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Woodworking Subscriptions Impact Factor,Small Wood Turning Lathe On,Makita 2301 Review Limited - PDF 2021

woodworking-subscriptions-impact-factor You and I differ on the tulip mania part. Should one decide to cheat, they will be found out and go out of business, so even if the temptation exists, doing so is suicide. Shumway says:. When I toured Routan, I thought the highly-dense woodworking subscriptions impact factor vulnerable, even though it has much income from tourism dollars. The author confused himself by conflating digital currency with digital transactions. Stephen C.

See 64 for details…. I understand the technology and what is and what is not possible. Other countries will do the same because they all want a captive market to sheer the sheep with impunity.

Crypto is just the modern tulip. The Treasury and the Federal Reserve are so close now that soon the Treasury will nationalize the Fed. You make it sound like the Fed Gov is somehow independent of the central banks, and looking to free itself from their monetary grip, when I think the opposite is true.

Canceling the interest is the opposite of what the whole thing is set up to do, which is to make us all, governments and individuals, slaves to debt. Slaves to the owners of the Fed. Why would the slave owner the Fed allow his slaves U. Our president and the federal gov. Out of which the buckets to the slop trough are poured. You and I know that Mr. Hudson is, indeed, an expert, but let us hope that Mr.

Hudson sits this one out because I am sure that he is aware that the move to digital currency will guarantee our total enslavement. The dollar problem can be solved by Uncle Sam being knocked on his ass.

Then the rest of us can go about our lives as usual—on top of, and under the ground. The whole Federal Reserve scheme was a place holder for what is happening right now.

A Visa card represents a currency just fine, has the ability to transact in huge volumes and all the infrastructure is already in place and tested over decades. People confuse the crypto currency with the block chain and mining that is being used to form the accounting system for it. In any event, block chain mining is incapable of scaling to what the US economy requires by, my guess, 6 to 8 orders of magnitude; a complete impossibility.

My Visa case is just an example. All transactions into or out of that account will be known for tax, investigative, tyrannical and other purposes. Regional processing centers will handle the transaction load and provide backup. I had never seen kind of, you know, a negotiating merchant for clothing refuse cash. And what he was experiencing firsthand was the explosive growth of cashless payments in China over the course of the last decade.

In contrast, U. ET First Published: Aug. FB is hoping to launch its cryptocurrency next year. Currently, the Libra association is awaiting permission from Swiss regulators to launch a dollar-backed stablecoin. The consistent principle of freedom should have lead to the abolition of ALL taxes, and all other charges too, besides patents, copyrights and land titles. There is still going to be central control and money issued at the flick of a button, but the human element can be reduced to the nodes which track the system.

Bitcoin uses the puzzle solving mechanism to limit the issuance of new currency, but the central bank digital token is just replacing the printing press for cash. I generally agree with you with one exception.

All those processing centers will still be needed. The credit card companies have developed the necessary infrastructure to handle huge loads with minimal latency. The Block Chain is a trust less environment but at a large cost. Visa, for example, is a trust environment with a small cost, but large profit for them. The reason I found it puzzling is because every time someone said digital currency, they are confused with the hard currency becoming digital and digital crypto-currency like bitcoin or ethereum becoming mainstream.

I would add that crytocurrency is not a tulip mania. The US defeated the Vietnamese who crawled to the peace table begging for peace. Had the US stayed, the South would not have been defeated. You and I differ on the tulip mania part. Spending 30, on a pile of digits that are created for a few dollar worth of electricity is just the Fed scam all over again. The only thing BitCoin, etc is good for is to move funds across borders.

Buy in country A, move to country B and sell them to get the local currency. The larger ones might if they think 20 Easy Woodworking Techniques Review they can make a market with their volume, but I doubt Amazon, for example, is interested.

Not a central banking cabal. So once America was established there was no need for a central bank. It was always a scam to loot the American people and impose their will upon the nation.

Culminating in the latest waves of mass lootings and Eternal Wars for Israel. Rural Guy…a few questions which rural people should know but no one does! Which comes first money or wealth? Did you know Agricultural Parity means everybody works with a cent dollar starting with farmers? Did you know that Parity is the Law? Did you know that the law was only full implemented at being of World War II?

Did you know that Parity was dropped so GM could sell more cars on credit and to push globalist cheap food policies? The concept of currency as distinct from money was part of the Federal Reserve Scam. At that time, it might have made sense to have a trusted authority do the job. Miners should provide ore to smelter. Prices all around the world should be in weight of metal, not some made up Dollar, Euro, Yen or other intermediary that only offers arbitrage and other scams to again enrich the middlemen.

Along with this, the fraud of fractional reserve banking needs to disappear. Banking should become a broker relationship where those with money find a broker to locate someone that wants it at an interest rate determined by the lender, not some cabal. The lender locks up his wealth for a predetermined time so the borrower can use it. Terms are also part of the negotiation. There is absolutely no need for fractional reserve banking.

It was a scam that only benefited the bankers. The transaction process is built into the wallet functions that hold digital tokens. The process is to hand the cash over from one device to another. If you think they want to give you a replacement for cash, think again.

They are instituting totalitarianism. And as it happens, it turns out to be a great trading tool for them! They will allow Bitcoin to exist as long as it serves their purposes. When it gets in the way of other plans, it will be gone. A year or two ago, there was an article I read that stated a high level guy at Goldman Sachs was claiming to be the mysterious Satoshi that came up with Bitcoin. I never got to see a followup. It is interesting that the mastermind has kept quiet about his invention.

The real scary thing is that if digital currencies become universal any individual can simply be economically cancelled. Privacy means scrambling the transactions like an internet anonymize, but the metadata is there regardless.

You are correct except that drugs are totally approved by government. During the pandemic alcohol sales have gone up by seven times, and smoking pot is no longer prosecuted by the authorities because it makes it easier to control such people during the transition phase. Just look at the hundreds upon hundreds of drug adverts posted on Craigslist every day.

Fred needs to read up on the WEF. The US, just like every other nation, will just be full of serfs that own nothing and pay most of their income in taxation if Bill Gates and Claus Schwab and their Great Reset come to fruition. Fred seems to be very ill informed to offer this article for publication. The best we could hope for is that the Bancor concept, rejected at Breton Woods, is adopted for international trade and that gold, silver and copper are readopted as ordinary every day currencies.

Without a revolution this will never happen. Yes, fractional reserve banking without even reserves is a fraud and a monstrous farce. Enriching the most dishonorable uber-criminals on the planet at the direct expense of everyone else. If not coins minted from them, when feasible. But the main thing is removing the banksters from the equation, and allowing our Treasury or private mints, if certified to mint all coins and currency, removing the parasite from the process.

Mint, and then loan it to us at interest? What does it matter if bit coin is encyrpted if you need a Cell Phone or Internet Provider to access this. The powers that be will just cut off your access to your providers if you do not comply with their Social Justice score??? Also you would only have access to your credits if the Communications Links are functioning properly, if the 3g and 5G stations are up and radiating properly, your end unit cell phone or computer is functioning, has power, communications, is linked via network to the receiving end of the transaction the servers and AI and supercomputers at the other end of the transaction.

Your digital wallet is data in a computer somewhere. In china were are all the server farms….. Block chain tech is so slow as to be unsuitable for large volume transactions. Generating the math also requires a large investment in electricity.

A high speed accounting system will serve their purposes well and they exist, fully tested and scaled. That was my point. Some of that is probably with me, I admit. I appreciate the story and info, Mr. My mechanic friend ended up with one parts cars due to a deer, but he goes and tows in some others. You can start it up 2 years later on that fuel. The lead would destroy a catalytic converter right away, though.

The crypto part of cryptocurrency stands for cryptography which is a mathematically intensive operation to produce a hash of the original data and a key that can reconstitute it with the key only available to a responsible party.

Cryptocurrency as used by most people is really anything that smells like using your smartphone instead of a credit card. The public and even most politicians are ignorant of the tech that underpins a real crypto anything.

Their cars are leased or on a payment plan and of a duration longer than many vehicles will last. Tulip was grown personally and it offers nothing. It also degrades over time. Crypto on the other hand was designed specifically to reflect the idea of rarity like gold.

I second your argument. The Federal Reserve is a creature of the Banks. They own all the Federal reserve shares, National Banks are required to own some. The much vaunted prerogative of the President to chose the Chairman of the Fed is the freedom to chose from 5 people chosen by the banks. Your faith in the US treasury is unwarranted. They will dance to the tune of the political class and create as much fraudulent currency as they want.

The Romans clipped coins and then went to plating base metal with silver and gold. When value is preserved store of value , it can be viewed as an invariancy in this mathematical structure. So, to properly see money, you need to build a mathematical model, showing its spaces, algebras, topology, group properties of its operators, etc. The forms of capital that I mention have different types of structure.

If we merely describe money anthromorphically, we form very vague and useless notions of money. IOW a convertible currency that can be earned in-country fuck the means would invigorate markets. The sad thing is the white man only can bitch with staled ideological mumbling while standing on a track staring at a fully loaded train running toward him. Ha, I forgot to remark about this line.

Yeah, we hear that about anything including real money. I know when Australia was minting silver fifty cent pieces for use decades ago, people started hoarding them because the silver value was worth more than fifty cents. Today you can sell them for anything up to fifteen dollars each.

So obviously circulating coins of noble metal will not solve any currency problem, probably only exacerbating them. As long as the rich and powerful believed in the wealth of the tulip trade, all was well. But once the next best thing came along then the bubble burst. Everyone was hoping the financial meltdown was going to be the last one for a long time.

Australia first went to polymer banknotes in If the notes last longer without being replaced sooner, then printing costs are reduced. They also carry improved anti-counterfeiting technology. Clearly the next big jump is cyber-money. So I think it would be more profitable to takeover the companies that are involved in electronic funds and transfers. And produce an American electronic coin. Or maybe they are looking forwards to beyond cryptocurrency, and jump straight to there, so gaining a head start on the opposition.

This is a great comment. I particularly like the thought experiment re: store of value versus medium of exchange. Going to use that. This is changing fast. Have you read up on ETH 2?

Bitcoin could end up as the single POW crypto since it seems to be taking a place alongside gold. Enough for the entire planet. I suggested to Leo that entrepreneurs X, Y, and Z would rename their businesses as being, say, sports books, and Leo would admit to his wife that he is, alas, a gambler. In theory you can use your Nigerian phone idea… In theory you can buy gizmos off the internet that let you steal any car after watching the instruction video… But in the real world car theft as opposed to car jacking is as common as cattle rustling or cut pursing.

Most people here are looking at this issue from the wrong end of the telescope. Right now, the trade in crypto amounts to speculators betting on the price of tulips forever going up. The amount of actual business to business trade or business to consumer trade in crypto is near zero. The dollar and credit cards are universally used.

Nothing is going to unseat that momentum even though I wish it were otherwise. For the average person, trading in their credit card for NFC capable smartphone transactions suffices from the convenience standpoint and uses the current credit card infrastructure for processing. US customers are still stuck using plastic for the most part. Get real. And here you are getting excited about something that is a hybrid of both!

I rarely comment on this. But just to give you some directions, here in Unz because of uncensorship, we have a slew of many types of comments. Some are educated, and been a professional in their lives. There are a few professor type here as well. This is not genetic defect. This is the transformation of tongue during their formative years at younger age. The quality of the comments here are so low… It seems like no one seems to understand what money is today… Well, what can I expect from UR!

Money today is debt. It have nothing to do what you read in economic textbooks. Money is created from thin air when someone or the government borrows from a bank. Whether that is from the Fed or its member banks. If all debts are repaid today, money and society will cease to exist. Money, as it is, is a claim on future productivity and resources. As I said, most money exist in the form of debt so it is a claim that the rich holds on the future labour and service of the debtors.

When you take on a 30 year mortagage, you are binding yourself to the rich for 30 years. QE is also a way to take the debt burden of debtors and there will be a debt jubliee at some point.

If you dig into monetary history, no one really designed this system. It was almost an accident that arise from the quirk of commodity money. The hyperinflation we have seen in the stocks is an escape away from debt peonage to other means of production since the proles is going to default on those debt via inflation or devalation.

It takes on average 5 minutes to put a block on the block chain via the proof of work mining process. There are many transactions per block, but those transactions are in limbo before the block is put on the chain. They want control and a currency system that is inescapable for their tax cattle. If, today, they announced a deal with Visa, Mastercard and American Express, along with a new law that obsoletes paper money in 3 months, they would be announcing to the world the end of the paper dollar and the creation of the DigiDollar.

No new technology needed. No new infrastructure needed. All merchants and all individuals that want to transact would be forced to use this new DigiDollar. NFC would be rolled out nationwide by the CC companies and people would be using their smartphones instead of plastic. Bank runs are impossible, hoarding under the mattress is impossible and stimulating the economy by forcing the cattle to spend is easily accomplished with negative interest rates and new and improved fees for money lying around in accounts.

Converting crypto to DigiDollars might even be prohibited just as owning gold was once prohibited. Now try buying a loaf of bread with your cryptocoin. If you can refute that easily achievable scenario, then post your idea and make sure you include how crypto anything fits in. Parts can indeed be worth a whole lot. Parting out that parts car reduced the cost of repairing my project car. I sent parts all over the world. A gentleman in New Zealand bought the blower resistor. I sent the oil pan to a girl in Aspen and I sent the fuel tank to Wisconsin in the luggage bin under a greyhound.

It was too big for the mail. I stripped that car down to nothing. It was fun. This guy here has been experimenting with it in a S38B36 engine. The opposite is true Anon. Thinking is primitive and crude without mathematics. What you see in a distant star makes little sense without a good mathematical model. Your whole life is pervaded with devices that were developed with mathematics: televisions, computers, cell phones, the microprocessors in your car. Economics is no different. Econophysics has transformed it, to use the rigorous language of mathematics.

Panicfest or something caused some odd shortages at our little walmart. I stocked up on cans of salmon, smoked oysters and kippered herring, lots of bone broth, ribeye, beans, rice, pasta and cat food. The pantry and freezer are stocked. The big Walmart in Cleveland sells ethanol free gas for just a small premium over ethanol laced gas. The gentleman farmer friend of mine that I mentioned oh so long ago buys it for the shop.

You left out the most important part. Unless they cave to the anglo-zionists banks. If they do the digi-currency will be a worthless novelty like bitcoin will eventually become. China recently invited the big banks to come in and provide credit to Chinese people. How will this impact the Chinese monitary system? You must have lots of leisure time to write an article you admittedly know nothing about.

National currency is ultimately backed by the taxing powers of the country that issues it, reserve currency in addition by something tangible with a widespread use eg gold, silver, oil.. Can you imagine what they can do when they outlaw cash?

As a Christian myself although not a good example of a Christian, I feel the racial jokes are not good. All people should be judged by their righteous conduct toward other people. A Domestic Terrorism Law? Point being worldwide we are more and more in a Technocratic control grid. Americans are spoiled, we do not have much awareness of people suffering in other countries throughout the world.

Other peoples live their ongoing apocalypse on a daily basis in Third World Countries, for example the poor subclasses in India, the Palestinians in Israel. Bill Gates and such pretend they want to help these people, when Gates and such are really adding to their misery. Soon Americans will have our own apocalypse??? Important to remember Finance Capitalism as opposed to a true Free Market Capitalism and Communism were both creations of the same dark forces.

I think the stock market as a whole is a swindle, is based on pretend assets which only exist on paper and gambling cheats. Read Revelation in the Bible. Previously I thought the evil forces would only go after Christians, but yes they do want to destroy all the peoples of the world. Also people are people and I am sure the Chinese have lots of jokes about us White Devils. Get away from the crazies that start violence. That can be the left loonies or the right Rambo types. My use of weaponry is only in self defense and if the situation calls for it, I have no problem using lethal force.

Twice in my life, 3 days apart, I put a pistol to thieves heads that I surprised. They are alive today only because I feared the justice system more. Get at least a pistol and a pile of ammo. You had better know how to use it. Get away from high density population centers. Conventional wisdom has it that 3 days without food or water and you have riots. Countries are starting to limit exports of the basic staples and weather last year caused poor harvest in large parts of the world, so stocks are low.

The Chinese are buying up everything they can find. We are in the beginning of a solar minimum and possibly a grand solar minimum which shifts food production towards the equator. The lock down bullshit has already crippled food production and that can only get worse.

The freezers will keep food below zero for almost 3 days without electricity. Ask me how I know. Because one of my businesses is food related I have a commercial vacuum sealing machine for smaller portions of the dry items.

I have access to well water and multiple filtration systems plus a G storage tank of already processed clean water and pressure tanks and pumps. I probably have a dozen computers and many years ago owned a computer store where I hand built custom machines for clients, so I know my way around the internals.

I wrote the point of sale system we use in our businesses and can code up anything I might need or want. No electricity means no heat. Where I live, most stuff is over the counter and cheap as dirt. Your survival preparation is impressive. But, will Roatan be safe? When I toured Routan, I thought the highly-dense island vulnerable, even though it has much income from tourism dollars. Thanks Sir Rothchinald for giving us a lecture in shekel-ology Given your Abrahamic ancestry, I will take you at your word, at least on this issue.

Maybe you and your kind — hypocritical, one-sided social justice warriors — should grow up a little and live in the real world, friend. Real money, as opposed to currency, requires no faith as I can hold it in my hand and know it is a scarce element of the earth that always retains some value as the market dictates with mining, refining and minting costs to provide it a base.

Currency, on the other hand, is a creation out of nothing god like and given an artificial value for something that is inherently near worthless — paper or the digital equivalent. Money does require a certain confidence in its weight and purity. Private mints can provide that confidence to the public.

Should one decide to cheat, they will be found out and go out of business, so even if the temptation exists, doing so is suicide. Real money, as opposed to currency, is physical in the non trivial sense. Paper currency is also physical, but has a value enforce via the barrel of a gun and is therefore a fraud much like religion. Spooner is right. What is missing here, I think, is that hard currency is easier to have faith in than fiat money.

Fiat money works as long as there is faith it can be converted into something tangible, like gold, silver, platinum. Other things like financial securities, bottles of beer, automobiles also have value. The problem is, the value of those things change over time. Vehicles depreciate, financial securities are affected by the strength of the company the stocks represent, precious metals vary depending on demand.

Hard currency has a value which is fixed to something, like Gold. What Gold is worth can change, but a hard currency can always be converted to what it represents. Yes, ethnic humour is NOT cool. Perhaps someone can enlighten me? There was a news item in Xinhua News a week or two ago, that some old people who did not have cellphones or did not understand payment with cellphones, had been unable to buy things they wanted because they had only cash.

The law had Woodworking Projects Nativity 90 been changed to make it illegal to refuse cash as payment. So true. The jingoists always seem to think that it was the brilliance of arms while forgetting that the US industrial machine could out mass produce anything that the enemies could.

The people who would impose this kind of financial system cannot secure the contents of a PDF file. The Fed announced today that it is considering installing a crypto currency as well. How can that be? One ounce of silver today was on spot for just over twenty-seven dollars.

Are we not suppose to notice such things? Say what?? Yeah, check for yourself. Anyway, the exchange of crypto currency credits for paper money will be conveniently blamed on that poor old undeserving COVID virus.

Handled by many different people every day. What else do you have to offer? I heard that in Havana, Cuba, socialism has worked out so well for them that you can now buy a lady for the night in exchange for a tube of Crest toothpaste.

Bon voyage! The Unz Review - Mobile. User Settings: Version? Social Media? All None Exclude Blogs. Show Word Counts. No Video Autoplay. No Infinite Scrolling. Home About Settings. Science History Forum. Hopkins Michael Hudson E. Newslinks Podcasts Popular. Articles Authors Comments. Summary Categories Bloggers. Newslinks Columnists Authors. Settings About More Blogview Fred Reed Archive.

Your Name. Remember My Information. Recipient Name. Recipient Email s , separated by semicolons. List of Bookmarks. Some ideas: It will not require a bank account, making it attractive to people who have a cell phone but not a bank account.

Hide Comments Leave a Comment. Commenters to ignore one per line Save List Cancel. Commenters to follow one per line Save List Cancel. Trim Comments? No Short Long. Cracker says:. January 26, at am GMT. Franz says:. We may all find out. ForeverGone says:. Cryptocurrency will make possible the ultimate police state.

Astuteobservor II says:. If it can kill off swift, USD is kaput. You can bet your ass that USA will do everything possible to stop it.

Bardon Kaldian says:. Genghis knew that. US knows that. RoatanBill says:. The Alarmist says:. As for enforcing sanctions, DC has decided piracy on the high seas is easier. Achmed E. Them is [sic] some thoughts.

January 26, at pm GMT. Emperor Biden confiscates all digital currency private ownership to lockbox safeguard US assets. Vendetta says:. Armed robbers these days are more interested in stealing your phone than your wallet. Ray Huffman says:. You are never going to impose a cashless society. Stick says:. Alfa says:. In 40 years of free trade chatter, we threw it all away Like Britain before us, brute industrial strength propelled international supremacy.

Ah-men and ah-wimmin! January 27, at pm GMT. Gordon K. Shumway says:. Sollipsist says:. Max Payne says:. Stand in a mans way. The Plutonium Kid says:. Ralph B. Seymour says:. Where would that leave the parasite guild?

Why would the parasite guild allow their monopoly to be hijacked by the government it controls. Smokey says:. January 28, at am GMT. For once, an Evil Jew loses. The Soft Parade says:. Stonewall Jackson says:. Go back to Mexico loving Reed. At least the little gold tooth bastards are harmless…. Adam Smith says:. I wish I had foresight as clear as hindsight.

Neal says:. Biff says:. Hans Vogel says:. If not, life will be sheer hell. Ilya G Poimandres says:. Nano not BTC , will still win, regardless. Regards, onebornfree. January 28, at pm GMT. John Fisher says:. I see what you did there.

TG says:. Interesting article. Is this some kind of American inside joke? Temporary Insanity says:. Emslander says:. But how do thieves get into the stolen phone without a password? Asking for a friend. AMWAC says:.

Fred, as usual, did a swell job at explaining the ups and downs. This is a mistaken concept. Jim Bob Lassiter says:.

Globalist says:. Timothy Madden says:. Marckus says:. Rdm says:. Vietnam war and Korean war ———————————————- Countries that are best prepared to fight the pandemic Americans live in a bubble. Are you confusing digital currency like DigitYuan and digital currency like Bitcoin? I second your observation. Neuday says:. Rurik says:. There are no more Andrew Jacksons. The closest thing we had was Ron Paul, and he was shut out.

At least somebody does. Oh but if there were……. Globalist, You and I know that Mr. Kudos to you then. The only link between the digital currency and the cryptocurrency is the exchange rate. Rich says:. S Korea remains free and has become a prosperous nation.

You were smart to get out. Abdul Alhazred says:. Bitcoin is a beta test proffered to the unwitting public by the banksters. Bill Jones says:. You could usefully listen to this: 34 minutes of your next drive? January 29, at am GMT. MayRay says:. Also, btw, someone told me he saw credible evidence that Bitcoin was created by the CIA. ImaBotKnot says:. Joe Wong says:. Jiminy says:. Donald A Thomson says:.

SimpleSong says:. SafeNow says:. Templar says:. JM says:. Great story. January 29, at pm GMT. I was refuting a single point you have made over and over in this comment section: Block chain tech is so slow as to be unsuitable for large volume transactions. Simply not true anymore, being solved as we speak.

This lingual trait is not confined to Chinese in particular, but more so for all East Asians. Chinaman says:. Money today are meant to be borrow and spent immediately. It is not a store of value. Baron says:. Sick of Orcs says:. January 30, at am GMT. Dave Bowman says:.

January 30, at pm GMT. The Romans clipped coins and then went to plating base metal with silver and gold That was… umm… Jewish merchants in Europe in the Middle Ages, in fact.

Is that your idea of universal Christian peace, justice, harmony, whatever… for all? Highly off topic, but Fred needs to git back stateside and work with his blood kinfolk a little.

The following shows how Roman coins were debased over time. Spooner says:. Money needs faith, money needs confidence and ability to change and transform into physical.

Kapyong says:. Jim's on it again, blaming a meter for a person perhaps not understanding electric power concepts We better ban those ammeters If you are going to use a measuring device, a mic, a meter, a thermometer, whatever, you really need to know how to understand the reading you get. Otherwise it is just a number that could mean anything in the wide world. And that would be YOUR fault, not the meter's.

Remember that "personal responsibility" thing? How about YOU help the man out and tell him where it's going sideways. YOU explain where the 40 amp reading is coming from. I'm just agreeing with everyone else here. The 40A comes when he turns on the CNC. As for where it goes, I do not know yet. But since he says it drops to 1A when he hits e-stop, I assume it is going to run some internal part, which is not actually drawing 40A.

There may be something about that 40A. Since the CNC has large DC supply for the servo drives, it will likely be pulling current in short pulses near the peak of the waveform. That 40A may be due to the meter not reading a pulse current correctly.

That can happen if the meter does not read true rms, or if the meter IS true rms, but has not got sufficient "crest factor" ability to deal with peaks. When dealing with rectified AC, it is often best to use a 'scope, because you are no longer dealing with a sine wave. A clamp-on probe with a 'scope could tell a lot of dirty secrets in THIS particular case.

What sort of meter is in use? Is it true RMS? Alright, new update for you all. Again, thanks for all of your interest in troubleshooting. It has the words "true RMS" on it. I am not Vise Grip Clamps Woodworking Factor in a peak or max measurement mode, as I am aware of that function and have not been using it for these measurements. Although, I wouldn't put it pass me to miss something like that so thanks for asking.

I did a pretty long test where the machine was turned on, the high current draw was measured and then I proceeded to monitor temperature and take current readings on other wires and components.

The high current comes into the machine, goes through a manual disconnect, through a reactor and then to the power drive unit of the controls.

The high current is not noted on any wires exiting the power drive unit. The power drive unit itself is not warm itself nor is the cooling air coming out the exhaust fan. I worked backwards from there and checked the reactor for heat.

It increased from 40F to 65F and then maintain the 65F temp for as long as the test ran about 15mins. This seems normal. There is also no unexpected continuity from leg to leg or leg to ground on the reactor. During this test I did notice that the power drive unit had an LED lit up near the power input cables that I know now means "voltage too high". I've also learned that the RPC does not generate the third leg at a voltage relative to my incoming single phase voltage.

Meaning, my house supply voltage of v bucked to via a transformer has no impact on the voltage of the generated leg output of the RPC. That third leg is generated by a v motor, so it starts there and varies based on no load or load situations.

This is why L1-L1 is v and the other leg measurements are very high to v. The solution is to feed the power straight from my house to the RPC without the single phase transformer. This will produce output voltages from the RPC of on all three legs. Then the 3 phase transformer will buck it down to v the sweet spot in my v range that is accepted by my cnc machine.

So, at this point I still don't know why I'm getting that 40amp draw near the machine power drive unit but I can only assume its caused by large delta of voltage between the incoming power or by too-high of voltage itself. If there are any theories on this please let me know!

In case this helps any theories - the motors on the axes are all v three phase AC servo motors. My solution at this point to do the adjustment I described above and get lower, more balanced voltage into the cnc machine and hope that corrects the strange high amp draw.

At low load, but still SOME load, a rectifier takes current in narrow pulses. A "true rms" meter can give you a high reading because pulses have a disproportionately high rms value. There may be other things going on as well, but a lowish source impedance, and a high current rectifier can really give you a high but very short pulse current, and a higher than expected "rms" current. Added to the normal draw from things in the control, it might look crazy-high.

Since the unit is evidently not drawing excess current, since it is not getting hot, and no breakers or thermals are opening, no faults showing, I would not be concerned at this point. Run a part, and see what happens. BTW, "amp clamp" is not a meter type, and there is nothing about an "amp clamp" that is a problem. The same type true rms series ammeter would give the same answer as the clamp-on.

It is, however, necessary to know what you are measuring, and how it is being measured, plus to have some idea what you ought to expect, to know what to think about the "number" you get as a result. In this case, an old clunky "Amprobe" averaging-type meter might well give a better answer, even though it is still an "amp clamp meter" see?

There are many types. The "average" of that sort of pulses is going to be much lower than the "rms" value. I think "true rms" meters should be able to read "average" by changing the setting

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Author: admin | 06.09.2020

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