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Carved Antler Knife Handles For Sale,Miter Clamps Corner Clamp Kit,Ryobi 18v Biscuit Joiner Ve - Downloads 2021

carved-antler-knife-handles-for-sale I often incorporate these materials into my display stands, sheaths, and even as accent components in the knives themselves. Elk antlers are definitely a step up from deer antlers, as they are csrved, stronger, with a smaller central portion of porous material, carved antler knife handles for sale a thicker outer density. How difficult is it to prove that your ivory inventory was bought before a certain year? Many corals are commonly dyed to produce the desired color. Some antlers are better than others. Oosic: is the penile bone of the walrus.

What does the Fish and Ivory Wildlife Rule that went into effect July 6 mean for you and your business? Clearly, elephant ivory in knives is finished.

Not sure of this question; since it is now August, and all current elephant ivory sales are restricted or banned, according to the de minimis exception, listed on the U.

Fish and Wildlife International Affairs website detailing the new laws. Elephant ivory without detailed provenance is now illegal to sell. All new elephant ivory hand crafted items are now illegal to sell. Do you know of any recent raids or confiscations that have taken place? Could you tell me about the evens surrounding them? Are you cutting back on stocks of ivory and concentrating on other materials instead?

If so, what other materials and why? Unfortunately, this ban and severe restriction of ivory sales does not just affect elephant ivory. These are not banned, but are fish and wildlife officials and law enforcement agents going to be carrying around long-wave ultraviolet lamps to determine mineral inclusions of ancient ivory, along with a testing standards kit, and a ten-power magnifier to determine if mammoth ivory is not elephant ivory?

Since this is unlikely, venues, dealers, and websites may ban all ivory types, whether wart hog tusk, mammoth ivory, or hippopotamus tooth, since determinations may be difficult and costly.

Because of the ban, non-elephant ivory and ivory-like items may be less desirable. In tactical and working knives, manmade materials and plastics will dominate, but exotic woods may be next on the horizon of control and restriction. In my own art and profession, gemstone has been a mainstay for decades, and I believe it will continue to be the premium material for knife handles in the future.

No living species, plant or animal, will be directly endangered by its use, and in most cases, it will outlast the knife itself. How difficult is it to prove that your ivory inventory was bought before a certain year? What year is the cutoff now? In general, how difficult is it for anyone to find the necessary information?

The information is not good for owners of any elephant ivory. What kind of advice would you offer to knifemakers and knife buyers in terms of the new rule when it comes to the ivories they have on hand in either unattached scales or ivory knives in general? Unfortunately, because of the last rule in the de minimis exception, elephant ivory currently not mounted on a finished knife made before July 6, cannot legally be used to put on a knife and sold.

So elephant ivory scales are now valueless. Even if a knife with elephant ivory or just the elephant ivory is given away, it needs to have accompanying documentation.

If a knife was made before July 6, , it must have all of the documentation and provenance accompanying it to be sold. What should collectors buy and not buy due to the new rule? What should knifemakers buy and not buy? Collectors and makers both need to stay away from elephant ivory.

The basis of the law Bowie Knife Handles For Sale has good intentions, to stop the slaughter of elephants and prevent diminishing herds. There are much more stable, common, and accessible knife handle materials. Ivory is now finished in knife handles in the US, as this is a near total ban. No new elephant ivory-handled knives can be legally made and sold.

How does this help the dwindling elephant herds? This is our government at work. Officials, law enforcement, and Game and Fish will be confused by the many ivory types available, including wart hog tusk, hippopotamus ivory, mammoth, mastodon, and walrus. All of these must be accurately and completely detailed and identified with accompanying documentation when necessary.

Animal bone has been used on knife handles since the dawn of time. Whether to represent the hunt and quest for game, or because it was a willing and workable raw material, or perhaps because ancient man just wondered what to do with all that extra bone lying around, it found its way to the handle. Bone is easily worked, plentiful, and fairly durable. On the modern custom knife, though, it has some problems.

First, it is very porous. That means that it absorbs pretty much anything it contacts. Perhaps in ancient times, the tissues and fluids and sweat it encountered would help it stabilize, while imparting a weather resisting patina. Nowadays, no one field dresses their hamburger, or scrapes a hide to make boots for tromping through the snow after mammoth. So the bone is left to dry out, absorb atmospheric moisture and fluids from the hand, and is subject to continuous heating and cooling of the days and seasons.

So, being so porous, it expands and contracts extensively, and eventually works itself loose from fittings, cracks around pins, fights any method of attachment used to fix it to a knife tang. It is much more unstable than ivory, and is therefore usually used on the cheapest of knives. Bones mounted on knife handles are often jigged. Jigging in this context is a word that comes from Scotland, and refers to any mechanical contrivance that operates by repeated jerky and reciprocating motion.

So jigged bone is named for the jigging machine that cuts it. The cuts in the bone give it some tactile purchase, especially when wet, offer some visual interest, and hide grainy porosity in the finished surface. The sea has offered us some beautiful materials for knife handles and adornment. These organics can include fish teeth and bones, but their use in knife handles is rare. Pearl, shells, and coral are abundant and moderately durable once mounted on the knife.

I'll add new photographs and descriptions of my horn, bone, ivory, and shell handles, components, fixtures, fittings, and artwork as they become available. More about this Nunavut Skinner.

History The history is rich. Return to Topics. Advantages Tradition, beauty, texture, and value. Jungle King. Other Uses Knife handles aren't the only use of horn, bone, and ivory. Buffalo Hunter.

Horns and Antlers Horns and antlers have been commonly used in knife handle construction for many millennia. Each one deserves some special attention: Deer Antler also called stag horn, deer horn : In America, this comes from the annual sheds of both the Mule Deer and the Whitetail Deer. While it can be made into a serviceable knife handle, both these types of antler are rather porous, with a fairly tough outer shell.

They are probably the least expensive of handle materials on this page. Availability is good, wear characteristics are poor to fair. Appearance is fair, contaminate staining is frequent. The best use of deer antler is by careful selection of thick, heavy portions that are on the surface of the antler.

The only permanent method of construction and use for a fine custom knife is to have the antler professionally stabilized. See stabilized horn below. Polishes well. Elk antlers are definitely a step up from deer antlers, as they are thicker, stronger, with a smaller central portion of porous material, and a thicker outer density.

Availability is good, wear characteristics are fair to good. As with deer antler, the best use is by careful selection of thick, heavy portions that are on the surface of the antler.

There was an embargo on Indian Sambar that was lifted once then reapplied, but the horn is available through other countries, and supplies can be found all over the web, so don't think it is in any way rare. Sambar stag is one of the mainstays of organic handle material in fine custom knives. Unlike deer and elk antler, it is hard, tough, solid and dense.

Instead of a large porous central core, it has a small core, and a very solid outer shell, extending through most of the antler. It can have a beautiful brown textured surface, making it very attractive for knife handles, and a secure, comfortable gripping surface.

Polishes well, resists most stains, good wear characteristics. It's more expensive than deer or elk antler, but well worth the expense. If you're set on having a traditional horn or antler handle, this is the material I recommend.

Antler Scales vs. Crowns all deer, stag, and elk : There are two arrangements to antler or stag horn application on a knife handle. Scales are flat pieces slabbed from wide horns and applied to the flat sides of a full tang or folding knife handle. They are usually secured with bolster dovetails and pins. Crowns are the thick, wide flaring parts of the antler where it attaches to the animal's head. The crowns are usually used on hidden tang knives, where the tang is inserted into a hole drilled in the core of the antler and secured with pins, epoxy, or hidden methods.

This creates a handle that appears as a solid piece of antler flaring out to the crown at the butt. The base of the crown is a good area for carving, engraving initials, inlaying monogram plates, gemstone, or other artwork. Antler crowns are also carved into belt buckles, conchos, or other jewelry or adornment and fittings.

The most permanent method of construction and use for a fine custom knife is to have the antler professionally stabilized, unless it's Sambar Stag which is fairly tough and resilient. Caribou horn : Thicker sections and a lighter color can make this an interesting handle choice. Same stability as antlers above. Stag, horn, or antler treatments : There are ways to treat the antler before and after it is put on a knife that change the wear characteristics, the look, and the durability.

One way is flame treatment, which burns the surface to a darker color, and hardens it somewhat. Stag can also be colored by stains or potassium permanganate baths.

Another process is impregnation with hardening agents such as polymers, epoxies, cyanoacrilates, or sodium silicate. Probably the ultimate is pressure stabilization, done by several companies across this country, where liquid phenolics are forced under great pressures into the porosity of the material to fill any voids and essentially waterproof the material. The same process is used on hardwoods see my wood knife handle page here. This is usually cost prohibitive on stag though, as stag is not considered as vulnerable or worthy of the treatment.

I've used nearly all the treatments listed above to some degree. Sheep Horn and Kudu includes Merino Sheep or Dahl Sheep, Ram's Horn : Sheep horn is just as tough as Sambar stag, but with some heavy textural lines, and makes an interesting knife handle.

Dark olive green to brown, with some translucency. Availability is good, horn instability is the same as other horn materials. It is often cut and steam flattened for use, which leads to questions about stability from moisture infiltration.

Kudu horn is similar in shape and finish, both may be pressure stabilized and sealed. Though they differ in shape, they have heavy ridges or texture along their length so that may in grip security when mounted on a knife handle. Their stability is the same as any antler, and they are commonly available.

Very dense and fairly hard, it is much better than typical antlers. Usually black, but sometimes with white banding and other muted colors. Takes a glassy polish, some even looks like polished plastic. Cow Horn: Though sometimes used on custom knife handles, I've only used it on stands. Variegated colors, white, gray, brown, black, olive. Stabilized horn: Most of the horns and antlers listed on this page can be stabilized, that is impregnated with dyes and resinous or phenolic liquid plastics polymers or phenolics at high pressures, essentially making a block of plasticized horn material.

Though this is done some, I think it holds a huge opportunity to stabilizing firms in the future. The materials become impervious to impregnation by liquids, they become waterproof, dimensional stability is increased, and performance is greatly improved.

I suppose that the expense of stabilization is too high, and low-end knives are better suited to the use of non-stabilized horn and antler material. I do have some stabilized horn, though, and it works very well. Ivories and Tusks Ivories are animal teeth. Here are the types with details: Elephant Ivory: Elephant ivory tusk is a traditional fine knife handle material.

It is what the general public is usually referring to when they use the singular term ivory. It is not as popular as it was 20 years ago, because of restrictions, regulations, and public sentiment over threatened elephant herds and populations. Since no elephant ivory is allowed to be shipped into or out of the United States, and there is a new, near total ban on elephant ivory use in the United States, one can only assume that the ivory is legal, from existing stock already in the country but it must be accompanied by extensive documentation and provenance.

More on the new ban below. Ivory is dense, solid, light creamy white when freshly cut and polished, and yellowing and checking small cracks at terminal ends with age. All age-related changes in ivory are considered a natural part of the material, and even valued as a testament to the authenticity and age of the ivory. Old ivory has a warm, appealing patina, and the grain in the material becomes more apparent with age, thus identifying the ivory as real, and not a plastic imitation.

Elephant ivory can be brightly polished, and retains a bright luster, and can be easily scrimshawed with high detail that increases the value of the knife greatly. I have, however, seen some fine ivory ruined by bad scrimshaw. Elephant Ivory carves well, and can hold high detail. Ivory is not an extremely durable handle material, and must be cared for and protected with vigilance. Several hours in the bright hot sunlight or under quartz lamps can ruin an expensive knife handle or carving.

Some states prohibit all trade in ivory products, so careful research of local regulations is required to prevent confiscation of your fine knife! Mammoth Tusk, Mastodon Tusk: Also called Ancient Ivory, this is one of the most popular custom and handmade knife handle materials.

These are the actual tusks of Mammoths and Mastodons that have died thousands of years ago. Sometimes called "fossil ivory", this is a complete misnomer, since fossilization is the replacement of the ivory by rock.

Fossils are solid minerals with no organic material whatsoever; they are rocks. Mammoth ivories may well be thousands of years old, but fossils are millions of years old. These tusks come from areas where these extinct beasts have died, and their tusks have been buried soon enough to prevent consumption by other animals, and are thus preserved in soil, muck, or debris.

The soils then impart color into the old ivory by thousands of years of water carrying traces of minerals into the organic ivory, staining it. The highly stained surfaces are the most valued, with browns, black, blues, rusts, and greens in the ivory. Also, some interesting staining patterns can develop. The minerals harden and stabilize the ivory to different degrees, and that probably has to do with their age and environment after burial.

So these ivories are more durable than contemporary elephant ivory, but can be brittle. Each piece is different. They usually take a high, glossy polish, and are highly valued, increasing the worth of a custom knife tremendously. It is not uncommon to pay hundreds of dollars for the mammoth ivory scales before ever mounting them on a knife. The best mammoth ivory material is stabilized see topic above. Walrus Tusk: Current walrus tusk can only be acquired by registered Native Americans, and owned by them only, at least that is the current law.

I have worked with it before for Native Americans, and I can say it's harder and tougher than elephant ivory, more durable and less brittle, and very white, taking a glassy polish. There may be current suppliers of walrus tusk, but trying to bend current regulations is not worth a legal battle or a reputation.

Some laws vary, and I'm sure that imports are tightly controlled and restricted, so it depends on your state and country. Truly fossilized walrus tusk would be stone, the original tusk replaced by minerals. But the term is used to describe old or ancient walrus tusk. This is much like mammoth and mastodon ivory above in color, access, and origin.

It does seem tougher than the current tusks, and has some interesting mottled patterns in the center. Be careful here, because some law enforcement types mistake ancient walrus tusk for current walrus tusk and will try to confiscate it, not knowing the difference. Wart Hog Tusk: Easily obtainable, this curved, squarish, tooth is just about the right size for a hidden tang handle.

It polishes brightly, is very hard and dense, and ivory or white colored. It scrims well, and is fairly durable. Hippopotamus Tusk: Hippo tusks are a great replacement for elephant ivory, and are in fact ivory just as elephant tusks are and as wart hog tusk is.

They're hard, dense, and take a bright polish. They are reasonable in price and availability. The same limitations and concerns with moisture and temperature changes as well as stability are present. Elk Ivory: Elk, unlike other deer, have stubby rounded canine teeth in the upper part of their jaw. They are probably remnants of a time when they used canines for fighting. In North America, they are the only real available ivory.

Out west, we call them "whistlers" believed to help the elk trumpet or bugle in his call. Some Native American tribes believe they possess magical properties. They are small ivory teeth used by jewelers and sometimes used as accessories in knife handles or sheath decorative ornaments.

They polish, carve and scrimshaw well. Whale's Tooth : This is the tooth of the sperm whale, a highly prized, very expensive and rare item sometimes appearing on knife handles. Since the sperm whale is endangered and protected, and any importation of parts has been prohibited since , all whale's teeth must be predated.

Old antique whale's teeth can be found, but it would be ridiculous to put this valuable item on a knife handle, as it would have to be cut, shaped, and finished, ruining its antique value. There really is no reason to promote the use of whale's teeth on custom knife handles, as there are much more suitable, available, and appropriate ivories.

Numbered questions by Mr. Haskew, of Blade Magazine August 23, 1. Tell me about your company. What do you do exactly? How long have you been in business I am and have been a full time professional knifemaker for 28 years and have been making custom and creative knives for combat professionals, knife users, and collectors. Are you restricted in where you can sell ivory now? What can knife collectors expect to see in the way of handle materials in the future?

Most knife sales in the United States are interstate. The elephant ivory-handled knife must qualify for the de minimis exemption to be legally sold. The de minimis exemption requires detailed provenance and documentation accompanying the ivory. No matter when the ivory was purchased, the documentation must accompany it in every circumstance of exchange or sale, and for the life of the finished product.

All of the other requirements of the de minimis exemption are usually not applicable to knives: the ivory in a handle comprises less than half the value, it is less than half the volume, the ivory weight is usually less than half of the gram limit, and it is not raw.

A huge issue is that no item manufactured after July 6, meets the de minimis exception, so new elephant ivory-handled knives simply are illegal to sell. Elephant ivory in knife handles is done. Any other comments you might have would be greatly appreciated Ivory is now finished in knife handles in the US, as this is a near total ban. Bone Animal bone has been used on knife handles since the dawn of time. Animal Bone is more porous than ivory. Bone has always been a staple on factory folding knives, and has fair wear characteristics.

It can be jigged cut in a repeating pattern to increase tactile friction and increase visual interest. Bone takes dyes well, and can be stabilized. It is generally not considered a high value handle material. Many types of bone may be used, commonly popular are including cow and giraffe bone.

The only permanent method of construction and use for a fine custom knife is to have the bone professionally stabilized. See stabilized horn above. Oosic: is the penile bone of the walrus. The bone is very strong and often large, and is easily obtainable. It has an outer hard shell that is nearly as dense as ivory, and takes a very fine polish. The smaller end of the Oosic creates a fine hidden tang handle when left complete.

There is considerable superstition and mojo attached to the Oosic, as you can imagine. Although Oosic is common, I've seen hyper inflated prices and "rarity" claimed. It can be carved, scrimshawed, and dyed. It fares better than stag, horn, and bone in longevity on the knife handle, but not as good as ivory.

Fossil Oosic: This is the penile bone of the walrus that has been buried for a long period of time and is mineralized, but it is not a true fossil, since true fossils are stone.

Similar to the mammoth or mastodon ivory above , the mineralization can vary. Ancient Oosic is more stable than recent Oosic, has darker and interesting colors, and is more expensive. It's also harder to work and can be a bit more brittle.

Pearl, Shell, Coral The sea has offered us some beautiful materials for knife handles and adornment. Mother of Pearl MOP is a common handle material for fine knives, guns, and inlays and has been used in artwork for thousands of years. Also called nacre, it is the internal shell layer of select mollusks yes, it's a seashell. It's chosen for its silky iridescence, and moderate toughness, but it is brittle on knife handles and must be worked and mounted with careful consideration.

It's long lasting and beautiful, though in some applications can be a bit gaudy. It can be tinted about any color, and there are several choices that are commonly used and accepted in knife handles. It is moderately expensive in large or thick sections, and has medium wear characteristics.

In some designs it might seem cold, not warm or substantial like ivories and hardwood. Pinning MOP is a delicate process, and heat should be avoided. Once the MOP is mounted it is more durable, but is not a good application for heavy use knives or knives that may suffer impact.

Abalone Shell is a source of mother of pearl. This large, edible sea snail has a highly iridescent and colorful shell, and has been used as ornament by many cultures. Paua shell is abalone shell; the word is the Maori word for abalone. There are over species of abalone, including a host of man-created hybrids. Though there are supposed to be restrictions and controls on harvesting the abalone, sources of abalone or Paua are all over the internet. Related abalones that are harvested worldwide are: Perlemoen South Africa , Ormers Channel Islands , and numerous countries who now grow and farm abalone.

Though the "rarity" is played up by abalone sellers, a simple internet search will yield thousands of sources for this shell. Since the abalone is a bit small for knife handles and thick cross sections are not common, it's used a lot in inlays, mosaics and areas where smaller pieces can be applied.

Gold Lip Mother of Pearl is an oyster shell, and has a rich, dark yellow-golden color, sometimes with olive edges or streaks.

Its characteristics are the same as mother of pearl and other shells, and the only real difference is the color. Thanks for your support! Made in Alaska. Caribou Antler with Branch handle and Stainless Steel blade. Comes with antler stand. Comes with Dymond Wood stand. Ulu with Walrus Oosik Penis Bone handle, 5. From Bob Merry, this mini folding ulu is convenient for a multitude of uses! Available in different colored dymondwood handles.

Made from a Dall Sheep horn. Made with Mammoth Bone. Made from Stellar Sea Cow Bone. Hand carved Eagle handle from B. Merry Studios, available with either a 3. Made in Alaska From The Ulu Factory, these multi-use cutting tools are laser etched with Alaskan scenes to look great in any kitchen. Instructional DVD optional.

Alaska Jack's "Blasphemous Bill's" ulu made with high quality heat treated stainless steel. The ulu is the historic utility knife of the Arctic. From B. Merry Studios, this boxed set includes a high quality hand made ulu and birch bowl so you're ready to go!

The carved eagle handle is made using sun bleached moose antler and the blade is stainless steel. Merry Studios of Anchorage, this beautiful ulu knife doubles as a work of art!

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Author: admin | 29.07.2021

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