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open-hardware-business-model-python Однажды мне потребовалось создать 3D модель дна, подробнее в этой статье. Сегодня я хочу рассказать о том, как можно создавать 3D модели Python 3. Способов для этого достаточно много  Но я хочу рассказать, как делать модели используя только Python. → Ссылка на Github. STL. Для этого нужно понять, как работает формат stl (популярный формат 3D файлов). Вся модель в этом формате состоит из множества треугольников, поэтому файл состоит из 3-х мерных координат их вершин. STL-файл. solid facet normal 0 0 0 outer loop vertex 0 0 0 vertex 1 0 0 vertex 1 1 0 endloop endfacet facet normal 0 0 0 outer loop vertex 1 1 0 vertex 0 0 0 vertex 0 1 0 endloop endfacet endsolid. Пример. Архитектурные подходы к проектированию модели данных. ETL, ELT, Data Pipeline — термины по обработке данных. Что такое Data Pipeline или Конвейер данных?  SpaCy — это open-source библиотека для NLP, написанная на Python и Cython. В отличие от NLTK, который широко используется для преподавания и исследований, spaCy фокусируется на предоставлении программного обеспечения для разработки. spaCy поставляется с предварительно обученными статистическими моделями и векторами слов, и в настоящее время поддерживает токенизацию для 50+ языков. Open Source Hardware Ассоциация рекомендует семь лицензий, которые следуют их определения аппаратных средств с открытым исходным кодом.  Все эти термины являются примерами модели с открытым исходным кодом, применимой для разработки любого продукта, включая программное обеспечение, оборудование, культурные и образовательные. Смотрите здесь для разграничения этих терминов. Научное сообщество вносит основной вклад в разработку проектов аппаратного обеспечения с открытым исходным кодом.

Libre Hardware is gaining significant traction in the scientific hardware community, where there is evidence that open development creates both technically superior and far less expensive scientific equipment than proprietary models.

In this article, the evidence is reviewed and a bbusiness of examples of business models is developed to service scientists who have the option to manufacture their bsiness equipment using Open Source designs. Profitable Libre Hardware business models pgthon reviewed, which includes kit, specialty component, and calibration suppliers for makers. The results indicate that Libre Hardware businesses should target technically sophisticated customers first busuness, as usability matures, target expanded markets of conventional consumers.

Conventional business models for hardware sales open hardware business model python involve creating artificial scarcity for a product by obtaining a monopoly over it Demsetz, ; McGaughey, ; Smith, ; May, This is accomplished by either protecting the intellectual property IP Teece, related to the product as a trade secret or with a patent, the latter of which provides an exclusive right to make and sell the product for lpen years in the U.

This provides the firm with a monopoly hardwafe the product Boldrin, ; Boldrin and Levine, ; After obtaining an IP monopoly, a firm can extract fees in, for example, the forms of royalties to omdel the IP or simply raising the selling price of the monopolized product McGaughey, These types of business models are well known and most corporations employ them in a wide range of hardware industries e.

The FOSS community has demonstrated through many successful software projects that, by facilitating participation in projects with little to no startup costs, meaningful contributions from the community can be made Raymond, ; Lakhani and Von Hippel, ; Weber, Large-scale collaborations result in superior design with lower associated costs due to the continuous improvement, which leads more robust and innovative solutions to technical problems Raymond, ; Soderberg, For instance, Android, an Open Source-based operating system for smart phones dominated the market with an The success of FOSS has created an moddl to expensive and proprietary systems by allowing for reduced research and development costs as well as more flexible design Mockus, Fielding, Herbsleb, OSHW is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, manufacture, distribute, and sell the design or pieces open hardware business model python hardware based on that open hardware business model python OSHWA, Originally FOSS community members opwn that Libre Hardware was challenging because of the nature of modell design that was necessary to build physical artifacts Open hardware business model python,however, with advancements in digital manufacturing technology these views have changed Stallman, There are several examples of existing vibrant Libre Hardware communities Gibb, such as the 3D hwrdware community around the self-replicating rapid protoyper RepRap 1 3D printer family Jones, Haufe and Sells, ; Sells et al.

RepRap technology has been attributed with radically reducing the costs of 3D printing and generating the entire desktop 3D printing market, which spawned dozens of new companies Rundle, ; Molitch-Hou, Thus, the trajectories of improvements and innovation are steeper Foss and Pedersen, than they are for traditional manufacturing technologies, which provides a second competitive advantage.

Improvements are continuous as new designs are published on a regular basis. Repositories for 3D objects have users, for instance, who continually post new designs. At the moment, most designs for printed objects are hard to copyright, and copyright laws can be bypassed through the introduction of small changes in the overall design Bradshaw et al.

Copyright is not the appropriate IP strategy for design files on any product that has utility e. The number of libre designs have been shown to be growing at an exponential rate Wittbrodt et al. One area where Libre Hardware is gaining significant traction is in the scientific hardware community Fisher and Gould, ; Pearce, There is substantial evidence that the Open Hardware model creates more flexible and adequate scientific equipment at far less expense than ptyhon been developed using proprietary models.

In this article, the evidence for this will be reviewed to describe a collection of examples of business models to service experimental scientists who have the option to manufacture their own scientific hardware using Free and Open Source designs.

To discuss business models to supply this novel type of expert consumer, profitable Libre Hardware-based products in the sciences will be reviewed. These business models will be generalized to other types of customers who are capable of distributed digital fabrication of hardwre designs to meet their own needs. Finally, conclusions will be drawn about businesses that must compete not only with other producers for customers but also with the customers themselves.

Scientists building on the success of the Arduino Open Source prototyping platform and the RepRap 3D pythoon 2 communities have begun a new phase of distributed digital hardwade of low-cost pytthon equipment Pearce, open hardware business model python Pearce, haardware Baden, et al. Free and Open Science Hardware projects span Open Hardware Business Model Not Found a wide range of scientific disciplines with an incredible variety of tools, including: colorimeters Anzalone et harvware.

Consider three examples. Thus, even if only a single water quality tester is printed, the costs of the open source 3D printing manufacturing technology are more than justified for the scientist.

Similarly, the majority of harvware fixtures for optics labs in physics research and education can be replicated from common 3D printed plastic. Such savings can scale to buslness research laboratories once the initial designs are produced and licensed with Open Hardware licenses.

The Open Source syringe pump library pgthon facilitate matching a scientists needs throughout this spectrum of pump sophistication. As each of the designs can be replicated for little open hardware business model python than the cost of poen and modest electricity to run 3D printers, the economic value for the scientific community is substantial Budiness, ; Pearce, businwss agencies have the option to put strong incentives in place to better harness this opportunity by having specific CFPs calls for proposals for Open Hardware as well as preferential purchasing policy to be set for Free and Open Source solutions when available in quantity and sufficient quality e.

As the preceding section made open hardware business model python, scientists are now turning to Libre Hardware to conduct their experimental science in greater numbers than ever before. However, proprietary hardware maintains a persistent open hardware business model python. A careful inspection of the citation years e.

There is still considerable inertia in the scientific equipment funding, distribution and purchasing systems that have, thus far, limited Open Hardware to a small number of specialized areas. There are three primary obstructions to gaining domination of mainstream science equipment.

First, funding is limited for Open Hardware development. Conventional financiers are both open hardware business model python with and prefer patent protection for their investments 3 Demsetz, businees McGaughey, ; Smith, ; May, There is already considerable evidence that this approach slows innovation in some fields such as gusiness Pearce, b. Regardless, this approach is now firmly entrenched in all areas of busineas in both hqrdware and public sources of equipment open hardware business model python. Although there are examples of government funding open hardware business model python Open Hardware development 4there open hardware business model python not been specific programs.

Most major equipment grants such as those for the NSF Major Research Instrumentation MRI program go towards funding the purchasing of proprietary tools from conventional vendors mdel specialty hardwaee development, which is later commercialized as proprietary equipment. Secondly, because of the nature of distributed manufacturing there are nearly no examples of open scientific hardware being included in scientific equipment catalogs from major vendors which makes it difficult for scientists who are not familiar with Open Hardware to consider it when purchasing equipment.

Finally and most importantly, established institutions and funding agencies favor purchasing proprietary equipment. Because open hardware costs less, it provides ironically a perverse incentive for open hardware business model python to avoid it in order to acquire as much overhead as possible. This bias is not in the best interest of science, however, there are also legitimate reasons why most scientists still favor proprietary tools due to long track records and traditional customer service of established suppliers.

hardwre scientists are not comfortable with developing their own open hardware business model python and, despite improved performance and lower open hardware business model python, prefer an out-of-the-box tool with stable channels of technical support. Even these labs, however, may be tempted to save costs by using the distributed manufacturing model for non-critical tools or custom components. Open hardware business model python distributed manufacturing Libre Hardware phenomena has been made busoness with the development of inexpensive global communication and a wide variety of projects which operate as platforms, such as the Arduino electronics prototyping project and the RepRap physical fabrication platform.

The Arduino platform has been used for many scientific applications including: low-cost UAVs for oceanographic research Busquets, et al. Oepn should be pointed out here that Libre Hardware is much more likely than proprietary hardware to be adopted as a platform oen it is easier to hack and build upon Zimmermann, The Libre Modep approach has several advantages for scientists. First, lower costs in time and money are enjoyed for direct manufacturing equipment.

It is also likely that the price pressure from the Open Source community Deek and McHugh, will drive down costs of commercial versions of the equipment, resulting in a decrease in overall research costs. Second, greater flexibility and customized equipment that would be expected to lead to better experiments and faster evolution of science Pearce, Rather than being limited to buy only what is commercially available, scientists can create modell instruments to meet their exact needs and specifications, expanding on Open Hardware design files.

The ability to customize research tools is particularly helpful to those on the bleeding open hardware business model python of science, who need customized never-seen-before equipment. Third, better control over their labs. Open source products are well known to offer a decreased dependency on monopoly suppliers Bruns, ; Kogut and Metiu, and this benefit can be very valuable to scientists using Libre Hardware.

If a scientist has the legal and technical ability to alter the code for hardware and software in their labs, open hardware business model python will never be left with stranded assets such as non-functioning equipment when commercial vendors go out of business, drop a product line, or modek key technical staff.

With libre hardware, the equipment, at least, has the potential to evolve rather than being discarded. Pyyhon these advantages scientists can thus be categorized by their adoption of Libre Hardware into four categories.

The first three provide markets for potential Libre Hardware-based businesses. First, some scientific research open hardware business model python Type 1 fabricate their own equipment using Libre Hardware designs in-house. Second, some scientific research groups Type 2 would be willing to pay more for equipment by having someone else bsuiness for them. This would include well funded groups, groups on strict timelines, and those who lack appropriate staffing. For example, some scientific research groups, particularly those outside of physics and engineering, opne lack bjsiness expertise to use Open Source tools to fabricate modeo themselves.

Other research groups Type 3 outsource their experiments to core facilities or businesses, and these organizations could conduct research for a fee. Finally, some research groups Type 4 would remain with the traditional proprietary suppliers in order to continue to outsource their risk, which is one of the benefits of the traditional model.

However, it should be pointed out that the diminished market from the first three groups of scientists may eliminate traditional suppliers, thus removing this option in the future. Businesses are needed to service the Libre Hardware scientific market made up of the first three groups, and the next section will review profitable models such businesses can follow.

A business model describes the rationale of how a firm creates, delivers, and captures economic value Hedman and Kalling, The business model is essentially a plan that a company uses to generate value. Companies developing and distributing FOSS can not depend on their control of the source code for their business model, they rely on non-traditional models to provide sources of revenue instead Krishnamurthy, In the Open Source context, the definition of business model can be made up of three components: 1 value i.

In this section, business models serving omdel types of scientific users makers, Open Hardware buyers, and outsourcers will be discussed to address the larger Libre Hardware community. It should be noted that a single business can use more than one model to generate revenue. At the present stage of Libre Hardware development the majority of complex scientific hardware can not be fabricated solely open hardware business model python low-cost digital manufacturing tools, such as polymer-based single-material 3D printers.

For pythoh equipment, these vitamins may open hardware business model python be readily available or may represent a major time investment to source, thus there is a market for firms to provide all the vitamins for a specific tool in a kit form.

For example, a hardwre could produce kits harwdare fabricate an open tool such as the Arduino-powered OpenQCM, which is a highly-sensitive Open Source microbalance. Kit suppliers can differentiate themselves following the sucessful open hardware business model python example of Adafruit, which is well known for providing high-quality tutorials for building Open Hardware projects Zimmermann, In the maker scientific community there will be customers who still want some level of specialization of their equipment beyond common kit models.

Businesses can supply custom parts in materials that are not commonly available for digital fabrication in desktop hafdware printers such as Shapeways, which enable scientists to order custom print Open Hardware components in exotic materials such as bronze, porcelain, castable wax, and aluminum Shapeways, Although RepRap printers open hardware business model python been developed to print in wax Pearce, et al.

Similarly, vitamin suppliers can provide hard-to-obtain specialty components such as sensors or complex electronics to this type of customer. In their online store, OpenQCM provides not only full kits, but also the relatively uncommon 10MHz Quartz sensors pjthon for those capable of obtaining and fabricating the QCM Arduino shield and 3D open hardware business model python components themselves.

In addition, as makers favor the so-called Open Hardware vitamins, there is a competitive advantage to offering open versions of mass produced components. For example, OpenBeam is an aluminum extrusion construction system that can be used to make optical rails Zhang et al. Even though individual scientists could use the plans to make their own runs, the quantities they would need make it much more likely they would open hardware business model python the beams a few at a time open hardware business model python the original supplier, OpenBeam.

In order to provide scientists with the assurance that their tools are operating at Open Hardware Beaglebone Python specification, calibration and validation is often necessary. For example, a calibrated light source from Ocean Optics may be necessary to perform accurate experiments in an Open Source-based optics setup for photoluminescence.

Businesses can service the needs of scientists either by shipping open hardware business model python or validated Open Hardware components directly or by accepting hardware built by pythoh scientists for testing.

This open business model is well established in the software world, where, for example, Red Hat has grown to be $ billion/year company (RedHat, 20 16) by provid-. Apr 01,  · "Business models are abstract, complex concepts of which understanding can be enhanced through the development of a general classification scheme."Susan LambertIn the September issue of the Open Source Business Resource, Patrick McNamara, president of the Open Hardware Foundation, gave a comprehensive introduction to the concept of open hardware, including some Cited by: 4. May 20,  · Business Models for Open Source Hardware & Open Design | blog LZ via OSHWA. Open Source for hardware and physical objects and processes is a growing movement. But „how to make money with that“ is the question most people ask within the first minutes. There are a lot of answers – a lot of open source hardware business models. And we get www.- : Adafruit.

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Author: admin | 07.01.2021

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