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best-rap-remixes-of-all-time-game In music, the term "remix" can mean a lot of different things, even in rap. What are the musical and production values that best rap remixes of all time game them work? Indie Rock. Many early remixes were just extended versions that brought elements from the original in-and-out gamf adding much new material. Again, not all remixes take the record in a different direction. But "The Last Huzzah" stands on its own, as well, with strong verses across the board, save a couple uncharacteristically weak ones from Heems and Danny Brown.

Thinking man's rap at its finest. Shit it might have came out earlier, I can't remember. Still, an incredible track for L to let loose on. After "Vocab," The Fugees needed to come back with something strong, and Salaam Remi's remix did the track, giving the group their first bona fide hit, and a cementing a hip-hop classic.

Walt or Evil Dee, did this track were able to flip Barry White's "Playing Your Game Baby" into a hard rock anthem that made even the nerdiest of nerds wanna rock a goose down and lace up a pair of timberlands. When the Im Nin'Alu vocal samples come in, the song gets taken to a whole nother level.

Dre- the original was all big horn loops and hard drums, where the remix was rolling bass lines and blurping synth sounds. It was like the original was made for the East Coast, and the remix for the West.

Either way, I remember the first time I heard this song, I said what the fuck is this?!? There was no snare drum. It was just that little rimshot from the Debarge sample. It was light-sounding, not rough rugged and raw like everything that was out at the time. It was the total opposite of the original version. Commenters, feel free to confirm. The original "Scenario" could quite possibly be one of the top 5 best hip-hop songs evar how did I forget to put it in my top 10 , but the remix is another beast altogether.

It was one of the rare instances where a remix and the original song were both equally as great. I think this particular remix has been cited more times than any as the 1 hip-hop remix ever, and here it is topping my list just the same.

Lunatic also put together a nice collaborative verse that MCs should try to replicate more often. Kanye West- Diamonds From Sierra Leone Remix featuring Jay-Z Ye already got most of his points across in the original "Diamonds From Sierra Leone;" and while he's not as lyrical here as on the original, he gets more direct, rapping about dismemberment, connecting the diamond trade with the crack game, implicating the popular jeweler, Jacobs, and even Best Rap Bars Of All Time Games his own label, Roc Nation, to an extent.

This is apparently how Kendrick views his "Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe" Best Rap Remixes Of All Time 2019 remix, a passing of the torch, so to speak, from past legends to future legends. Lyrically, the "BDKMV" remix is arguably better than the original, with Jay-Z kicking an inspired verse and Kendrick absolutely killing his second verse Best Rap Remixes Of All Time 10 with smart wordplay and braggadocio.

Biggie just demolishes this track, and this was before Ready to Die dropped, so, for a lot of folks, this was the first time Biggie's flavor graced their previously bland eardrums. This is the quintessential posse remix, and it belongs to Big, not Mack.

The best part about this track is the beat by Kanye West which, appropriately, samples Nina Simone's "Sinnerman" and the hook, but it's definitely nice to get some others voices and flows in the mix to see how it goes. Each member of the all-star ensemble gives a different perspective of the struggle to get by, and each performs well -- so well, in fact, that Kweli is contented to take a step back and give a shortened verse so that the others can shine. See also: - Ten rap features that stole the show - The ten weirdest hip-hop releases of all time - Ten rappers and the artistic movements they exemplify.

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