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free-wooden-music-box-plans-guide Verify Steam Game. So what to do if you want something a bit more interesting than a loop layout, but do not free wooden music box plans guide enough space to build a point-to-point layout? Unfortunately, currently the colour of the "! Talk to Alwin. Ffee removable roof and insulation features of this dog house make it way cooler than the regular ones.

Gotham Books. To the Cynic Heracleios. Dionysos in Archaic Greece. History of the Theatre. Dionysism and Comedy. Rowman and Littlefield. Tesis doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Grant Roman mythographer C2nd A. When Oeneus realized this, he voluntarily left the city and pretended to be performing sacred rites. But Liber [Dionysos] lay with Althaea, who became mother of Dejanira. Kerasos wwas probably connected with, if not the same as, King Oineus.

The last son Keramos Wine Storage-jug founded the pottery works of the Athenian Keramaikos, producing the bulk of the storage vessels used in the ancient wine-trade. Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae 1. Gullick Greek rhetorician C2nd to 3rd A. Enekheis quoting Aristophanes, Plutus trans.

For Staphylos, the beloved of Dionysos, lived on Thasos; and because of this Thasian wine is distinctive. To them he gave a skin full of wine as a gift and bade them spread the use of it in all the other lands. Word study tool of ancient languages. November 2, Archaeology News Network. Raymoure, K. University of Oslo. Ralph Manheim, Princeton University Press.

Aegobolus ; Pausanias , 9. Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Mythology For Dummies. Derived from Harpocration s. Oldfather Greek historian C1st B. Typis academicis. Oinops quoting Greek Anthology 6. Hannover: August, Nachdruck Darmstadt Band 2. Cambridge University Press. Horace Odes and Epodes: A study in word-order. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Classical World. In: Acta Antiqua DOI: The Strangeness of Gods: Historical perspectives on the interpretation of Athenian religion.

Oxford University Press. The Bacchae. Neeland Media LLC. Algora Press , p. Backgrounds of Early Christianity. Eerdmans Publishing. The Dramatic Festivals of Athens. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2nd ed. At Athens they inaugurate the new wine on the eleventh of the month, and they call the day pithoigia. Because of this custom Dionysus is called Limnaios, because the wine was mixed with water and then for the first time drunk diluted.

Stambaugh, John E. Society of Biblical Literature. The Dionysiac Mysteries. In Pella, ZPE , Iacchus, p. Iacchus; scholiast on Aristophanes , Frogs Rutherford , p. Arnobius , Adversus Gentes 3. Compare with Photius , s.

Zagreus, p. McClelland Encyclopedia of Reincarnation and Karma. Wiseman , "Satyrs in Rome? Bostock at Perseus: Tufts.

History of Western Philosophy. Routledge, , p. The Background to Horace's Ars Poetica". The Journal of Roman Studies. Certainly it is hard to imagine anything less consistent with Roman mos maiorum than the anarchic hedonism of satyrs. It was precisely libido, that morally subversive aspect of the Bacchic cult, that led to its brutal suppression The Chronicle of Lanercost, — Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing.

History of Windham County, Connecticut. Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship. Retrieved 3 August George Rawlinson Translation. Book 2. Frank Cole Babbitt, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies. Classical Philology. Nysa was regarded as the birthplace and first home of Dionysus. The divine marriage of Plouton and Persephone was celebrated on 'the meadow'. The dangerous region that Kore let herself be lured to in search of flowers was likely not originally connected to Plouton but to Dionysus, as Dionysus himself had the strange surname of 'the gaping one', though despite this the notion that the wine god in his quality as the Lord of the Underworld does not appear on the surface of the hymn.

The fact that Demeter refuses to drink wine on the grounds that it would be against themis indicates that she is well aware of who Persephone's abductor is, that it is the Subterranean cover name of Dionysus.

The critic of the mysteries, the severe philosopher Herakleitos once declared "Hades is the same as Dionysos. In the iconography after his initiation Herakles in shown wearing a fringed white garment with a Dionysian deerskin thrown over it. Kore is shown with her mother Demeter and a snake twined around the Mystery basket, foreshadowing the secret, as making friends with snakes was Dionysian [p. The god of the Anthesteria was Dionysus, who celebrated his marriage in Athens amid flowers, the opening of wine jars, and the rising up of the souls of the dead [p.

There are two reliefs in a marble votive relief of the fourth century BC. One depicts Kore crowning her mother Demeter, the deities at the second altar are Persephone and her husband Dionysus as the recumbent god has the features of the bearded Dionysus rather than of Plouton. In his right hand, he raises not a cornucopia, the symbol of wealth, but a wine vessel and in his left, he bears the goblet for the wine.

Over their heads an inscription reads "To the God and Goddess" [pp. The fragments of a gilded jar cover of the Kerch type show Dionysus, Demeter, little Ploutos, Kore, and a curly-haired boy clad in a long garment, one of the first son's of the Eleusinian king who was the first to be initiated.

On another vase, Dionysus sits on his omphalos with his thryrsos in his left hand, sitting opposite Demeter, looking at each other severely. Kore is shown moving from Demeter towards Dionysus, as if trying to reconcile them [p. The duplication of the mystery god as subterranean father and subterranean son, as Father Zagreus and the child Zagreus, husband and son of Persephone, has more to do with the mysteries of Dionysus than with the Eleusinian Mysteries.

But a duplication of the chthonian, mystical Dionysus is provided even by his youthful aspect, which became distinguished and classical as the son of Semele from the son of Persephone. Semele, though not of Eleusinian origin, is also a double of Persephone [p. What is a God?

The Classical Press of Wales. The identification of Hades and Dionysus does not seem to be a particular doctrine of Herakleitos, nor does it commit him to monotheism. The evidence for a cult connection between the two is quite extensive, particularly in Southern Italy, and the Dionysiac mysteries are associated with death rituals. The Lord of the Underworld bore this name in the youthful form represented in the statue, ascribed to Praxiteles, which is now in the National Museum at Athens and probably stood originally in the place where it was found, the Ploutonion.

This youth is Plouton himself — radiant but disclosing a strange inner darkness — and at the same time his double and servant, comparable to Hermes or Pais besides Kabeiros or Theos [p. The plentiful hair or long curls suggest rather Hades kyanochaites, Hades of the dark hair [p.

Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter. Princeton University Press. Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity. Palgrave Macmillan. The American Journal of Philology , The Walters Art Museum. The British Museum. Edmonds , p. As Linforth noticed, "It is a curious thing that the name Zagreus does not appear in any Orphic poem or fragment, nor is it used by any author who refers to Orpheus" Linforth In his reconstruction of the story, however, Lobeck made extensive use of the fifth-century epic of Nonnos, who does use the name Zagreus, and later scholars followed his cue.

The association of Dionysos with Zagreus appears first explicitly in a fragment of Callimachus preserved in the Etymologicum Magnum fr. Earlier evidence, however, e. For other summaries see Morford, p. For a detailed examination of many of the ancient sources pertaining to this myth see Linforth, pp. The most extensive account in ancient sources is found in Nonnus , Dionysiaca 5. See also Pausanias , 7.

Includes Frazer's notes. Dionysos from the dead body of his mother Semele], handed it over to Hermes, and ordered him to take it to the cave in Nysa, which lay between Phoinikia Phoenicia and the Neilos the River Nile , where he should deliver it to the Nymphai Nymphs that they should rear it and with great solicitude bestow upon it the best of care.

James G. Frazer, translator. Abhinav Publications. Ars Orientalis. Transcribed by Helen Bradstock. Version 1. Rouse Greek epic C5th A. Now I am both--I have horns and I ride a bull! Selene looked with a jealous eye through the air, to see how Ampleos rode on the murderous marauding bull.

She sent him a cattlechasing gadfly; and the bull, pricked continually all over by the sharp sting, galloped away like a horse through pathless tracts. Boyle Roman poetry C1st B.

Its cause, too, takes a moment to teach. He trusted him with a vine hanging from the leaves of an elm; it is now named for the boy. The reckless youth fell picking gaudy grapes on a branch. Liber [Dionysos] lifted the lost boy to the stars. Lattimore Greek epic C8th B.

But the gods who live at their ease were angered with Lykourgos and the son of Kronos [Zeus] struck him to blindness, nor did he live long afterwards, since he was hated by all the immortals. The reference to the Nyseian hill and the nurses of Dionysos suggests that Homer placed the story in Boiotia while the god was still a child - contrary to subsequent accounts of the myth in which Dionysos is a youth visiting Thrake.

Dionysus Myth and Cult. Indiana University Press. Gods of Love and Ecstasy. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions. Yale University Press. Palmer Dionysus: Myth and Cult. University of Chicago Press. March Dictionary of Classical Mythology. The Classical Quarterly. Leiden; Boston: Brill.

In Steinberg, Mark D. Coleman ed. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. Dionysus: histoire du culte de Bacchus, pp. Historical Novel Society. Retrieved 2 August SF Site. The New York Times. Retrieved 3 November New York Times.

Retrieved 1 August Talkin' Broadway. Retrieved April 22, Retrieved April 17, Trinity College Dublin. Dionysus Slain. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, The God of Ecstasy. New York: St. Ein Beitrag zur Kontextualisierung des Johannesevangeliums". Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute. Second ed.

With new translations of ancient texts by Herbert M. The Story of Bacchus. London: British Museum Press. Reimer, Hathi Trust Digital Library. Aristophanes , Frogs , Matthew Dillon, Ed. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library. Internet Archive. Loeb Classical Library No. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press , Online version at Harvard University Press. Beekes, Robert S.

Etymological Dictionary of Greek. Bowie, A. Bowie, E. Clement of Alexandria , The Exhortation to the Greeks. The Rich Man's Salvation. To the Newly Baptized. Translated by G. Internet Archive edition. Dalby, Andrew Translated by C. Twelve volumes. Loeb Classical Library. Encinas Reguero, M. Walter de Gruyter, Euripides , Bacchae , translated by T. Buckley in The Tragedies of Euripides , London.

Henry G. Harvard University Press. Oates and Eugene O'Neill, Jr. Volume 1. New York. Random House. Volume I. George Bell and Sons. Lightfoot, J. Hellenistic Collection: Philitas. Alexander of Aetolia. Edited and translated by J. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, Graf, F. Antiquity, Volume 6 , Lieden-Boston Guthrie, W. Internet Archive Herodotus ; Histories , A. Murray, PhD in two volumes. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Murray, PH. Scott Smith and Stephen M. Trzaskoma , Hackett Publishing Company, Jameson, Michael. Thomas H. Carpenter and Christopher A. Ithaca: Cornell UP, Linforth, Ivan M. Kern, Otto. Orphicorum Fragmenta , Berlin, Internet Archive Nilsson, Martin, P. Ovid , Metamorphoses , Brookes More. Cornhill Publishing Co. Jones, Litt. Ormerod, M. Sara Peterson, An account of the Dionysiac presence in Indian art and culture. The E at Delphi.

The Obsolescence of Oracles. Translated by Frank Cole Babbitt. Powell, Barry B. Ridgeway, William, Origin of Tragedy , Kessinger Publishing June Rutherford, William G. Smith, R. Internet Archive Sommerstein, Alan H. Edited and translated by Alan H. Details here instructables. If your dog is naughty and causes a lot of damages to your indoor furniture then prevent further damages by providing them a house of their own!

If you need to choose the best model, then this east fork doghouse will make a great choice, and it is just like a mini bungalow and is super easy to make! Details here ana white. Here this list of best dog house plans will provide you a big variety of dog house designs, so you can start building any of them depending on your skill level and space you are having at your outdoor! You will never find a dog kennel more than beautiful than this given one this elegant and is long enough to house properly a dog!

It is going to be a modern residence for your dog and you can quickly build it at home using the cement sheeting, plywood, and other wood lengths! Full free instructions and free plans here instructables. Here is 2 in one wooden dog house that even a beginner can make at home beautifully without investing a lot!

Grab the wood slats and plywood to build this large wood pet kennel that you can also drag to any location to serve as a cool side table! Comfy it up more using a mattress and here is how to make it! Separately house your dog to make him enjoy the resting hours by building this awesome dog house that comes with amazing features and design dimensions!

Along with durability and solid structure, this dog mansion also provides a chevron roof that is above all in its beauty features! Make using wood slats square wooden dowels and plywood!

Details here handymantips. Build also the rustic and farmhouse style DIY dog house at home using the fee and recycled wood! Clone this country dog house that comes with a porch that is a gorgeous extra added feature in the design that doubles up its beauty and functional behavior!

Here this dog hose comes with tilted metal roof! Details here diyattempt. A best ever design of dog house is here that you can build at home!

Use the lumber, plywood, melamine board, wood posts, insulating foam, PVC pipe, and exterior sheating to make this gorgeous dog house that comes with all the luxurious feature that your dog will love! Do build this ultra-modern and featured mansion for your dog! Build also the very natural looking doghouses at home that will live longer than the usual dog house mass! Put a glance at this sample dog house that is made of wire mesh and concrete and hence would be extra durable!

This is here the perfect ever cave that you can build at any outdoor for your dog! One more exceptionally beautiful and gorgeous model of the doghouse that you can build for your dog! Chevron roof of it is made of sheating and the rest of the whole model is made of durable wood!

It gains extra beauty with the added porch that comes with white painted pillars! Here is how to make and paint this dog house ranum. By following the simple slatted arrangements of the wood planks and slats, you can quickly build this doghouse gazebo that is a beginner-friendly doghouse design is here to make for your dog and also for a dog lover! Here this dog house comes with blue painted slatted chevron roof and is sure to be liked by all the dogs!

Please your dog also by building this another modern dog house for him that comes with an attached porch and hence it multi-featured! A creamy white and wooden appeal Free Wooden Music Box Plans 40 of this dog house turns it into a big visual delight! Here is how to make this eye-catching model of dog house at home! Bring great comfort to the life of your dog by building this superior wooden kennel for him that comes with sun-deck and also with custom added features that will make your dog live the luxury!

This unique dog house design with a tilted roof is sure to be liked by all the dog lovers and is also easy to make! Build also the modern and featured DIY dog house at home with no woodwork experience just by following simple instructions and tutorials!

Clone this modern dog mansion for your dog using plywood, pressure treated wood posts, acrylic sheet, plywood and furring strips! Full free plans and video tutorial here youtube.

If you love the DIY dog house that come with tilted roofs that do not allow the retaining of rainwater then you will definitely like this mini ranch house that you can quickly build for your dog friend! Here it comes with sloped roof and with an extra shade installed to the primary entrance that enhances the visual details of it! Why should human beings have all the fun, make also the air-conditioned DIY dog house that will be a big comfort for your dog in the hot days!

Build the dog mansion with the chevron roofs and custom added features and then install the air conditioning systems in them! Look at the sample design and do duplicate it instructables. This is a luxurious house for your dog to make at home that comes with an attached porch and is sure to be liked by all the pet lovers!

This dog house is big and comes with red painted chevron roof and tilted veranda or porch shade! Use the pallet wood, wood posts, and plywood to make it doityourself. Make also the insulated dog kennels that will be a big comfort for your dog to live in the harsh or bitter weather conditions!

Look at this given sample model that is made of plywood and polystyrene and is sure to be insulated from inside, and it would be less warm in summers and less cold in winters! Build the bigger box style DIY dog house that will be extra safe to house your dogs!

You can build it with any wood that you are having in hands like the lumber, pine or pallet wood! Build a big box, raise it on the short wooden legs and then install a cool entrance to it! Paint it or enjoy a lovely blank wood appeal of it! If you are on a budget but still want to get a pretty house for your dog then here is the beautiful but super inexpensive dog house that you can quickly build at home!

Make this entire cute model of dog house using the plywood and paint it in colors you like! Finish it up with a chevron roof and decorate it more with felt shingles! Build also the super breezy and airy houses for your dogs that will be a big pleasure for your dog to live in the summer season!

Build a wooden dog house with chevron roof frame and open sides and put a mattress over its wooden floor and build a perfect open dog house, the best summer gift for your furry friend! So to be sure Autumn is in the chart. Under the " Wood Demand " in the Management tab. Similarly, if you had Firewood, Stick, Log, and Plank. Excluding Wood stored in houses box. Each House box takes priority over the Resource Storage box.

Racimir does not need wood since you will be controlling him in the game. See " Wood - Basic Knowledge " section there is an explanation on how to better use of this info. Wood Burn Value can be found in each type of wood description. It was listed below with their description. Can be crafted in hand. It can be collected from the ground or trees. It can be obtained by chopping down trees.

They still need Wood. But not midday where everyone is working. The greater nutritional value, the higher priority. So you have to cook the Meat first. No Wood. No Food. Meat Raw Mat. Hint: You can get a skill perk under Extraction skill called Treasure Hunter. The perk enables you to find a random item such as Coin, Arrows, etc The higher than the percentage, your chance of finding an item goes higher.

Can be dug from clay deposits, with a shovel. There is Berry location nearby. Stone wall upgrade with Limestone. Clusters of rocks Stone deposit. You can mine a Limestone. Bear guarding the main entrance: 1 or 2. Bear guarding the main entrance: 0. Currently there is no purpose for "Storekeeper". To the right of Assignments is the "Production" tab, where you will find all the summary of you Hunter and Gatherer production.

Restores a small amount of food and water. Can be collected from bushes in the forests during summer. If eaten, it can cause poisoning. Can be used as a dyeing resource. Can be collected from bushes in the forests in spring. May cause poisoning or restore a small amount of food.

Can be found in the forests during autumn. Restores a small amount of food. Can be found in the forests during spring. Hint: - You can hold the torch while mounted, but cannot scare off a wolf. Their breed colour also random. Hint: - A horse will heal over time, the same with their stamina. Note: -If the Farm Animal does not get their food. They will produce nothing.

They do not produce anything. Require: Animal Breeder to automate. Otherwise, you need to fill it manually. So not all Farm Animal consuming the same amount of Animal Feed in one day.

See the " Food - Animal Husbandry " section for more info. Except " Vendor - Barter " section. NPC vendor items and farm animals reset every season. So if you are playing more than 3 days per season, it will take longer for you to sell or buy from a vendor.

It will be marked if it does for the Innkeeper vendor. Some facts before going shopping for farm animal:. If you are playing in the old save game, you may be still can. Eaten raw, restores a small amount of food. Can be collected from fields. Can be crafted in Barn.

Produced of Rot or Manure in Barn. Can be collected from sheep, using shearing scissors. Building: Workshop - Tier 3. Also works as a weapon. Can be crafted in hand, Workshop and Smithy or bought. Can be crafted in the Book, Workshop and Smithy and used also as a weapon.

Can be crafted in Book, Workshop and Smithy. Can be crafted in Workshop, Smithy or bought. Can be crafted in hand, Workshop, Smithy or bought. Has different working modes. Can be crafted in Book, Workshop and Smithy and also used for protection. Building: Henhouse. Can be collected from hen and goose houses. Can be collected from bird trap or in the forests after cutting trees.

Building: Sewing - Tier 1. Can be crafted in Sewing. Can be crafted in Sewing or bought. It can be crafted in Sewing. Can be crafted in a Barn or bought. Can be crafted from Linen Thread on Loom Sewing.

Can be crafted from Flax Stalk on spinning Wheel in Sewing. Can be crafted from Woolen Thread on Small Wooden Box Plans Free Trial Loom in Sewing. Can be crafted from Wool on Spinning Wheel in Sewing. Building: Barn - Tier 1. Can be collected from Hop Plant or bought. It provides hop to be collected and can only be bought from a vendor.

Can be collected from reed or crafted on the threshing floor in Barn. Building: Sewing - Tier 2. Building: Simple House. Can be crafted in Smithy or bought. Has 4 charges. Can be crafted or bought. It can only be bought from a vendor. Building: Cowshed. Eaten raw, restores a small amount of food and can cause poisoning. Can be collected from killed animals, by using a knife. Jarogniewa: Profession: Innkeeper. Building: Tavern - Tier 2.

It can be drunk or used to make wine in the Wine Barrel. Drinking can cause vision and mobility problems and have other desirable effects. An expensive drink that can be sold high.

Can be crafted on a Tavern stove or bought. Can be collected in Cauldron. Can be collected from hives in Apiary or bought. Can be bought from vendors. Can be cooked in Cauldron. It can be crafted in the Workshop on the Pottery Wheel or bought.

Can be collected from rock deposits. Building: Stable. It can be crafted in Smithy or bought. It can be crafted in Sewing or bought. Building: Smithy - Tier 3. Needs bolts in the quiver. Stronger, faster and lighter than Stone Knife. Can be crafted in Smithy and also used as a weapon. Stronger, faster and lighter than Stone Spear. Can be crafted in Smithy. Stronger, faster and lighter than Stone Axe. Stronger and faster than Wooden Hammer.

Stronger, faster and lighter than Stone Hoe. Works also as a weapon. Stronger and faster than Wooden Shovel. Can be crafted in Smithy and also used for protection. The strongest type of arrow. The strongest type of bolt. Helga: Profession: Innkeeper. Building: Tavern - Tier 3. Building: Fishing Hut - Tier 2. Can be crafted in the Fishing Hut. Can be crafted on racks. Can be collected from fishing nets and with a spear. Can be crafted in barrels.

Building: Smithy - Tier 2. Building: Hunting Lodge - Tier 1. Needs arrows in the quiver. Can be crafted in Hunting Lodge, Workshop, Smithy or bought.

Stronger and faster, but heavier than Wooden Spear. Cab be crafted in Workshop and Smithy. Profession: Hunter. Without Crafting Knowledge - Tier 1. Without Diplomacy Knowledge - Tier 1. Without Barter - Tier 2. No matter what items, it's the number of coins that count ".

Meaning you cannot sell 1 Feather at a time, you need to sell at least 5 Feather or more in order to gain the diplomacy EXP. Without Extraction Knowledge - Tier 1. Without Farming Knowledge - Tier 1. Without Hunting Knowledge - Tier 1. This is intended. Without Survival Knowledge - Tier 1.

NPC worker is a combined activity between you and your inhabitant. Credit goes to ellorien for attentive in detail. Essential gender worker for male. Lumberjack to provide constant wood. Crop Worker to provide food ingredient.

Hunter to provide meat or Fisher to provide fish meat. Innkeeper to provide cooked food for inhabitant. You can always cook yourself, however, to have it, inhabitant, to cook for you while you free yourself to do something else is something less to worry about when you are coming home. Innkeeper tending the counter and cooking. Farmer threshing on the floor. Crop Worker planting seeds.

Animal Breeder tending their animal houses. Gatherer looking for something to pick up. Hunter hunting animal. Fisher waiting to catch a fish or salting and drying fish. Miner working in the mine. Miner working in the clusters of rocks.

If you build an Excavation Shed near clusters of rocks and clay deposit. They can also dig a clay just not in animation unless you build only for a clay deposit. Otherwise, when you do recruit, he or she will go homeless. You actually need to build a new house individually for each couple.

In this section, I will present the NPC's reaction to all the phrases that affect your relationship with non-player characters. How have you been lately? The safest phrase that does not cause a negative reaction from the NPC. Use if there is no better option.

Nice weather we're having today, don't you think? Do not use this phrase when it is raining or it is foggy and cloudy weather. In sunny weather, it works perfectly. How's the job? I hope, you're doing alright. I just got back from working in the field. Tough job. Recently I got into hunting, got any tips? What a day! I've been working almost non stop but I know my hard work will pay off.

You know what they say "early bird gets the worm". Have you heard any gossips lately? Have you seen that nobel who was passing nearby? I heard people say that he had amazing robes on him!

You can start courting a girl after you raise the approval level above Free Wooden Machinist Tool Box Plans In China At the same time, pay attention to the age of the future wife, if the difference between you is more than 20 years, she will refuse to accept your courtship. The opportunity to ask a girl to become your wife is always the first option during the dialogue. When the chance is higher than 50, you can try to make an offer of marriage.

I did it on the first try, but don't forget to save the game before doing it, just in case. Hint: Save your game first, before asking the proposal question. If you manage to increase her affection.

It will then be displayed as. Marry me. Asking your wife for help. Ask her to have a child right away while her Affection is high. At least from the time of testing Patch v0. All of this can be done simply by talking to her using the appropriate options in the dialogue. In the game when a day is equal to a month. The game only has 3 days 3 months , then the season changed. Meaning, after you ask her to have a child, you need to wait for 3 seasons which equal 9 months.

Then the mother will not be available for work until the child turns 2 years old and start to walk. That's 8 seasons later than she can get back to work.

The secret of success is simple — use only the following phrases: - I want to tell you something, beautiful lady.

I hope you're doing well. If you ever need anything, just ask me. I'll be glad to help, especially since it's you. Did anyone ever tell you that you have beatiful eyes? I admire your dedication to your work. You deserve the highest praise for it.

You look beautiful today. I recently went hunting and actually took on a bear. It was a tough fight but I succeeded at the end. We should go out to have a lunch by the river sometime. I heard it's really pretty this time of the year. You look as beautiful as that blue sky today! You know, on my way here I saw a patch of beautiful flowers and I instantly thought of you. My lady, you seem very fit, you look strong like a boar. You know, I like you a lot.

I admire your honesty. You are not afraid to tell others, if you disapprove their behaviour. My lady, I cannot help but compliment your shapely figure. You know, having a lot of money like I do, makes life a lot easier.

What an amazing dress you have. It suits you very well. You know, I'm quite strong. It works like a charm on ladies. The first child is born.

The first child is born - Mother Status. The first child is born - Child Status. The first child growing up - Mother Status. The first child growing up - Child Status.

Where everyone else starts to work. Where everyone else finished work. Child love to spend time near Campfires.

Still cannot work. Cart in Gostovia.

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Author: admin | 16.04.2021

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    16.04.2021 at 11:29:24