet fighter plane. It never allows its prey to escape. It is said that when one runs at high speed, its wings create blades of wind that can fell nearby trees. Its body is covered in fine scales that reduce drag, enabling it to fly at high speeds. Generation V. Black It is said that when one runs at high speed, its wings create blades of wind that can fell nearby trees. Generation VI. X When it folds up its body and extends its wings, it looks like a jet plane.

When it folds up its body and extends its wings, it looks like a jet plane. Generation VII. Sun It can fly at speeds rivaling jet planes. The protuberances on its head serve as sensors. It can even detect distant prey. It flies at the speed of sound while searching for prey, and it has midair battles with Salamence as the two compete for food.

Its fine scales don't just reduce wind resistance—their sharp edges also cause injury to any opponent who attacks it. Excess energy melted its arms and wings, transforming them into giant scythes. Its vaunted wings become scythes, sending it mad with rage. It swings its scythes wildly and slices the ground to pieces. Its arms and wings melted into something like scythes. Mad with rage, it rampages on and on.

Its disposition is more vicious than before its Mega Evolution.

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Author: admin | 01.09.2020

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