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shop-air-filter-location-zhihu Articles stored in-tree. This shop air filter location zhihu liking, commenting, answering, asking or trying to update my profile shop air filter location zhihu say that I have been blocked. But of course, there is also censorship in Western democracies, and there is a gray area between what should be censored or not. Mar 8, Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia. Ciro Santilli has seen Falun Gong people making phone calls to people in China with to explain why FLG is with his own eyes, and therefore is sure it has happened on some scale. Comes with themes.

We also have a NPM Node. After installing NPM , you can be use it as:. The package is already available in the following NPM Chinese mirrors, both which were blocked at some point:. Noticed down as of , replaced by a dummy package admined by fengmk2 gmail. We later found on Google by chance that libraries. This is why packaging is a good idea. A programmatic interface is also exposed on those packages, making it easy to quickly add a --china option to your project, e. There is no need to update package versions or add git tags, all of that gets done automatically by the script!

And then Ciro believes that this would also end the dictatorship. If commies censor things, they will get worse IT technology, and thus become less rich and militarily powerful.

Since all they care about, like any other politicians, is power, the only way to make them stop censorship is to make the cost of censorship higher than not censoring. Without the threat that China will be less technologically, and therefore militarily advanced, there is no incentive for the CCP to destroy the firewall. And if they decide to destroy the dictatorship, Ciro wants to help China become the most awesome country on Earth. But he believes that this harm is a necessary means to reach his real goal, which is to destroy the firewall , and the dictatorship.

Destroying the firewall, would enormously benefit not only Chinese programmers, but every single other Chinese person too. Once the firewall is destroyed, which may destroy the dictatorship , he want China to develop the best science and technology in the world, and Would Ciro Santilli like to live in China?

And by the way, with his extensive contributions to open source software , Ciro is already helping China, and all underdeveloped countries, to become stronger. Ciro only wants their dictatorial government to look bad to destroy it, and help China become the most awesome country on Earth.

Even the Chinese that are against their own Government cannot do much about it openly , so it is not their fault. And even those who supported their dictatorship must be respected, whoever stupid and brainwashed you might think they are, since it is impossible to prove who is right or wrong in politics.

Obviously not, if you even thought about this, it is likely because of: The commies exaggerate the threat of the West to keep in power. And likely ineffective one at that: Will the keyword attacks really help to destroy the firewall? This then leads to your username appearing on thousands of pages, depending on how much you contribute to the website. It is also possible to do it with images, although this is less effective in taking down websites since images are harder for the firewall to track automatically.

Ciro says: bring a shitbucket to the canteen, and start a shitfight. This is especially relevant to GitHub! Blockchain technologies, such as Bitcoin, provide essentially uncensorable at a transaction cost , because the messages are put together with financial transactions which are extremely valuable to its users.

The text is preceeded by a Chinese version of the same. The incongruence of a dictatorship and uncensorability is just mind blowing:. Collateral Freedom ties access to information to the Chinese economy. If [authorities] truly want to block access to this information, then they must give up certain access to economic freedoms. What about ICU ? Did you also complain about it, or did you just star it like k of your fellow programmers?

For example, the street is not meant to showcase protest banners, it is meant to be a passageway for cars. As engineers, we have a moral responsibility towards society. We should not blindly follow orders of those in power if it violates our principles, e. And we should freely express our principles and violation concerns. Making a statement where no one will ever see it, like a personal website, is sure to have no effect. Finally, the political powers of each website decide what is allowed or not on their website, and what is not allowed gets blocked.

Another consideration is that any profile information is essentially a form of advertisement. Some people advertise their skills for hire, or their company and product.

Other people, advertise their religion or sexual orientation. So why should you not be able to advertise your political position? Ciro feels it is much fairer to instead pay for those ads with your labour of love. I am honored and I am so happy that so many people gave me their support.

However, in the issue list of this project, I also saw several programmers who opposed this project likely all from within the GFW , and they worried that this project would cause GitHub to be blocked by GFW.

Over the past few years, I have read a lot of similar comments. A good comparison would be if a robber were killing someone with a knife, and the onlookers not only did not condemn the robber, but instead condemned the shop that sold the knife. This is the legendary " Stockholm syndrome ". The more places we can denounce dictators, the better people are off, the minor annoyance to sensitive people is worth it. Ciro wrote a poem:. For example, if that were the case, he would definitely target more widely used technologies, in particular Web and JavaScript, instead of obscure things like C and assembly in which I have spent tons of my time.

Also, any attempt to influence a billin people is unlikely to have any effect. Ciro has have very little free time, and he will never do something for political reasons, only things that interest me technically. I just think that the website is great, and want to push it to perfection, in particular with better Google keyword hits, and uniform grammatically correct titles.

If you think that any of my edits were harmful, please ping me and open a meta thread to discuss specific edits, and I will comply with consensus. Any criticism of the government, even if constructive, is taken as menace to power, and more likely to be shut down , which makes the government and just becomes less efficient since there is less feedback.

This greatly increase the probability of dealing poorly with such problems, see e. It is best not to stand out, because if you make any mistake, you are really fucked. And therefore everyone does less of such awesome things on average. That is great when they make good decisions, but it sucks when they make bad ones more likely. While average rate of growth do not appear to differ much between democracies and authoritarian regimes, the variability in performance does differ more among authoritarian governments.

Nor is it likely that say Cuba and many African nations would have suffered so long with such terrible economic policies if they had reasonably democratic institutions.

And yes, before that exploitation by the West may have been a factor. Imperial China lost the race for the Industrial Revolution. Will another dictatorship be able to stay on top of the next technological revolution? As a result, knowledge of problems flows more slowly, and therefore they also take longer to solve. But countries that restrict free access to information or violate the basic rights of internet users risk walling themselves off from the progress of the next century.

This suggestion is even more explicit in the fictional World War Z novel by Max Brooks about a virus outbreak in China. It was later adapted into the World War Z movie by Paramount :. In democratic countries, even very poor ones, the survival of the ruling government would be threatened by famine, since elections are not easy to win after famines; nor is it easy to withstand criticism of opposition parties and newspapers. That is why famine does not occur in democratic countries. Unfortunately, there are a great many countries in the world which do not yet have democratic systems.

Who would trust a government that does not trust its own journalists and citizens? Even democracies cannot be trusted, but dictatorships? The boy just called wolf far too many times. The Chinese Government censored the initial outbreak in January and did not inform Wuhan on January 8, which likely made the situation much worse than what it could have been.

Although maybe thousands of lives would have been saved due to smaller saturation of hospitals had a proper early warning been given. Why do you need to censor things when you are doing so well? And it should also be said that some Western politicians have used "blame China" as an excuse to divert attention from their own failures.

Some believe that the Chinese government grossly under-reported death counts. Initial official figures were about only deaths, in the insanely densely populated Wuhan area, while Italy had reached deaths:. Maybe China is saying the truth this time. Maybe the rapid Dictatorship response worked. He later said in an interview that the local government should be blamed:.

This is not a criticism to China as the test might be accurate. Other interesting GitHub repositories: GitHub repositories with censored information. All the people, revolt. Return the country politics to its people. Written calligraphed by Fang Bin.

Chinese authorities have detained a worker after he advocated for fair pay and other labor rights from his former employer, the food delivery giant Ele. This was not directly censored to our knowledge, but the fact that it was published on GitHub rather than Chinese social media highlights the obvious fact that Chinese programmers were weary of doing it Shop Air Filter Location Journal under CCP controlled media which they do not trust.

This is therefore the best example for Chinese tech workers that freedom of speech is a good thing. They will of course start with territories which they claim as theirs, to add to other recent additions which were not theirs until the recent past, even though their inhabitants desperately want to leave China:.

Hitler promised it was his last territorial claim, but in early he became even Shop Air Filter With Furnace Blower Zip Code more aggressive, and European governments finally realized that appeasement was not guaranteeing peace.

It invaded Ethiopia as early as , Albania in early , and later Greece. That provoked angry words and an oil embargo from the League of Nations, which failed. Despite its uniformization efforts, China is highly diverse since it is obviously made up of a large stitched up carpet of nations that were conquered by a single empire. But if the USA were a dictatorship like China it would kill way more, because it would censor every report against the war internally to its own people, and the wars would just go on like in [nineteen-eighty-four-war-is-peace].

How many times do we have to bring Hitler up? The only reason China has not started wars is because it is a poor country, and it would lose them. If it were rich, it would have started more wars and killed times more people. If a country is oppressed by a dictatorship, and most of its people want to be free, it might be right to help them be free.

This has to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, and maybe a verdict will never be reached. But at least in a democracy the people can decide based on varied information. In a dictatorship, whatever the dictator decides happens. When will they be ready? Who decides? What if they think that they are ready now? Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few. A fake Churchill quote :. But how would they be interested in politics or be able to discuss it, if it is impossible to have a different view without going to jail?

Did they not care? What is the point of having all that wealth, when you risk being put into jail for unfair reasons? And use that as an excuse to get rid of rivals while at it. The reason is obvious: with censorship, corrupt politicians can censor anything bad that they did, and so it becomes much harder to destroy corruption. It was how the CIA got "disaffected people up in the ranks. It was a way to exploit the corruption to our advantage. China says that the children and wife do have valid Chinese documents, so maybe those idiots did not give up their Chinese citizenship and went to China.

Why, why, why would you do that? Cynthia claimed her father has left home a long time ago and that they are not in contact with their father. The wiki page also explains that in rules were added to prevent promotion of officials whose spouses live abroad. This reminds Ciro of a Mafia movie, maybe Godfather II, where the bad guy says he "likes doing business with a man that has a family, because he has more collateral".

Just like it is unlikely that the activity of on individual can have a big influence in any group of 1 billion people. The possibility of blocking Stack Overflow and GitHub is x more useful than any talk, but it is still useless. However, potentially blocking those websites takes 0 of my time , I just leave the content there, so it is worth my time. Furthermore, even if the GFW falls, it is not clear that this will imply the end of the dictatorship: Would ending the Great Firewall truly end the dictatorship?

There is already a lot of literature about this, especially in the cases of Cuba and North Korea. By political and technological information is together, and this immediately puts the dictatorship in a bad spot, without us having to decide anything. One point in favor of the embargo is that China has opened up since the '80s '90s, but did freedom improve at all?

The cost of blocking Stack Overflow lies of course in the loss of information, and slower technological development, see also: Why attack websites with censored keywords? The But Ciro doubt developers use those browsers, right? The only way would be for China to forbid foreign browsers entirely. It worth noting however that as mentioned at Is Stack Overflow blocked in China? Some possible authors of course, with that name, there must be 10 thousand Chinese people at least :. See also: Does Ciro Santilli want to harm the Chinese programmers?

If China fails to control a viral outbreak , other countries might get infected. See also: Section 4. The French historian Lucien Bianco, however, is among those who question whether imperialism and "feudalism" explain the revolution. Before the war, the peasantry was not ready for revolution; economic reasons were not enough to mobilize them.

More important was nationalism: "It was the war that brought the Chinese peasantry and China to revolution; at the very least, it considerably accelerated the rise of the CCP to power. Chinese people have been brainwashed by the commies who say that all foreigners are bad , more than the West has been brainwashed to think that he CCP is bad: Non-Chinese people have been brainwashed by the USA know nothing about China.

China would never ever try to influence foreign countries, would it? If I marry a Chinese woman , my mother-in-law might be unfairly put in jail But conversely: Will the keyword attacks really help to destroy the firewall? GitHub repositories with censored information. He loves learning new things. But please, link to reference material instead of just saying it, it will be much more convincing.

But if you are Chinese, also consider that you have been brainwashed by the commies, so likely much more than Ciro since you live in a dictatorship. However, the CCP greatly exaggerates how evil the West is, because making your people constantly afraid is a classic strategy used by dictators to stay in power.

One day, the animals on the farm started feeling a bit trapped, and started bumping against the fence to get out. Maybe, there was actually a wolf outside. But if they had escaped, only some of the animals would have been eaten by that wolf. The war, therefore, if we judge it by the standards of previous wars, is merely an imposture.

It is like the battles between certain ruminant animals whose horns are set at such an angle that they are incapable of hurting one another. But though it is unreal it is not meaningless. It eats up the surplus of consumable goods, and it helps to preserve the special mental atmosphere that a hierarchical society needs. War, it will be seen, is now a purely internal affair. In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognize their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished.

In our own day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact.

The very word 'war', therefore, has become misleading. It would probably be accurate to say that by becoming continuous war has ceased to exist. The peculiar pressure that it exerted on human beings between the Neolithic Age and the early twentieth century has disappeared and been replaced by something quite different. The effect would be much the same if the three super-states, instead of fighting one another, should agree to live in perpetual peace, each inviolate within its own boundaries.

For in that case each would still be a self-contained universe, freed for ever from the sobering influence of external danger. A peace that was truly permanent would be the same as a permanent war.

Since about that time, war had been literally continuous, though strictly speaking it had not always been the same war. For several months during his childhood there had been confused street fighting in London itself, some of which he remembered vividly. But to trace out the history of the whole period, to say who was fighting whom at any given moment, would have been utterly impossible, since no written record, and no spoken word, ever made mention of any other alignment than the existing one.

At this moment, for example, in if it was , Oceania was at war with Eurasia and in alliance with Eastasia. In no public or private utterance was it ever admitted that the three powers had at any time been grouped along different lines.

Actually, as Winston well knew, it was only four years since Oceania had been at war with Eastasia and in alliance with Eurasia. But that was merely a piece of furtive knowledge which he happened to possess because his memory was not satisfactorily under control. Officially the change of partners had never happened. Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.

The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible.

Conversely, bad China news are always OK because, because those are all censored in China and help Chinese people learn about it. For those reasons, we currently forbid, posting several evil-West news without explaining why dictatorships handle it better. It would just generates more noise than signal. Any political material that is censored by any country besides China, will also be readily accepted. Any evidence of positive political progress towards freedom will also be added to this repo, e.

Although they have not been able to produce concrete evidence, which could be explained by the endless political turmoils in 20th century China, Ciro decided that this would be a good bet to take, and married her anyway. If anyone is able to provide further evidence of this relationship, please, please, please get in touch.

The last emperor was Puyi, so Pu is the last well known mark. Later was a congressman in Taiwan. Older brother: Zhao Yingjie. Studied law in Japan also at Waseda University. From that point of view, all of this is just a cold blooded political game, in which Ciro tries to force the CCP to take down the Firewall: Why attack websites with censored keywords? Using the reply policy is one of the reasons why Ciro never gets mad.

Ciro also has doubts about the efficiency of certain things I do as expressed throughout this FAQ, e. In the end, he just end up thinking about new replies to things people say to him, and add them to this FAQ so that future replies will be faster to copy paste. The real goal of any online discussion, is not to convince people, but rather to determine who is an ally and who is not, and get those allies together to defeat the commies. Or if a Jew has escaped a concentration camp and told the world about its horrors, would you just dismiss their claims due to their biased opinion?

With that in mind, Ciro tries his best to give FLG only the right level of exposure I think it deserves relative to other events, according to these guidelines: How do you choose keywords for the keyword attack?

If more recent events of mass human rights violations happen, especially affecting in the order of tens of million people, I will probably rank higher than Falun Gong, this was the case for Xinjiang in for example, even though it only affected a measly million.

He posted about this at:. He then continued because he hate political censorship , and because I love China. Every time Ciro thinks about this, he notices how stupid humans are. We see the forest fire smoke, and just never think that it will ever reach your home on the border of the forest. So in a sense it was a good thing that Ciro had this little backyard fire with this mother-in-law, as it woke him up further to how serious the CCP thread was, and led him to action.

Because before that, he was one of the majority who just constantly hears about the increasing mountain of evidence of human rights violations, and does nothing about it. The movie shows that Britain was truly hesitant whether to negotiate or fight Hitler, even after the Nazis had already started invading other European countries, and would clearly not stop.

Luckily, we are not at a position of war yet, and might never be due to nuclear weapons. But still, a similar blindness applies. Maybe some people would be happy if their mother-in-law were put into jail. She had to stay all the time in a small room with a bed and a toilet, under video surveillance, being fed three meager meals a day.

The only reason that it is unofficially outlawed in China is because the communists fear it as a political competitor. There was no trial and no explanation. She was going to take a train to visit her sister. When she came back home, the house had been searched and was all messed up. Her religious books and computer were missing.

I find it fascinating how even well educated Chinese support a government which simply does not represent some of its people. How will you feel when something like that happens to your own family, and there is nothing you can do about it? Os livros religiosos e seu computador foram confiscados. June 3 cops came to her house. She was there. They asked if she still did Falun Gong.

She said yes. They were polite. October 7 - 8 cops came to her house at 11PM. They knocked the door strongly and made noise, and questioned neighbours of her whereabouts. Luckily she was not there. Welcome to the wonderful world of democracy, a world where people can have different political opinions than you It must feel good to have absolute truth in the Cult of Xi , and let the black police get rid of weirdos for you.

But when the dictatorship turns again you our your family, will you fight, or will you just let them do whatever they want because they can never be wrong? And when your son betrays you or sacrifices himself for the Dictator , will you just smile and accept it? Any democracy in our country is doomed to end up with one thing: the dictatorship of small shopkeepers. And then we want our the secret police back, and concentration death camps again, and the universal fear everywhere!

Only then we feel calm and secure. Just raise your hand in honor of him, who will take care of everything for you ,. It is amusing to see Soviet series criticizing dictatorships, given that the Soviet Union was itself a major dictatorship! One is reminded of the game "We Happy Few" , which which people are forced to be happy. It is really interesting to see how many people star the GitHub repository , and then a few minutes later they think about how they might get put in jail, and then unstar it.

This is very rare in his other repositories. Intolerance is a risky way to live. Everyone is part of one minority in one way. If all minorities were oppressed, everyone would be oppressed. Are the Chinese really that selfish to vote for this oppression, even as the free media would show videos of meditating old ladies in jail on national television? Minorities are put in jail because the CCP fears them. Dictatorships can only survive if there is zero difference in opinion in the population.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist. Every form of protest incurs some damage. If you just work to make money and have a good life, without any plans to improve the government, you are just making the economy of the dictatorship stronger, then when they start a war or kill yet another minority, blood will also be on your hands. See also: What should Western countries do about China?

Destroying diversity is the best way to reach a point where everyone can agree to start a new big war and destroy everything. The CCP thrives on the excessive fear it instigates into its own people. Change in democracies does not require violence. Violence happens because the government punishes any dissidence, even if pacific, to retain its own power. In democracies, radical policy changes happen without dropping a single drop of blood.

People vote, and policies change, end of the story. Ciro SO username and protest time are not infinite. However, it is good that different people have different interests, and someone will surely be fighting for whatever cause you care about. As Churchill once brilliantly put it :. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.

However, this is all obviously subjective, and believing that dictatorship is a better form of government is also a valid belief. If you find an event on a Western democracy that you would like to highlight, send a pull request. Every country did fucked-up things in the past, the question is if they currently allow discussion about it or not.

The reason why "Evil China" posts are not shitposts in general on the other hand, is that they have one specific purpose: to destroy censorship. Ciro Santilli and this page are completely biased against the Chinese Government! The United States has recently started several wars and killed millions! The murder video went viral and was not taken down would have been in China , all four officers were charged, and the event sparked nation wide protests.

What matters is that citizens can disagree with those actions, publicly say it, vote accordingly, and not go to jail, so that policy will be changed if the majority so wants. In China, the minority controls the majority, and the majority cannot say anything even if they disagree. First, child porn and hate speech are also banned in China, so shut up. Now, hate speech is a very complex subject. But of course, there is also censorship in Western democracies, and there is a gray area between what should be censored or not.

In China, however, trying to discuss such changes in laws puts you in jail , so bad laws cannot be changed. This lack of freedom also gives the impression to many brainwashed Chinese that dicatorships are better because you see less conflict online. Democracies have less corruption than dictatorships : politicians can censor anything bad that they did to stay in power. Why would democracy and freedom of speech make China less likely to start a war? Deciding on hate speech, means having to decide what level of hardcoreness we are willing to accept, and there is no clear right or wrong answer.

Ciro believes that none of the above should ever be censored, because any form of "hate-speech censorship" immediately opens a precedent for political censorship. If someone is idiotic enough to organize illegal acts like hurting someone publicly before doing it, it will just make it easier for them to get caught. And if its just empty words, just block those idiots to not see their posts, or downvotes their posts to reduce their impact. Such censorship only makes things worse, as the perpetrators will use that as publicity for their cause.

When a government controls all information to make it look good, and no one can challenge it, you cannot trust any of the news produced by that country, as anything could be fake. It is much better to have some fake news, but also few sources that are likely telling the truth. But from legitimate accounts of citizens? The people have to decide for themselves what is fake or real, not you, Twitter and Facebook. Censoring any citizen, no matter how stupid you think they are, creates a precedent for dictatorship, and even an incentive to terrorism.

Ciro feels strongly that people who try to have meaningful discussions on Twitter should automatically lose a lawsuit, and that people should be able to block whoever they want from their personal controlled accounts or forums. It is only the companies who provide the forum service that must be neutral. All of those banning should not be done. If the people want to rebel, they must be allowed to communicate and rebel.

If this were to pass, Ciro would be very temped to upload a GIF. Flag dessacration laws are bullshit. Unless maybe if you feel that you employee is directly attempting to influence politics in a way that you feel is unfair. Ciro believes without evidence that unfortunately anti-discrimination-hiring laws are likely inefficient, as it is too hard to convict anyone.

While repealing the law entirely would be stupid, Trump is right that it has given platforms too much control over the media.

Except for dictatorial foreign governments , or explicitly illegal material, social media platforms should never remove or comment on any content.

The people elected that idiot, Twitter leftists have to swallow that. For example in Stack Overflow forbids criticizing the character of genocidal political leaders like Xi Jinping Stack Overflow forbade Ciro from saying:. Western governments should pass laws that prevent this kind of arbitrary political censorship by companies. But of course as usual: censorship in a dictatorship like China is always a million times worse.

But do you really think that further increasing the power concentration as done is China is going to help reduce inequality? If so, you have been brainwashed beyond reason. Increasing the concentration of power will obviously make society even more unequal and corrupt , never less.

This movie was almost banned in Britain at the time due to lobbying by Christian groups as shown in The secret Life of Brian Do it the same way you stop dictators: with comedy. Otherwise, the dictators remain in power, and next person in jail, will be you. The secret Life of Brian is a good documentary about it. Censoring anyone who says "my president is shit", which is what China does, is much, much more serious than censoring intelligence leaks.

The problem with dictatorships, is that they make every information that makes them look bad a "state secret". Including any information that hundreds of thousands of people have witnessed, or economic performance metrics! See also: Internal censorship is necessary to prevent fake USA accounts from creating harmful propaganda.

Countries need secret services. Secret services need laws that prevent leaking classified information that was produced by government officials. If Snowden were Chinese, the Chinese government would ban talking about him or anything he uncovered. A keyword attack with "Snowden" in the West has no effect.

It is obvious that the level of surveillance in any dictatorship will be infinitely higher, since the Government has much more power and no-one can criticize. On the West however, the debate Snowden sparked cannot be censored, and has helped to control excessive and secret state power.

Ultimately, Ciro thinks camera surveillance is somewhat inevitable, because people will always want to fight crime and terrorism and surveillance technology keeps getting cheaper and cheaper.

He also believes that a good solution to balance out government power is the second amendment. As a Redditor put it :. Democracies cannot necessarily protect weak countries from powerful ones either. No political system can do that, because humans are trash essentially. What democracy do is to protect its own people against its own government. Like any other organization and individual everywhere in the entire world, they are just doing everything that they can to maintain their own power.

But all must play a careful political game, and sometimes betray their own beliefs to not lose power entirely. But at least they have to pretend a little.

The huge majority of those politicians are just regular dudes with a knack for politics but brought up in a fucked up political situation.

The article discusses how Nazi Germany propaganda worked, without mention to the CCP, but it was still apparently banned in China. Would you have stood up to Hitler when he came to power?

Or would you have been an appeaser, like Chamberlain? That we would have stood up to the villains of the past. Seen them for what they really were, even helped rescue their victims from danger. So, have you reached the conclusion that your shitpost is worth the risk of getting blocked? Remember that shitposts can also be creative: if you are going to insult Ciro Santilli, at least do it in a creative way, or else you look like an even bigger idiot than you really are.

Also, when opening a shitpost you may mark it clearly such with the shitpost issue template which automatically assigns the shitpost label. Doing so will make you look like less of an idiot. While we require polite replies to polite posts, no matter what which side they are defending, if a post is marked as a shitpost, things are much more relaxed and fun, and you can generally get away with telling the OP to fuck themselves without getting blocked.

It is a shame that most people who are ever able to do that are shitposters , but credit where credit is due. It is more productive for you to write in English, so that the rest of the West can also learn something new. Especially since it seems that most Chinese already know what you are talking about, so you are better off teaching Western people about it.

Obviously, if you want to be understood, use simple and standard Chinese, since as Ciro has already stated clearly, his Chinese sucks: Does Ciro Santilli speak Chinese? Avoid slangs, otherwise Ciro might not have patience to Google your useless slangs down Zhihu questions. If you want to efficiently prevent anyone from understanding your stuff, Ciro recommends that you just use SHA instead:. A Chinese insult tip , avoid similar sound euphemisms. If you are going to say shit at least grow some balls or tits and use the proper characters, Ciro will respect you more for it:.

ICU is an example that is not phonetic, but just about meaning. Not as of , he has only visited once in , and it was amazingly beautiful. And it is immoral to help make dictatorships richer by working for their companies: What should Western countries do about China?

Firstly, Jamal Khashoggi taught us that walking into enemy into consulates of enemy countries is a bad idea. Then, even if the VISA were accepted, Ciro could still be turned back on entering the country, thus wasting the flight time and money.

This could either be a genius plot to waste the money of enemies of the state, or due to a crappy divided IT system between the border control and the VISA people.

Finally, even after the border, there is still the possibility that Ciro could be stopped in the country half-way through the visit and sent back, or be interrogated for a few days, or less likely murdered with poison. Therefore, if you think that living in China is fundamental to understand it, please just explain what you think one can learn from the experience instead.

Do you really need to live there to see its censorship machine working? It would arguably be harder to see it from the inside. See also: What should pro-democracy Chinese living in China do about the dictatorship?

And obviously, using slangs just makes things really hard. When it matters, and with some patience, he can make himself understood though with some analogies archive and a dictionary. Except for his mother-in-law , who sometimes does not understand it at all without correct tones! When he has no patience or for larger not very important chunks of text though, he reads with Google Translate as it tends to work, and then if there is an important sentence that was translated to garbage with Perapera.

Ciro writes with a mixture of Pleco , Google translate and Googling to see if Chinese actually say the sentences that way, never Google translate alone as it would be too imprecise. Ciro really wishes he could learn more Chinese. Ciro really loves the Chinese language. But he has other more important endeavors at the moment. But they should have gone further and reduced it to pinyin like the Korean and Vietnamese did, this will make your culture much easier to export. No foreign adult will every learn to read and write Chinese unless they are completely obsessed by the culture or need it as part of their jobs.

And even then, they will avoid it at all costs, because life is just too short! Japanese furigana also comes to mind. The characters are so insane that you need a well specified and widely used phonetic reading aid! Zhihu , Quora.

Yes, at the word level, the same like exists in phonetic systems, but that it takes up a modern dictionary and Unicode slot is still funny. One major difference between me and the stereotypical SJW is that I never engage in lengthy discussions. Whenever Ciro was with his mother-in-law and asked for help from young Chinese people, they were extremely nice. It is hard to understand how the same people have not managed to speak up when 70 million old ladies were put into jail when Falun Gong was banned.

Only the extreme fear of also going to jail could explain it. Living in China is living in constant fear if you can think for yourself. One must not forget however: grades are useless, and all that matters is how much you improve society. And because of that: Would Ciro Santilli like to live in China? There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always bitch about and those nobody uses.

Ciro only focus here on negative things to provide content that will activate the Great Firewall. Smithsonian collection at a search for Paintings before Drill down further by "topic" e. It is interesting how different people get different impressions!

Of course, the fact that his wife is Chinese and does Falun Gong may or may not have played a role in it It was like this: Ciro started getting interested in Chinese culture, then he started hanging out with Chinese people, and then he started hanging out with his wife!

So yes, it is a chicken and egg type of thing. The fact that she is one of the most intelligent, morally upright, cute, and "never give up" person I know may have helped me choose too. Does Ciro Santilli want to harm the Chinese programmers? As evidence, it has limiting effects on his technological career: Does your employer support this? No, he is not angry at all, see also: Does Ciro Santilli want to harm the Chinese programmers? A shady supporting organization might require that he does not disclose their support, so maybe the best answer is that you will never know for sure.

Of course, a hidden support would represent a reputation hit for both such organizations and for me, which makes it less likely that I would have accepted or had such an offer. What should pro-democracy Chinese living in China do about the dictatorship? The only thing that my employer does believe in is that employees can have their own political opinions, and that this should not affect hiring decisions.

I will always do my best to not let my personal opinions affect my professional decisions, as that would be unfair to my employer. The Internet gives everyone the magic power of writing something, and having million people read it for free! See also: What are the best sources of anti-CCP news? But Ciro did it only when his brain was too tired of technical stuff and unable to do more, or as a brain warm up routine in the morning.

Telling the CCP to fuck off is surprisingly relaxing, you should try it some time too. It uses a different part of your brain other than the programming one. It is, one could say, an art form.

Oops, I forgot that proposing such a vote would put in you jail , nevermind. Do you really think that the communists will step down if you ask them nicely enough? A quote from V for Vendetta comes to mind:. How do you think the CCP or any other party got into power and maintained that power in the first place? Obviously through violence. And likely due to earlier Japanese invasions which weakened the Guomindang. And the CCP actually uses "the ends justify the means" as an argument to justify its own actions: As long as China is developing economically, it is fine to violate the human rights of a few million people.

The question of if anything is morally right or wrong makes no sense. All that matters is: what is the government that maximizes the happines of its own people, and who has the power to do what? Getting richer, is part of the equation, but so is not being constantly affraid that you will be randomly put in jail for no good reason. If you do decide to strike though, stay safe, gather your forces on the Internet, and only strike when victory seems certain. For "violence is illegal" arguments, see also: FLG is illegal in China, we must follow the law.

Basically same discussion as: Would it be right to use violence to overthrow the CCP? In particular, dictatorships are harder to sustain than authoritarianism, since it generally implies even less freedom, and a single leader whose death can destabilize everything. The CCP is more like a social class with a large number of members and various sub-layers, and it is therefore much harder to take down on the other hand.

Dictatorship is becoming more and more precise under Xi however. TODO: these appear to be politically incorrect subs, but they do seem to allow anti-commit info. As of , they were either banned or private:. Any comment critical of China and mods immediately ban you, e. Anti terror system in Xinjiang is working. End result for HK is the same since , regardless of rioters.

Dec 31 China informed WHO about mysterious pneumonia. You had the genome and saw the lengths China went to. Completely pro-Putin, e. After Trump was unfairly banned from Twitter, his social media team created an amazing "Chongald Xrump" account pretending ridiculously to be a CCP PR person , it had really good posts.

Non e. Those are hard to quantify, and there is always an immediate reply: china GDP per capita is low, same happens in India, Brazil, etc. Freedom of speech however, is immediately verifiable e. I am currently trying to maintain in my Stack Overflow Location a ranking of events in a single string, so that it can be easily copy pasted around. The location appears on every page if you hover over my account name, so it is likely in the HTML at least.

It might be a newbie text editors for newbie Windows users, but at least they use it to good use by doing keyword attacks:. The rest of the website is still up.

The creator appears to be a Vietnamese immigrant or descendant living in France. What makes Ciro the maddest is the censorship. If you are going to put people in jail, write a clear law about it, and let international reporters come to see the situation. Ciro also believes that although terrorists must be fought with all our strength, they must also be given some degree respect interspersed simultaneously with humour. He sometimes prefers the term "warriors" or "fighters", because their actions are largely indistinguishable from many ideological or purely greed based actions that larger nation states have done many times over and over.

It is just a war, plain and simple. An amazing scene from The Battle of Algiers comes to mind. Cannot find source :. Those bombs that make so many innocent victims? Obviously, with airplanes, it would have been much more convenient for us. Give us your bombers, and we will give you the pushchairs. Ces bombes qui font tant de victimes innocentes? Donnez vous vos bombardiers monsieur, et on vous donnera les couffins.

See also: Western democracies have invaded other countries and crushed separatism. Almost every country, and all reasonably powerful countries, have diplomatic relations with Taiwan. The West must not let China advance and take more territories. The more they take, the more they will want. The West must recognize Taiwan for what it is: a separate country, under threat of invasion, and in need of support. China, if you want to claim that Taiwan is a part of you, just grow some balls and invade them already.

Or just stop this stupid joke. Taiwan should not be considered a country by China, because then it would not join back to China when China becomes a democracy, and would be used by the USA to do evil things as they did in the Middle East. China claiming that Taiwan is a part of them only drives Taiwan closer to the West! Who wants to be part of a dictatorship unless you have been brainwashed by one? They truly believe in The commies exaggerate the threat of the West to keep in power. Taiwan was at a disadvantage during since it was not part of the World Health Organization and therefore could not get information as fast and influence decisions.

President Donald Shop Air Filter Diy Us Trump has signed into law an act that requires increased U. Semi bullshit. Hololive is a VTuber management company from Japan. During their most recent livestreams, Hololive Japanese VTubers Kiryu Coco and Akai Haato announced the countries where they have received the most followers based on YouTube analytics. One of the countries that they highlighted was Taiwan because it accounted for seven percent of viewers and they displayed the flag of Taiwan to represent the nation.

Pixiv , which is "a Japanese online community for artists" which likely has lots of VTubers,. The public must realize that a handful of extremists are far from qualified to represent tens of millions of local residents in Xinjiang. It is not only an irrational and biased mindset to put the blame on the entire Uyghur community or the Muslim world, but the idea will also abet and aid those separatists and terrorists who are desperate to take advantage of ethnic and religious conflicts.

Source of translation: "Uyghurs for sale" report. The ad features a caricature of two dancing Uyghurs in traditional clothing. China has proactively explored feasible ways in its Xinjiang governance and generated positive outcomes. China claims 1. The average annual training for all kinds of workers in urban and rural areas in Xinjiang is 1.

Participants have mastered at least one employment skill, and most of them have obtained vocational qualification certificates, vocational skill level certificates or special vocational ability certificates to achieve stable employment. Good technique. In the s about , people were sterilized in Peru under a program promoted by President Alberto Fujimori, who argued a lower birth rate was the key to eliminating poverty. He presented his family-planning campaign as a step forward for feminism, and even got funding from the US Agency for International Development, USAid.

Many of the women who were sterilized, however, came from poor indigenous backgrounds and were coerced or forced into the procedure. Description: "China is relocating Uighurs and other Muslim minorities to urban areas as part of a contentious labor program. The Times obtained rare footage taken inside one. TODO confirm the location and that these are political prisoners rather than "normal criminals".

They are however clearly adults being treated like children, taking courses and even having to sing and dance for the camera. How can they be so stupid? How can they not see that this is not what the West wants to hear?

Amazing dark-comedy like stuff. Observers however rightly brought up the Nayirah testimony. It is so prevalent, that it is often shortened to just "Md. Self made video shows the ex-model chained to a bed in a camp. Text messages give further details. Events linked to reducing the teaching of the Tibetan language in schools and replacing it with Mandarin:. Give them free language courses on the country of arrival, and help them find jobs. Police in Hong Kong are seeking the arrest of six pro-democracy activists living in exile in Western countries, including the UK, media reports say.

Using hotels as a base of operations is of coures common in occupied regions, see e. An important quote from that movie when a prisoner of the Nazis dies, his friend says:. Those are risks the U. Led to: Sport event live broadcast image attacks. Explicitly forbidden in China by the law: Real username law An appropriation attack is one where the attackers attempt to associate an existing symbol to their cause. NBA in particular is super popular in China, and people sitting at the front row can easily bomb emissions due to the small court size:.

Force all their Western servers to accept TLS 1. Companies only care about money and have no long term view, the following must be imposed by governments on Western companies. Chinese interference in Western media , notably China watch , must. Physical presence influence must be completely blocked, e. Accounts that are not labelled as being from the Chinese government, but which support the CCP, must be investigated to determine if they are actually funded by the Chinese government.

Blocking them has the downsides that:. Rows can have child rows, so a tree structure can be build. It also supports async calls to load rows from the backend. Supports nested object keys, custom icons and reusable components. Filter, sort, paginate, group, expanding details row. Highly customizible via slots for filter, headers, column, pagination, details row.

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