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Best Rap Bars Of All Time Us,Woodwork Courses Questions,Holtey A1 Jointer Plane 95 - PDF Books

best-rap-bars-of-all-time-us Could you love me on a bus? Henry Adaso. Yeah, right. Ice Cube has been with a lot of ladies, so it's possible that he knows something that we don't, but generally putting her ass to sleep is something to avoid mid-coitus. Sure, al means "name," but, come on, this is America. The D.

This line is genius! How do you describe the indescribable? Apparently Jeezy has problems controlling his bowels. At times, his ailment gets so bad, he has diarrhea and constipation at the same time.

Poor guy. Maybe try taking an Imodium A-D and an Ex-lax, and see what happens. Should be interesting. This line doesn't make any sense any way you slice it. The math doesn't come close to working; 36 isn't even divisible by 5. Redman wasn't on 36 Chambers , which had more than twelve songs anyway.

He didn't even have a twelve-song LP. Possibly he was referring to the KRS-1 album that "5 Boroughs" was supposed to be released on, but the album never dropped, so I guess we'll never know.

Not only has this sentiment though it seems a stretch to even call it that been conveyed a million billion times by every rapper and their mother, it seems like rappers are just getting lazier and lazier. This is a picture I could do without ever seeing. And vegetarians, if this happens to you, you're doing it wrong.

Let's give credit where it's due. Juelz knew that an ostrich is a bird, and he knew most birds fly. Hell, for all he probably knew, all birds fly. So it only logically follows that an ostrich is gonna fly. It's not like there are ostriches in New York. You expect him to be a scholar on ostriches?

Dre is a master of formal logic. Not many people know this, but he actually got his doctorate in semantics. Here, he postulates the most fundamental properties of cause and effect. Not only that, he demonstrates his theory with a tractionless lyrical career. After this, Dre got the help of some ghostwriters, who are less susceptible to such slippage. Is the whole purpose of the second half of this line just to make a Richard Pryor joke?

Must we really be subjected to the image of Weezy sticking his thumb up his lady's pooper for a stupid pun?

This goes beyond TMI to the realm of information nobody ever needs to hear -- ever, ever, ever. Unless Lil' Fame has you attached to some sort of top-heavy see-saw to literally lift your ass up using the weight of your head, a contraption which we'd really like to see, this is not how gravity works.

And how do you turn an entire mass into cavity? Unless he's talking about a cavity in the fabric of space -- like a black hole or something -- that would be really impressive. What's next? He'll drive a car or a bentley? He'll drink champagne or Cristal? How does Wayne manage to drop stinkers like this into smash hits like "Faded" and "The Motto"? We get it; they're club hits, and people aren't exactly worried about the lyrics, but you think at some point, somebody would stop and say, "What the hell am I dancing to?

Yeah, that's what we thought. Don't ever question Mr. As opposed to "Nas," which is We're not exactly sure what Nas meant by the non-word "unsubmittable," either, but N should have taken his own advice and never submitted these lines. This hashtag rap thing is getting ridiculous.

You say anything that can be tied to the line before it previously, no matter how remotely or insignificant, and that's passable lyricism? I want to buy drugs from her. The unintentional savings you can catch are probably amazing. Oh, the irony of lambasting others for their ineptitude with incorrect mathematical awareness.

And we thought Canibus and Common were supposed to be the smart guys! Maybe they're just incredibly fearful of the number two, in which case, their math checks out. Recovery was a genuine, heartfelt display of catharsis for Eminem. It had the potential to be the second Eminem Show , but it was plagued with cornball lines like this one that cheapen it horribly.

What do rappers do when they can't think of anything important to say? They resort to wordplay. That way, it seems as if they are accomplishing something, when in reality, they aren't. Don't pour out your heart and then sum it up with a meaningless pun. Ain't nobody got time for that. I call it shoe-icide. This line actually has potential to connect in deep way by touching on the shackles of materialism, but then Fabulous fudges it all up with that god awful shoe-icide pun.

Here's a rule of thumb: Never use a pun when you're trying to make a serious point. It makes you sound like a comedian, and a bad one at that. I guess you could use your telekinetic powers to float the time machine over to where you're sitting, but that's pretty much it. Wait, never mind. Birdman has been touting Young Money Entertainment as the first future billionaire enterprise in hip-hop , so how is it that nobody in their massive conglomerate was able to make the distinction between Japanese and Thai culture?

As a single, "Your Love" topped the rap charts. How does that happen? This lyric is not only an indictment of Minaj, it's an indictment of the industry and the millions of people who happily consumed this garbage. But with "Yahhh! He's truly come full circle. What a joy to watch. Wipes tear. I guess this is a case where a rose by any other name wouldn't smell as sweet -- or maybe it would, as it is the booty we're talking about.

And though this line is a little bit wonderful, mostly it's just dumb. And that poor girl. She has a name, you know! What would her father say? I guess this line is supposed to be some kind of boast, but, honestly, can anybody explain what J. Cole is bragging about? Beyond fourth grade, your farting prowess is not anything to be particularly proud of. This line says nothing and fails on both the symbolic and literal levels. All it proves is that nobody can blow hot air like J Cole.

Seriously, how awesome is Lil B? Yeah, this is a stupidest lyrics list, and, yeah, this fully deserves to be in the top three, but you gotta respect the mind blowing levels of WTF-titude Lil B conjures with "Ellen Degeneres.

Unadulterated swag-babble. I mean, it's debatable whether Lil B is trying a lot of the time, but he's not even trying to try here. It's called farting, Robert. And with your history plus Dave Chapelle's awesome parody , you should just steer clear of talking about any bodily waste in your lyrics. I'm not sure whether this image of an ass singing a capella is supposed to be beautiful in some way or sexy. It lands well short of both. Fuckin' lyrics, how do they work? If you're doing it right, not like this.

In "Miracles," ICP assumes the role of a couple toddlers first recognizing the wonders of nature. The difference between ICP and toddlers, though, is that toddlers will eventually go to school and learn the scientific explanations for said "miracles. As such, wonders like genetics, metamorphosis and even "pet cats and dogs" will forever remain miracles to Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope.

Keep Westword Free Since we started Westword , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Denver, and we would like to keep it that way. Offering our readers free access to incisive coverage of local news, food and culture.

Producing stories on everything from political scandals to the hottest new bands, with gutsy reporting, stylish writing, and staffers who've won everything from the Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi feature-writing award to the Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism. But with local journalism's existence under siege and advertising revenue setbacks having a larger impact, it is important now more than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism.

You can help by participating in our "I Support" membership program, allowing us to keep covering Denver with no paywalls. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of our terms of use , our cookies policy , and our privacy policy. We use cookies to collect and analyze information on site performance and usage, and to enhance and customize content and advertisements.

By clicking 'X' or continuing to use the site, you agree to allow cookies to be placed. To find out more, visit our cookies policy and our privacy policy. Blige Jay didn't come out of the gate banging. After two mildly received singles, the third time proved to be the charm with "Can't Knock the Hustle," a timeless tune that still gets heads bobbing decades later. The Common-assisted remix is equally fascinating. It's also the first of many rap songs to namedrop future president Barack Obama.

It also led to this huge smash in the midst of a controversial election. It's one of Nas' finest moments. Many Southern rappers owe their success to UGK's influence. The beat, courtesy of the late, great Roc Raida, will have you reaching for Bengay from too much head motion.

You haven't fully lived until you've flexed your Kegel muscles to the tune of "Push It. Dido's ethereal crooning adds more soot to the tale. This is further proof that M. P albums should come with a warning sticker: "Repeated listens may cause you to run into a wall, especially at the crack of dawn. Jackson ,' OutKast Two dope boys from the A plead their case before a baby mama's mama.

It's a solemn hymn fit for the summer blues. Guru, Greg Nice, and Smooth B put the crazy boasts on display. Potent tracks such as "Umi Says" and the brain-melting "Mathematics" helped Mos smash those expectations. Sadat X spends his entire verse ridiculing crackheads: "On your crack card you're getting only As and Cs for come back.

Asiatic shows us the definition of microphone presence on arguably his biggest smash yet. Suddenly, you find yourself bobbing and snapping your whole being to this. It wasn't just a gangsta rap anthem. It was also a vicious street classic that resonated with the frustrations of the young, Black, and persecuted in L. There's no way a song this dark should've made it into heavy rotation, but it did. That it became a huge success has everything to do with Scarface's surrealism, Bushwick Bill's suicidal mindset, and Willie D's stone cold flow.

It's the Geto Boys at their best. When Busta comes in with his contagious energy, it's sure to set any dance floor on fire. Biggie died three years later, but this song lives on through those who remember the days of "The Source" and Mr. This was the first single from "The Chronic," and it immediately established him as a supersonic force for decades to come.

Instead, he found the magnetism of Best Rap Bars Of All Time Games electro-rap and changed the game in the process. Throw in the well-placed hook and you have a masterpiece.

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Author: admin | 31.08.2020

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