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Things To Build Out At home Part Time

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pumpkin-carving-kit-dollar-store-logo A plant cloth is a good investment. Now a 5-year-old can do it! The moon reaches its first quarter on Feb. Mix cream cheese, pumpkin carving kit dollar store logo, and vanilla until very smooth, add egg and beat together. You can buy them at local hardware stores, supermarkets, and book stores. May your Christmas angel be real to you and bring messages of love, joy, peace, hope and good will.

During February trees and grapevines are dormant. Limbs and branches can clearly be seen with no foliage and you can clearly see areas that need to be trimmed and pruned back.

Pruning makes trees and vines look better, bear more fruit, as well as make harvesting easier. Spraying dormant oil spray on all grapevines and fruit trees. After you have pruned the fruit trees and grapevines, pick a sunny day with no wind in the forecast and apply a layer of dormant oil spray. Mix the proper amount of water to the oil spray and pour into a sprayer. Spray trunk, branches and limbs from top to bottom until they are shiny.

It works even better when no rain is in the forecast for several days. Starting off the garden year with a bed of red radish. Radish are a tough cold weather vegetable with the shortest of maturity dates of about 45 to 50 days.

They are one of the earliest vegetables that can be sown in the garden plot. Most seed packets say radish will mature in 30 days but we know this is just not true because they usually require two weeks to germinate, so a harvest can be more like 40 days. Sow radish seed in a bed or short row about two inches deep and sow thinly. Cover the seed with a layer of peat moss and an application of Garden-Tone organic plant food.

Hill up soil on each side of furrow and tamp down with a hoe blade. Beef Stroganoff. To make this beef stroganoff, you will need one pound of round steak cut against the grain into quarter-inch strips. Cover strips with flour, salt, and pepper and lightly brown in three or four tablespoons of Crisco oil. Add two third cups water and a three ounce can of mushrooms undrained , stir in one envelope of Lipton Beefy Onion Soup mix.

Heat until mixture comes to a boil. Blend in one cup of sour cream and two tablespoons plain flour together. Add this to the beef mixture. Simmer and stir until the mixture thickens. Serve the stroganoff over a pack of cooked Minute or Success rice. What do you expect for your age bracket? The Almanac for February. Groundhog Day was Feb. There will be a new moon on Feb. Valentines Day is Feb. Presidents Day is Feb. Mardi Gras begins on Feb. Ash Wednesday is Feb. The moon reaches its first quarter on Feb.

The full moon of February will occur on Feb. Groundhog Day. On Tuesday we will observe Groundhog Day. Groundhogs are rodents and we should treat them as such.

Groundhogs are enemies of the garden and not weather prophets, even if they were, they would be false prophets. Here are three ways you can control these pesky critter: 1.

Spray vegetable foliage with Epsom salts mixed with water and pour into a spray bottle. While the leaves are still wet with the mist of Epsom salt, sprinkle red cayenne pepper on the foliage right from the can.

Scatter a few moth balls between the rows and let them get a snoot full to get them off and running. If all these measures fail, spray an application of groundhog repellent around the perimeter of the garden. You can purchase repellents at most hardware stores and garden shops. Lettuce can be started in February. Lettuce is definitely a cold weather vegetable and with a little help from a protective plant cloth, you can enjoy a harvest of lettuce in 50 to 55 days.

You can raise lettuce in a row or bed and it will thrive in the middle of winter. Plant the seeds in a furrow about two inches deep. Cover the seed with a layer of peat moss to retain moisture and apply a layer of Plant-Tone organic plant food and hill up soil on each side of the furrow and tamp down with a hoe blade. You can also set out lettuce plants and sow packets of lettuce seed in between the the lettuce plants for a double harvest of lettuce in the same row or bed.

Keeping vehicle windshields clean during winter months. Make sure you keep plenty of washer fluid in the windshield washer. Use the kind that has deicer in it. Keep a durable scraper with a long handle and a brush on the other side under the seat to aid in keeping the windshield clear.

Always clean the windows and rear vehicle window before getting on the highway. It is a great idea to keep an extra ice scraper in your vehicle in case the one you are using breaks. Once a week during winter, clean the wiper blades to remove debris from the road that builds up on the wiper blades. Chicken salad casserole. This is an unusual casserole with great ingredients that the family will love. It has most of the ingredients that chicken salad contains and plenty of flavor.

You will need:. Saute diced celery and onion in half stick margarine until tender. Cook chicken breast and dice. Pour into a large casserole or 13x9x2 inch baking dish or pan sprayed with Pam oven spray. Bake at degrees for 45 to 50 minutes. Filling feeders and checking birdbaths.

The birds of winter are continuing to search for food and water. Water is extremely difficult for them to find in the dead of winter with many mud holes frozen as well as birdbaths. Keep the feeders refilled during the week and empty the ice from birdbaths each day when the temperature rises above freezing. Check them each day when ice forms in the baths. The source of water and food we provide will help them make it well through the cold winter.

Signs of spring in winter. Even with winter still with seven more weeks remaining, there are a few signs of spring in our midst. The heart-shaped leaves of the American violet are popping out of the cold winter soil. Hyacinths and jonquils are showing green spikes emitting from underneath layers of crushed leaves.

The perennials on the porch and deck are showing signs of life and the Carolina Jasmine still has quite a few yellow blooms and the sweet fragrance of spring. Grapevines and fruit trees can be pruned in February. Fruit trees and grapevines can be pruned in the month of February. Grapevines and fruit trees are dormant which will make shaping and pruning easier. Limbs, branches, and runners will be visible and pruning more effective.

Pruning in February when trees and vines are dormant will promote a more productive harvest and quality fruits. Prune back all limbs that rub together and long water sprouts that reach out of the reach of a harvest. Try to choose a calm, sunny day with no wind to make the task easier. Dormant oil spray. One calm and sunny February afternoon after fruit trees and grapevines have been pruned, apply a coat of dormant oil spray mixed with proper amount of water and placed in a sprayer.

Spray the trees and vines from top to bottom until they are slick and shiny. Try to choose a day when no rain is forecast for several days to allow the oil spray to dry out. February can be a month of hard freezes. This is not all that bad because a hard freeze will help kill off wintering insects and their egg and larvae as well as fungus and diseases in the soil. Now a 5-year-old can do it! Six-year-old Jody was interested about God making Eve from a rib of Adam.

On Thursday, Jan. There is some special weather lore on his special day that is just as interesting as the apostle Paul and also just as positive. A halo around the near-full moon in winter. For the days until the snow, count the starts inside the halo. My Northampton County grandma went a step beyond the poem and her prediction was the number of visible stars inside the halo were the number of inches of snow that would fall.

When the temperatures are colder aloft where the halo is than the temperatures on the ground can surely set the stage for some white stuff from above. At this time of winter as January is closing out and February is on its way, there is not much going in in the garden plot, but you can purchase packets of seed, plant food, garden supplies, or order seed from catalogs.

Another interesting chore is searching for Valentine gifts for the family, kids, grandchildren and sweethearts. Most stores, flower shops, and supermarkets are well stocked. You can go ahead and order flowers now from florist to be assured of timely delivery. Many women love to have flowers delivered to their door!

The inventory at most retailers is great and most stores are well stocked. Strawberry banana whipped cream pie. As the season of the Valentine draws near, this colorful and creamy pie will melt the heart. It is very easy to prepare and requires no baking. In a large bowl, combine the pie filling and the bananas and spoon into graham cracker crust.

Spread the Cool Whip over the strawberry banana filling. Keep refrigerated. Snow, ice, and icicles protection. In winter when it snows, a wet snow can be heavy and damage shrubs, bushes, and low-hanging limbs of trees. Keep a broom outside the door and brush off heavy build-ups of snow and ice from shrubs, bushes, and limbs. Another hazard of winter weather is when icicles form over the carport and porches as well as entrances and doorways.

Knock them down with the broom before they fall on someone or damage your vehicle. An outside broom is also handy to brush off shoes, boots, and keep ice and slush from being tracked to inside the home. Hard freezes as January reaches the last week.

The garden plot needs hard freezes to kill off wintering insects and pests and decrease their population. Hard freezes will also destroy weed seed, fungus, and organisms in the soil. Hard freezes can also destroy many diseases deep in the soil. Starting a very early vegetable in the winter garden. January is a cold month but on days when the ground is not frozen, you can sow a packet or two of radish seed.

Radish is a vegetable that can withstand cold winter temperatures and produce harvest in about 45 days. When planting radish in winter, cover the seed in a layer of peat moss and apply an application of Garden-Tone organic plant food in the furrow and hill up soil on both sides of the furrow and tamp down with the hoe blade.

Spread a plant cloth over the radish for a bit of protection. Fog in January means a wet spring. This is a rare bit of winter weather lore that is almost as rare as a fog in January because the month is usually too cold for fog to develop.

Spring is eight weeks away. January has only seven day remaining. February has 28 days and spring arrives March This means there are only 56 days until spring arrives. On several nights in January, we have heard frogs croaking down by the creek bank and letting us know the number of days until spring. The Carolina Jasmine already has some yellow blooms and a fragrance of spring emitting from them.

Hyacinth bulbs are shooting out green spikes and a few wild onions are showing up on the lawn. Day continue to get longer by one minute each evening and this is a sure sign of spring. A plant cloth is a good investment. As cold weather vegetables such as radish, lettuce, and greens are started in late winter, a plant cloth is a great investment for protecting early vegetables. You can buy cloths in 25 foot rolls that can be cut to fit over plants. Most hardware stores and garden shops sell the cloths by the roll.

They can be cut to any size, recycled and used year after year. Rain water runs through them as well as providing protection from extreme weather. The pastor stood at the door shaking hands. Enjoying the Full Wolf Moon. The full moon of the month of January will occur on Jan. If snow is on the ground, the snow will look like sparking diamonds. The bulbs of springs are beginning to awaken.

The spring bulbs of jonquils, hyacinths, daffodils, narcissus, and tulips are showing signs of life as the spike from underneath the layers of crushed leaves. Apply a layer of bone meal on them next week to get them off to a good start.

Spring seeds showing up in stores. Many supermarkets also have racks of seed displays. We like to purchase a few packets of flower seed while we are shopping during the weeks of winter. We store them in a small box in a warm room. We place flower seed in one bundle and vegetable seed in another. We also make a list of the seeds as we purchase them.

Snow is heavy when it is a wet snow. There are two types of snowfalls; one is a wet snow and the other is a dry snow and is flaky, dry and easy to shovel. Then there is the wet, sticky variety that is heavy and harder to shovel because it has plenty of moisture in it. Wet snow makes good snowmen and snowballs, but rough to clean from driveways and sidewalks. Wet snow also makes better snow cream. On the other hand, dry snow is easier to clean from windshields, windows, and easier to remove from driveways.

It has less moisture and can be blown out of carports and porches. A snow shovel makes a great gift. No gift is as wonderful as one that is practical and useful. A snow shovel is that type of gift that may not be used every day, but is great to have on hand when you need it. The best time to buy a snow shovel is when there is no snow on the ground or in the forecast. The best snow shovels are those made of light aluminum which makes shoveling much easier. Carolina Snow Cream. The next time we get enough snow to shovel, scoop up some clean snow and prepare a bowl of Carolina Snow Cream.

It is easy to prepare and the very coldest treat you will ever eat. To make a bowl of snow cream you will beat four eggs until stiff, add a can of evaporated milk and beat it into the eggs, add two cups of sugar and beat into the mixture, add three and a half cups milk, a pinch of salt, two tablespoons vanilla flavoring.

Beat all ingredients together. Prepare the snow for the snow cream by scraping off the top layer of snow, and scoop up clean snow that you know has not been disturbed and place in a large pot or bowl.

Add the harvested snow to the prepared milk mixture until it is thick and creamy. If any is left, you can place it in the freezer. To make chocolate snow cream, add two cups of chocolate syrup and subtract half cup sugar and one cup milk. Blues on a day before a snowfall. This bit of winter lore says, a blue sky on a January day can suddenly become snowy gray. A sudden change in the direction of wind from south to north or one cold blast brought in by the north wind or even a front from the Gulf of Mexico can quickly change a weather pattern from blue to gray.

Sweet, tender cold weather vegetables. Cold weather has a positive effect on the taste of Kale, collards, turnips, and curly mustard greens as well as broccoli. They have a certain color and crispness about them and also insects do not bother them in cold temperatures. We believe colder temperatures enhance the vegetables in the winter garden and give them an extra sweetness and flavor. Robins in mid-January. They seem very comfortable and why not?

The ground freezes only a few times all winter and they find shelter in barns, shacks, stables as well as hollow trees and logs. Maybe even in the attics and eaves of homes. Robins seem to have done the math and have added it all up that they can find a plentiful supply of food right here. All the robins we see are colorful, healthy, bouncy, and seem to be well fed. They definitely make winter more active and alive and they remind us of spring.

A container of fragrance in the home all winter. A pot or container of these in your dining room or den will add a scent of spring and a burst of color inside your home. Jonquils and hyacinths are spiking. Green spies of hyacinth and jonquils are popping out of the beds of leaf mulch and are about a month away from full bloom. It is great to see them come to new life. We will soon be seeing more subtle signs of spring as we reach the end of the long month of January.

You can now purchase them at hardware stores, seed shops, garden departments, and supermarkets. Their lush green foliage blends well with their blooms. The man went over and listened. Can you explain why there is a footprint in the middle of my food? Red cardinals and frosty crystals on the winter lawn make winter colorful. The cardinals visit the feeders and birdbath every morning and add plenty of color to the winter landscape along with the crystals of frost lingering on the lawn.

Even in winter, as January begins, robins are bouncing around the lawn looking healthy and searching for grubs or whatever they can scratch up. If seems most of them have remained here rather than fly south. This may be a sign that our winters are mild enough for them to remain here. We are certainly glad to see them around and in action on the lawn. January can bring a mixed winter. Ice in mud holes, frosty mornings, frozen sod, icy winds and maybe some snow — this can be the recipe for January as we begin the second week of the month.

Even in January, we can have a few sunny days with blue skies and temperatures above freezing. In Minnesota when the last snow falls, some of the first snowfall of the year is still on the ground.

Frosty turnips from the garden plot. Crushed leaves form a protective blanket for ice cold purple top turnips resting under the soil. A bowl of mashed turnips makes a welcome meal on a cold winter evening. Turnips are easy to prepare. You will need about eight to ten turnips, peeled and cut into half-inch cubes. Boil until you can stick a fork through them. Drain most of the water from them, add one stick of light margarine, one tablespoon of sugar, half teaspoon salt, half teaspoon pepper, half teaspoon paprika, two teaspoons of bacon bits.

Stir and mash with a vegetable chopper or potato masher. For extra flavor, add a tablespoon of white Karo syrup. Snow is good for our health and also the garden plot.

Snow during the winter is good for our health because as snow falls, it has a cleaning effect and adds trace nutrients to our immune system and also helps us adapt to cold weather. It kills germs in the air that have influence on our bodies, it is good for our lungs to breathe in a fresh snowfall from above. Snow is good for the garden plot and the woodlands and orchards.

Snow has nutrients that no other form of precipitation has, and the weight of the snow causes these beneficial nutrients to soak down into the garden sod.

As snow melts and soaks down in to the soil, it kills germs, eggs, larvae and wintering insects. Winter from the front porch. Avoid cabin fever and a lack of fresh winter-fresh air. Change your environment and scenery, bundle up if you have to, but get outside on the porch and remember that the sun also shines in winter. You can bask in its rays of ultraviolet light.

It will work wonders in your immune system. It will alert your senses and change your attitude about winter and allow you to appreciate this season. Make yourself comfortable by covering yourself with a warm blanket, a toboggan, a pair of warm gloves, and a cup of black coffee or Mountain Dew.

The time outside may kill a few germs inside your body and cause them to bite the dust. A boost to the riding mower. If your mower is in an outside shelter or building, exposed to freezing temperatures, it is a great idea to start the mower once each week and allow it to run until the mower warms up. It would also be great to leave the blade disengaged and drive the mower around the lawn a few times.

Keep plenty of fuel in the mower for easier starts. This really helps because in winter you may want to use your mower to run over leaves to break them down for the compost pile or bin, or mow down clumps of wild onions to ground level. Watering the perennials of winter. We love anything green that thrives in winter weather, it is cool weather vegetables or the hardy perennial flowers on the porch and deck.

When watering in winter, do not over water because too much water will cause soil to freeze and perhaps slow the growth if perennials. Keeping birds of the winter fed. As January moves along, the birds are still active at the feeders during the day as they add color activity to the lawn, especially when cardinals and blue jays visit the feeders.

As the sun causes temperatures to rise, empty ice from the birdbaths and refill with fresh water. The upcoming season of hearts, flowers, chocolate, and love. After all, you have one month to make the right choices. Candy is a great Valentine even if it is only a small box attached to a larger gift. Seed packets make practical Valentine gifts. Remember, if you give gift cards, tape the card onto a small box of chocolates and wrap in paper with hearts on it.

This will make your gift love-oriented. Like mistletoe at Christmas, it may generate a kiss or hug! Another benefit of snow. Snowfall in winter has many long-term benefits that produces plenty of positive results for the garden plot. We are firm believers that a productive garden is a four seasons garden plot with something green producing in every season. Surely snow benefits the garden in every season. Siberian Kale in winter looks twice as green and is sweeter after winter snow falls on it.

Snow also enhances the flavor of collards. Snow is heavy and it produces many hidden benefits underneath the cold soil of winter. Yes we do believe snow produces four seasons of bounty and benefits. Making the air inside much cleaner. In winter, the home is tightly shut up and air seems stuffy and hard to breathe. You can make a huge change in the air flow of your home by changing or cleaning the furnace filters once a month.

Keep several new filters near your furnace. Write the size of the filter that the furnace requires on the door of the furnace with a black permanent marker. When you install a filter, write the date you replaced it on the new filter.

Making a broccoli cheesy macaroni casserole. This is a colorful casserole that will warm up your appetite on a cold winter day. Combine cheddar cheese soup, finely shredded cheddar cheese, milk, and cream of chicken soup. Mix well. Melt twp tablespoons of light margarine and saute broccoli florets and onion four or five minutes, add diced pimentos. Mix with cheese mixture.

Mix the croutons, remainder of the margarine into mixture. Bake at degrees for 50 to 55 minutes in a casserole dish sprayed with Pam baking spray. His wife Debra was by his side. I must confess that I have been unfaithful to you. Why else would I have poisoned you? Wednesday, Jan.

It is the day that we celebrate the arrival of the Wise Men who followed the star that led them to Bethlehem to a house where they found the Newborn King of the Jews, who at this time may have been two years old. We do know according to the gospel of Matthew that they came to a house, not a cattle cave or manger. Many think there were three base on the three gifts they presented to Jesus. The number is not as important as the fact they came after much searching and found the Christ Child.

Will January bring us much snowfall? Can we expect much of the white stuff in the month of January? There is always a great chance and the possibility that the new year can bring us several hefty snows. Snow in January has quite a few benefits and it will certainly brighten up the new year! It will also excite the kids and grand-kids and it will layer the garden plot with a blanket of white to kill off wintering insects and add nutrients to the soil as well as build up the water table.

It would turn the January landscape into a marshmallow world and give us several whipped cream days! All the cactus were beautiful as they bloomed in the sunny living room. We were especially proud of our new red one that bloomed in early December. As we move into January, we will remove all spent blooms and apply a layer of Flower-Tone organic flower food and check the foliage as the cactus continue to winter over in the living room, where they keep company with the panda and asparagus fern and snake plant.

All they need is a drink of water each week and a layer of Flower-Tone once each month. Even if we get January snow, the garden plot still has plenty of green in it. Even if we do get some snow in the month of January, the garden plot will still have plenty of greenery in contrast to the whiteness of snow.

The green of collards, mustard, Siberian Kale, onion sets, broccoli, turnips, and cabbage will adorn the winter garden. They will pop through 10 inches of crushed leaves with no ill effects from the snowfall. Snow will only sweeten the green of the garden of winter.

An unnoticed begins in January. As January begins, the unnoticed gift of an extra minute of daylight is being received each evening.

It is really too early to take note of the difference yet, but each day from now until June 21, we will receive an extra minute. Red, white, and pink decking up the stores. Displays in florist shops hint that it is the season of the Valentine. The colorful displays are a welcome sight in the blahs after December and the cold of January. Recycling Christmas boxes, bow, and ribbon. Now that all the Christmas decorations have been taken down and stored away, it is a perfect opportunity to gather all the boxes, bows, ribbons and containers that Christmas gifts were wrapped in and break them down and store them up to use during the year for birthdays, showers, as well as next Christmas.

You can use a large box to store ribbons and bows as well as Christmas bags. If you have rolls of Christmas gift wrap, store these rolls in the same box along with the bows and ribbons. Many stores still have rolls of Christmas wrap for less than half price. Weeds are a menace to the garden in all seasons. Many weeds do not take a break because of winter. Some weeds that thrive all year are chickweed, Bermuda grass, wild onions, nut grass, crab grass, and other weeds.

Chickweed is easy to control because it has shallow roots that can easily be pulled up. Bermuda grass grows all winter and can be pulled up along its long root system.

As wild onions spike up in the lawn and garden, use the weed trimmer and cut them down to ground zero to slow their growth. The very best week control is the two hand and ten fingers that God gave you! A recycling resolution for the new year.

As the year of begins, make recycling one of your priorities in the new year. The task of recycling can prevent a lot of materials thrown in the trash carts from filling the landfills. You can do your part to protect the environment by recycling aluminum cans, plastic milk cartons, cardboard boxes, newspapers bundled up , plastic bottles, foil plates, metal cans, glass jars, catalogs and phone books.

Clean all cans and bottles and remove labels. Clean all cans and place lids in the cans and mash them shut for safety reasons. Checking seed catalogs as new year begins. The seed catalogs have all arrived, and with the holidays over, we can have a look at what the seed offerings of the garden year of Almost every season we can be sure there will be several varieties of new tomatoes that may be worth experimenting with.

Most seed catalog packets only have 20 to 30 seeds in them. You also have to pay shipping, handling, and sales tax fees. One thing that seed catalogs offer is a huge selection of cucumber and squash varieties as well as a great selection of flower seed. Never buy seed by looking at the pictures like you would on any packet of seed you would purchase at a seed shop or hardware store. You can buy them at local hardware stores, supermarkets, and book stores.

The almanac has interesting articles, information, weather predictions, recipes, fishing calendars, moon phases, astronomy events, moon planting signs, eclipses of the sun and moon, sun rises and sunsets as well as moon rises and sets, the morning and evening stars and planets that are visible in the night sky. The whole year of helpful information in one book. Making a chocolate chip cheesecake. This is an easy rich chocolate cheesecake and a great recipe to start the new year. Preheat oven to degrees.

Combine cookie crumbs and melted Crisco. Place in a nine inch pie pan and press down firmly to form the crust. The garden plot needs a snow to kill off wintering insects, soil fungal diseases and insect eggs and larvae. Winter snowfall is great for overall well-being of the garden. Snow has positive effects on the garden soil by adding nutrients that are in the snow that soaks down into the soil. Snow and its cold also kill off organisms that have adverse effects on beneficial growing of things.

An important element of nitrogen is contained in snow that soaks deep into the snow of winter. The snow also soaks the woodlands and forests floors forming a blanket and forming a blanket of nutrients to boost their root systems in preparation for saps to begin their annual awakening for upcoming spring. Snow is great prep for the garden, lawn, and all of nature. Green in the winter garden is an extra special bonus. Just having greenery around in winter to feast the eyes upon is reward enough, but to enjoy a harvest on a cold winter day or to pick kale with snow on the ground, how great is that?

Cool weather vegetables such as kale, turnips, collards, broccoli, cabbage, onion sets, and curly mustard greens will produce and only need a protective layer of crushed leaves to blanket them from winter extremes which are very rare. A halo around a full moon may predict a February snow. Cold winter nights and a full or near-full moon could be the ingredients that produce a halo around the moon on a cold night in February.

This halo is actually produced by tiny ice crystals that form aloft where the air is much colder than it is here on the ground. My grandma in Northampton County always counted the stars that were visible in the halo and she predicted that these stars were the days before we would experience a snowfall.

On the other hand, my mother always said the starts inside the halo were the inches of snow we could expect. Siberian kale is the sweetest, best, and tenderness of all greens. We have discovered they are just a great as canned, as they are fresh.

Kale produces a harvest all winter so there is plenty to eat fresh and preserve several batches as well. We like to can kale in pint jars. We wash freshly harvested kale in cold salt water twice, rinse it in fresh water and allow it to drain. Boil kale in a large canner or pot, continue to add kale to the pot as it boils down. When kale is cooked and tender, drain half the liquid and reserve the rest to pour into jars after filling with processed kale.

Use a food chopper to dice the kale and stems. Pack into sterilized pint or quart jars and pour the reserved liquid over the kale in the jars. Process in a pressure canner for 55 minutes at ten pounds of pressure.

Kale is a low acid vegetable that requires this lengthy processing time. To serve canned kale pour into a frying pan with a stick of light margarine, a tablespoon of shopped, fried bacon or two teaspoons Baco-Bits, half teaspoon salt, half teaspoon pepper, one tablespoon Log Cabin syrup.

Fry on medium heat until tender about 10 or 15 minutes. You can also boil kale until tender — add water if needed.

Robins are abundant in February. Their food chain must be sufficient because most winter robins look colorful, healthy, and well-fed. None seem to shiver from the cold as they are very much active. Robins are a welcome sight all winter long and our desire is to be as tough and winter hardy as they are. Building up your immune system on the winter porch.

The ultra-violet rays of the sun shines on the porch in winter. My grandma always told her grandchildren to get out in the sun every day and how right she was! When the sun shines on winter days, take advantage of it and soak in some rays. If the North Wind blows, grab a blanket, a toboggan, some gloves, and a got mug of coffee and hit a chair on the porch.

The sun and the coffee will warm you up and harden your body to withstand a cold spell as well as toughen your immune system. Making a colorful vegetable macaroni salad. This is a great, colorful recipe for winter.

You will need one box of cooked elbow macaroni drained , one two-ounce jar diced pimentos drained , one small jar Mount Olive sweet pickle cubes, one bunch spring onions chopped , four boiled eggs diced , one cup chipped broccoli, one cup finely shredded parmesan cheese, one cup mayonnaise, half cup apple cider vinegar, half cup sugar, three fourth cup Eagle Brand condensed milk, and two teaspoons of Ranch dressing. To the cooked and drained macaroni add the parmesan cheese and the chopped broccoli.

In a separate bowl, mix the Eagle Brand milk, vinegar, sugar, mayonnaise, and ranch dressing and mix well. Pour this mixture over the macaroni mixture and mix together. Add sweet pickle cubes, pimentos, eggs, spring onions. Stir all together well. Refrigerate two and a half hours before serving. You can prepare this a day ahead. Keeps to several days in refrigerator. Hoe-Hoe-Hoedown: The mother caught little David feeding the pet dog that was under the dining room table at suppertime again.

Enjoying a Full Snow Moon next Saturday night. It will be good for the kids and for the garden plot and great for all snow lovers. Even though today is the day of Valentine, it is not too late to pick out a special Valentine and the right gift is still there waiting for you to go and pick it up. Making a Valentine Cherry Yum Yum. A great dessert for a Sunday Valentine dinner is easy to prepare and also very colorful. This is a simple, easy, no-bake treat.

You will need one-and-a-half cups of Graham cracker crumbs. You will also need one-and-a-half sticks of melted light margarine, one can of Comstock cherry pie filling, one eight-ounce box of cream cheese, one-and-a-half cups sugar, one cup of milk and two cartons of Cool Whip.

Spread half the graham cracker crumbs in a 13x9x2 inch baking dish or pan. Mix all other ingredients except cherry pie filling for the cream cheese filling. Add half the cream cheese filling in the bottom layer or crushed Graham crackers.

Then spread the cherry pie filling over the layer of cream cheese filling then add the other half of the remaining cream cheese filling. Top with remaining Graham cracker crumbs. Refrigerate an hour to two before serving. Top with Cool Whip if desired. A boom of thunder in the season of winter. Thunder in the season of winter is not that unusual. Winter thunder occurs when temperatures aloft are warmer than they are on the surface. My Northampton County grandma was a weather guru and she observed strange weather occurrences.

If winter thunder occurred, she kept count of the number of times thunder occurred. The number of booms of thunder would indicate the number of days before a winter snow would fall. A search around the dormant lawn in the dead of winter. With the lawn now tan and in a dormant mode, you can get some great exercise and sunlight by taking a walk around the winter lawn.

This walk can be purposeful in picking up debris, sticks, limbs, rocks, litter, and objects that your lawn mower may later encounter, in a few weeks when mowing season begins. Servicing mower and lawn equipment before mowing season begins. Now is the time to have mowers and lawn equipment such as trimmers and blowers serviced and tuned up before mowing season gets into full swing.

Most lawn mowers and small engine shops are not as busy in February, and many service centers will pick up your riding mower, service it, and return it to your home for a reasonable fee. While we are on the subject of mowers, remember to start your mower every week during winter and allow it to run for a minute or two. You may also want to leave the blade disengaged and drive it around the lawn a few times. This works well in winter because you may want to use the mower to run over leaves and break them down for mulch and compost.

Wild onions are spiking on the lawn. The pesky wild onions are now beginning to show up on the dormant lawn of winter. This is another reason to keep your weed trimmer fueled up and operating each week during winter. As the wild onions make an appearance, use the weed trimmer to cut the onion spikes down to ground level and improve the appearance of your lawn. You definitely will not get rid of the onions but you can keep them under control and make the winter lawns look neater.

Hyacinths, jonquils, daffodils waking up. As we reach the middle of February and the halfway point of winter, the jonquils, hyacinths and daffodils are now showing their dark green spikes through layers of mulch and crushed leaves. It is always great to see green in the middle of winter peeking through blankets of mulch. By the time March arrives, they should be reaching full bloom. Radish are a quickie cold-weather vegetable that will thrive in cold soil of the winter garden and also produce a harvest in around 45 days.

They will not take up much garden space, and a packet or two will be more than enough. You can find racks at hardware stores and garden departments. Heart-shaped leaves of American violets. Among the objects of greenery appearing during the bleakness of winter is the glossy, heart-shaped leaves of the American violets emerging on the edge of the garden plot.

As they continue to grow, you can make a perennial out of one of them by digging up a clump and planting it in a container of fine potting soil on your porch or deck. Water and feed it with Flower-Tone organic flower food for Miracle-Grow liquid plant food. The violet will continue to grow year after year. Siberian kale: sweet green of the cold winter. This green is gold, hardy, sweet, as well as long lasting and has zero insect enemies as it resists cold, snow, ice and freezes.

It is packed with color, taste, sweetness, vitamins, variety, and just plain good nourishment. It is no wonder that kale is becoming the number one green in all of America! It is a great investment in any winter garden.

Seed now showing up. You can purchase flower and vegetable sees packets each week as you shop. Place them in a box in a dry place in the house and label the packets so you will know what you have on hand when planting time arrives.

Most stores have a huge selection to choose from right now. You can go ahead and buy a packet or two and be ready for a season of green foliage and colorful flowers. You can also order then from Burpee and parks in speckled, two tone, and marble varieties. Sow a row or bed of lettuce.

Lettuce is another cold-weather vegetable that can now be sown in a bed or short row. You can choose from many varieties. Sow seed thinly in a furrow two inches deep. Cover seed with a layer of peat moss and an application of Garden-Tone organic plant food. Hill soil up on each side of furrow and tamp down with a hoe blade.

Lettuce has a harvest date of 45 to 50 days. He went to the bathroom sink to fill it with water. Reaching the halfway point of winter. They also checked out their supply of wood to determine whether they had enough to last for the remainder of winter. The day of hearts, love, flowers, and chocolate is only seven days away. The florists and even supermarkets are filled with containers of flowers as well as rose bouquets.

You can choose from huge assortments or chocolate, including heart-shaped boxes, gift cards from supermarkets, hardware stores, fast food restaurants, and any local business.

With only 28 days, February is the shortest month of winter. We can receive a few hefty snowfalls any time during the month. The benefits of hard freezes during February. It seems that in the past few years, the ground does not freeze as many times as it did a decade ago. Maybe this February will bring a few hard freezes to kill of wintering insects and their eggs and larvae as well as wipe out many weed seeds, fungus and harmful organisms in the soil.

The salt, sand, brine, mud, as well as ice, sleet, and snow that splatter the windshield and windows and make visibility rough. Here are ways to make driving better during winter months. Keep windshield washers filled with deicer mix. Never leave home without cleaning the windshield and all the vehicle windows. Allow vehicle to warm up to prevent windows from fogging up. Clean the wiper blades often during winter. Keep a durable snow and ice scraper with a stiff brush at the other end of the scraper.

Brush the hood and top of your vehicle before leaving the driveway. Keep a can of deicer in the glove compartment. Tough robins of winter bouncing on the lawn. We have seen robins on the lawn all during the month of February with no signs that winter weather is having any ill effects on them. They seem to be doing what they always do-search for a meal. We think they have adapted well to our Southeastern winters where they find plenty of places such as hollow trees, junk cars, old sheds and barns, eaves of house, under outbuildings, in hollow logs.

We do not believe it is global warming, but survival of the fittest. Robins have adapted themselves to the best of our winter wonderland. The month of February is lawn care time. It may be cold, but the lawn of the month of February is dormant which means it is the opportune time to feed lawns before spring arrives next month.

Never use fertilizer on lawns because this is a garden formula. When feeding lawns, use a specially formulated blend just for lawns. There are several varieties designed just for lawns in the Southeastern area. Pick a day during February especially when snow is forecast in the area. Snow will soak the lawn food into the soil and prevent pellets from washing away. Real lawn food is named just that — food.

You do not want to fertilize your lawn but feed it. Great lawn food may cost more, but it provides longer lasting results. Always remember, you get what you pay for.

Time to prune trees and grape vines. During February trees and grapevines are dormant. Limbs and branches can clearly be seen with no foliage and you can clearly see areas that need to be trimmed and pruned back.

Pruning makes trees and vines look better, bear more fruit, as well as make harvesting easier. Spraying dormant oil spray on all grapevines and fruit trees. After you have pruned the fruit trees and grapevines, pick a sunny day with no wind in the forecast and apply a layer of dormant oil spray. Mix the proper amount of water to the oil spray and pour into a sprayer. Spray trunk, branches and limbs from top to bottom until they are shiny. It works even better when no rain is in the forecast for several days.

Starting off the garden year with a bed of red radish. Radish are a tough cold weather vegetable with the shortest of maturity dates of about 45 to 50 days.

They are one of the earliest vegetables that can be sown in the garden plot. Most seed packets say radish will mature in 30 days but we know this is just not true because they usually require two weeks to germinate, so a harvest can be more like 40 days.

Sow radish seed in a bed or short row about two inches deep and sow thinly. Cover the seed with a layer of peat moss and an application of Garden-Tone organic plant food. Hill up soil on each side of furrow and tamp down with a hoe blade. Beef Stroganoff. To make this beef stroganoff, you will need one pound of round steak cut against the grain into quarter-inch strips. Cover strips with flour, salt, and pepper and lightly brown in three or four tablespoons of Crisco oil.

Add two third cups water and a three ounce can of mushrooms undrained , stir in one envelope of Lipton Beefy Onion Soup mix. Heat until mixture comes to a boil. Blend in one cup of sour cream and two tablespoons plain flour together. Add this to the beef mixture. Simmer and stir until the mixture thickens. Serve the stroganoff over a pack of cooked Minute or Success rice. What do you expect for your age bracket? The Almanac for February. Groundhog Day was Feb.

There will be a new moon on Feb. Valentines Day is Feb. Presidents Day is Feb. Mardi Gras begins on Feb. Ash Wednesday is Feb. The moon reaches its first quarter on Feb. The full moon of February will occur on Feb. Groundhog Day.

On Tuesday we will observe Groundhog Day. Groundhogs are rodents and we should treat them as such. Groundhogs are enemies of the garden and not weather prophets, even if they were, they would be false prophets.

Here are three ways you can control these pesky critter: 1. Spray vegetable foliage with Epsom salts mixed with water and pour into a spray bottle.

While the leaves are still wet with the mist of Epsom salt, sprinkle red cayenne pepper on the foliage right from the can.

Scatter a few moth balls between the rows and let them get a snoot full to get them off and running. If all these measures fail, spray an application of groundhog repellent around the perimeter of the garden. You can purchase repellents at most hardware stores and garden shops. Lettuce can be started in February. Lettuce is definitely a cold weather vegetable and with a little help from a protective plant cloth, you can enjoy a harvest of lettuce in 50 to 55 days.

You can raise lettuce in a row or bed and it will thrive in the middle of winter. Plant the seeds in a furrow about two inches deep. Cover the seed with a layer of peat moss to retain moisture and apply a layer of Plant-Tone organic plant food and hill up soil on each side of the furrow and tamp down with a hoe blade. You can also set out lettuce plants and sow packets of lettuce seed in between the the lettuce plants for a double harvest of lettuce in the same row or bed.

Keeping vehicle windshields clean during winter months. Make sure you keep plenty of washer fluid in the windshield washer. Use the kind that has deicer in it. Keep a durable scraper with a long handle and a brush on the other side under the seat to aid in keeping the windshield clear. Always clean the windows and rear vehicle window before getting on the highway. It is a great idea to keep an extra ice scraper in your vehicle in case the one you are using breaks. Once a week during winter, clean the wiper blades to remove debris from the road that builds up on the wiper blades.

Chicken salad casserole. This is an unusual casserole with great ingredients that the family will love. It has most of the ingredients that chicken salad contains and plenty of flavor.

You will need:. Saute diced celery and onion in half stick margarine until tender. Cook chicken breast and dice. Pour into a large casserole or 13x9x2 inch baking dish or pan sprayed with Pam oven spray. Bake at degrees for 45 to 50 minutes. Filling feeders and checking birdbaths. The birds of winter are continuing to search for food and water. Water is extremely difficult for them to find in the dead of winter with many mud holes frozen as well as birdbaths.

Keep the feeders refilled during the week and empty the ice from birdbaths each day when the temperature rises above freezing. Check them each day when ice forms in the baths. The source of water and food we provide will help them make it well through the cold winter. Signs of spring in winter. Even with winter still with seven more weeks remaining, there are a few signs of spring in our midst. The heart-shaped leaves of the American violet are popping out of the cold winter soil. Hyacinths and jonquils are showing green spikes emitting from underneath layers of crushed leaves.

The perennials on the porch and deck are showing signs of life and the Carolina Jasmine still has quite a few yellow blooms and the sweet fragrance of spring. Grapevines and fruit trees can be pruned in February.

Fruit trees and grapevines can be pruned in the month of February. Grapevines and fruit trees are dormant which will make shaping and pruning easier.

Limbs, branches, and runners will be visible and pruning more effective. Pruning in February when trees and vines are dormant will promote a more productive harvest and quality fruits.

Prune back all limbs that rub together and long water sprouts that reach out of the reach of a harvest. Try to choose a calm, sunny day with no wind to make the task easier. Dormant oil spray. One calm and sunny February afternoon after fruit trees and grapevines have been pruned, apply a coat of dormant oil spray mixed with proper amount of water and placed in a sprayer. Spray the trees and vines from top to bottom until they are slick and shiny. Try to choose a day when no rain is forecast for several days to allow the oil spray to dry out.

February can be a month of hard freezes. This is not all that bad because a hard freeze will help kill off wintering insects and their egg and larvae as well as fungus and diseases in the soil. Now a 5-year-old can do it! Six-year-old Jody was interested about God making Eve from a rib of Adam.

On Thursday, Jan. There is some special weather lore on his special day that is just as interesting as the apostle Paul and also just as positive. A halo around the near-full moon in winter. For the days until the snow, count the starts inside the halo. My Northampton County grandma went a step beyond the poem and her prediction was the number of visible stars inside the halo were the number of inches of snow that would fall.

When the temperatures are colder aloft where the halo is than the temperatures on the ground can surely set the stage for some white stuff from above. At this time of winter as January is closing out and February is on its way, there is not much going in in the garden plot, but you can purchase packets of seed, plant food, garden supplies, or order seed from catalogs.

Another interesting chore is searching for Valentine gifts for the family, kids, grandchildren and sweethearts. Most stores, flower shops, and supermarkets are well stocked. You can go ahead and order flowers now from florist to be assured of timely delivery.

Many women love to have flowers delivered to their door! The inventory at most retailers is great and most stores are well stocked. Strawberry banana whipped cream pie. As the season of the Valentine draws near, this colorful and creamy pie will melt the heart. It is very easy to prepare and requires no baking. In a large bowl, combine the pie filling and the bananas and spoon into graham cracker crust. Spread the Cool Whip over the strawberry banana filling.

Keep refrigerated. Snow, ice, and icicles protection. In winter when it snows, a wet snow can be heavy and damage shrubs, bushes, and low-hanging limbs of trees. Keep a broom outside the door and brush off heavy build-ups of snow and ice from shrubs, bushes, and limbs. Another hazard of winter weather is when icicles form over the carport and porches as well as entrances and doorways.

Knock them down with the broom before they fall on someone or damage your vehicle. An outside broom is also handy to brush off shoes, boots, and keep ice and slush from being tracked to inside the home. Hard freezes as January reaches the last week.

The garden plot needs hard freezes to kill off wintering insects and pests and decrease their population. Hard freezes will also destroy weed seed, fungus, and organisms in the soil. Hard freezes can also destroy many diseases deep in the soil. Starting a very early vegetable in the winter garden. January is a cold month but on days when the ground is not frozen, you can sow a packet or two of radish seed.

Radish is a vegetable that can withstand cold winter temperatures and produce harvest in about 45 days. When planting radish in winter, cover the seed in a layer of peat moss and apply an application of Garden-Tone organic plant food in the furrow and hill up soil on both sides of the furrow and tamp down with the hoe blade.

Spread a plant cloth over the radish for a bit of protection. Fog in January means a wet spring. This is a rare bit of winter weather lore that is almost as rare as a fog in January because the month is usually too cold for fog to develop.

Spring is eight weeks away. January has only seven day remaining. February has 28 days and spring arrives March This means there are only 56 days until spring arrives. On several nights in January, we have heard frogs croaking down by the creek bank and letting us know the number of days until spring.

The Carolina Jasmine already has some yellow blooms and a fragrance of spring emitting from them. Hyacinth bulbs are shooting out green spikes and a few wild onions are showing up on the lawn. Day continue to get longer by one minute each evening and this is a sure sign of spring. A plant cloth is a good investment.

As cold weather vegetables such as radish, lettuce, and greens are started in late winter, a plant cloth is a great investment for protecting early vegetables.

You can buy cloths in 25 foot rolls that can be cut to fit over plants. Most hardware stores and garden shops sell the cloths by the roll. They can be cut to any size, recycled and used year after year. Rain water runs through them as well as providing protection from extreme weather. The pastor stood at the door shaking hands. Enjoying the Full Wolf Moon. The full moon of the month of January will occur on Jan. If snow is on the ground, the snow will look like sparking diamonds. The bulbs of springs are beginning to awaken.

The spring bulbs of jonquils, hyacinths, daffodils, narcissus, and tulips are showing signs of life as the spike from underneath the layers of crushed leaves.

Apply a layer of bone meal on them next week to get them off to a good start. Spring seeds showing up in stores. Many supermarkets also have racks of seed displays.

We like to purchase a few packets of flower seed while we are shopping during the weeks of winter. We store them in a small box in a warm room. We place flower seed in one bundle and vegetable seed in another. We also make a list of the seeds as we purchase them.

Snow is heavy when it is a wet snow. There are two types of snowfalls; one is a wet snow and the other is a dry snow and is flaky, dry and easy to shovel. Then there is the wet, sticky variety that is heavy and harder to shovel because it has plenty of moisture in it.

Wet snow makes good snowmen and snowballs, but rough to clean from driveways and sidewalks. Wet snow also makes better snow cream. On the other hand, dry snow is easier to clean from windshields, windows, and easier to remove from driveways.

It has less moisture and can be blown out of carports and porches. A snow shovel makes a great gift. No gift is as wonderful as one that is practical and useful.

A snow shovel is that type of gift that may not be used every day, but is great to have on hand when you need it. The best time to buy a snow shovel is when there is no snow on the ground or in the forecast. The best snow shovels are those made of light aluminum which makes shoveling much easier. Carolina Snow Cream. The next time we get enough snow to shovel, scoop up some clean snow and prepare a bowl of Carolina Snow Cream.

It is easy to prepare and the very coldest treat you will ever eat. To make a bowl of snow cream you will beat four eggs until stiff, add a can of evaporated milk and beat it into the eggs, add two cups of sugar and beat into the mixture, add three and a half cups milk, a pinch of salt, two tablespoons vanilla flavoring.

Beat all ingredients together. Prepare the snow for the snow cream by scraping off the top layer of snow, and scoop up clean snow that you know has not been disturbed and place in a large pot or bowl. Add the harvested snow to the prepared milk mixture until it is thick and creamy. If any is left, you can place it in the freezer.

To make chocolate snow cream, add two cups of chocolate syrup and subtract half cup sugar and one cup milk. Blues on a day before a snowfall. This bit of winter lore says, a blue sky on a January day can suddenly become snowy gray.

A sudden change in the direction of wind from south to north or one cold blast brought in by the north wind or even a front from the Gulf of Mexico can quickly change a weather pattern from blue to gray. Sweet, tender cold weather vegetables. Cold weather has a positive effect on the taste of Kale, collards, turnips, and curly mustard greens as well as broccoli.

Send a photo of the label to MissBargainHuntress gmail. Is this an older bag? Hi there, This list is Amazing!!! Im trying to find the style name of a little Hunter Green Vintage Coach crossbody bag with the No Im kinda lost on this one… It could be from ish, but why is the number sequence not listed, is this an uncommon one? Thanks so much, Kimberlie. I tried to search it through google but nothing is showing up.

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Author: admin | 02.09.2020

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